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Rahima Abdullah’s “Olive branch” – Young writer publishes book shedding light on the suffering of Afrin civilians under the Turkish invasion

Ever since the start of the Turkish invasion on the 20th of January, which ended with the capture of Afrin city on the 18th March and left hundreds of children, women and men dead, around 150 000 civilians fled the enclave, while, according to the reports provided by the UN, around 143 000 inhabitants still remain in the area.

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The Spanish Civil War: #Anarchism in Action

A classic and detailed introduction to the role anarchism played in the Spanish Civil War and the anarchist revolution within the republican zone. A glossary of political organization names and chronology of events can be found at the end.

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#Katwijk #StopDeportations: No child on the side, demo on September 29

Katwijk, Netherlands: Lately there has been much to do about Trump’s policies regarding refugee children, that separates children from their parents and puts them into prison. This policy is outrageous. But refugee children in the Netherlands get treated heartless and cruel by the authorities too. And like in the United States, this is a deliberate policy. To draw attention to the situation of refugee children, Geen Kind aan de Kant (No Child on the Side) organizes a demonstration in Katwijk on the 29th of September.

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Warm Solidarity Shout-Out from Klima Kamp in #Emmetal to #HambiBleibt and UPIII

From the Second Swiss Climate Camp happening at Illuminox festival outside of Bern. Solidarity for both Hambacher Forest and UPIII on the frontline of resistance against global fossil fools climate chaos. One of over eight now annual large klimate convergences and mass actions taking place just across Europe comes multiplicity of issues from oil, nuclear, refugees so connected to climae break down, animal and feed industry, fracking and other disaster scenarios going hand in hand with false solutions of business as ussual profit based regimes.

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South Africa: NUMSA Condemns Attacks on Abahlali Basemjondolo

Statement of solidarity issued by the National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (NUMSA).

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#Brazil: Call for an independent materials fair – Activity of the sixth international week for anarchist prisoners

In response to the call for a “Sixth International Week in Solidarity For Anarchist Prisoners,” which will take place all over the world from the 23rd to the 30th of August, there will be a first winter fair of independent materials on August 25th.

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South Africa: Abahlali Continues to Grow Despite Threats and Repression

South Africa Abahlali baseMjondolo: Our leaders continue to live under threat and we continue to receive detailed information from multiple credible sources about plans within the eThekwini ANC to continue their campaign of serious repression, including assassinations, against our movement. In recent days unknown men have been driving around asking people where our General Secretary lives.

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Mass protest in central and southern #Iraq

Iraq, Sulaymaniyah, July 16. It looks like the US and Western Countries’ propaganda, and the illusions of religion and nationalism, are no longer working for the people in central and southern Iraq. Continue reading Mass protest in central and southern #Iraq