Imprisoned anarchist comrade Claudio Lavazza transferred (Spain, France)

July 22nd, 2018

The anarchist prisoner Claudio Lavazza (in prison in Spain since 1996) has been transferred several days ago to a maximum security prison in the Paris region. The transfer, which Claudio expected, is due to the conclusion of the definitive trial for actions for which he has been accused in France since the 1980s; Once the trial is over, he will return to Spain to finish serving his remaining sentence in that country.

When there are more updates, we will give you more news.

Against all prisons!


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Appeal Court continued on July 20th for the 250 CCF Attacks (Greece)

July 21st, 2018

On Friday, July 20th at 10AM, in the Korydallos Prison Special Court, the Court of Appeal continues for the 250 explosive and incendiary attacks by the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire.

The accused are the 10 members of the organization who were sentenced from 21 to 28 years.

Comrades who are prisoners of the State are part of our struggle and part of us.

Solidarity with prisoners and persecuted comrades is inextricably linked to the struggle for revolution, for a society of equality and freedom, for anarchy.

A network of counter-information and solidarity for political prisoners.


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Trial begins against the Revolutionary Struggle for Bank Robberies (Greece)

July 21st, 2018

On Monday, 23.07.18, in the Korydallos Prisons Special Court, another trial against the Revolutionary Struggle continues involving bank robberries attributed to the organization.

According to the indictment, there was a ‘criminal organization’ from 2006-2012 whom seven bank robberies are attributed to and whose members became members of the Revolutionary Struggle from 2012-2015 and committed bank robberies for the organization.

We, as members of the Revolutionary Struggle already publicy stated our position on this issue on October 23, 2017*, and recently the comrade Nikos Maziotis published a similar statement on 06.05.18**.

Nikos Maziotis – Pola Roupa

*Nikos Maziotis and Pola Roupa – ‘The Revolutionary Struggle is a Revolutionary Organization and not an Organization for Robbing Banks’ (Text in Greek language)

**Nikos Maziotis: The New Trial on 25.05.18 Against the Revolutionary Struggle for Bank Robberies (2012-15) Does Not Concern the Actions of the Revolutionary Struggle
(Text in Greek language)


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Call for an Independent Materials Fair – Activity of the 6th International Week for Anarchist Prisoners (Brazil)

July 18th, 2018


In response to the call for a “Sixth International Week in Solidarity For Anarchist Prisoners,” which will take place all over the world from the 23rd to the 30th of August, there will be a first winter fair of independent materials on August 25th.

This is an open call for anyone who wants to send us proposals with an anti-authoritarian focus to add to the activity. In addition, it is mainly an invitation to participate in this initiative that will happen in the “Tia Estela Space” , a squat of homeless people located underneath the so-called “Alcântara Machado Bridge” in São Paulo. Any contribution to self-management of this space is welcome.

The struggle for freedom is impossible without fighting against prisons. These disgusting spaces are surrounded by walls, violent forms of control, security devices and constant vigilance. Without such a
structure it would be impossible for any state or any government to remain in power. It is necessary to see prison not only as the main tool of domination against the subversive people who prefer war to the passivity of the masses, but also as a laboratory of the system and one of the main means to perpetuate slavery and work. Read the rest of this entry »

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Misanthropic Wild Tendencies: Other expressions of authoritarianism and sacred thought

July 17th, 2018

Given the recent proliferation of eco-extremism and some opinions expressed in the broadcast media related to this tendency, the need arises for this text. Without pretending to engage in a dialogue, we will clarify a few things that seem essential to us.

For several years now, various individuals from different parts of the American continent (especially from the territory dominated by the Mexican State) close to the positions and struggles against civilization, gave shape to a trend that they called “eco-extremism”.

What is eco-extremism? Although there are subtle differences between those who are placed under that concept, we can more or less talk about a consensus among them, since they see the whole of humanity as their enemy; that humanity and it’s civilization is incompatible with Wild Nature.

They understand that the war against civilization is indiscriminate, so any person would represent an enemy. Since humanity is the problem, anyone can be the target, regardless of gender, economic condition, age, etc. The forms of attack of these groups are inspired by the most diverse experiences, so they do not mind picking up the “teachings”(I) of religious fanatics such as ISIS or political parties that wager for national liberation, as their indiscriminate methods serve them. Read the rest of this entry »

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Car Belonging to Police and Military Supplier Dräger Torched in Berlin (Germany)

July 16th, 2018

16.07.18: Last night a car belonging to the company Dräger was torched on Hänsel street in Baumschulenweg. Among other things, this corporation that is listed on the stock exchange, manufactures gas masks for police and military use.

In 2010, Dräger locations in Berlin and Cologne were attacked with paint:

“We hit Dräger because it is one of the biggest supporters of the international torture and murder scene, and in addition to sponsoring the police congrees, Dräger is also a leading international security and medical technology company”.

From the Dräger annual report:

“Demand for our products increased in 2017, especially in Poland, Great Britain, Austria and Germany, as well as in Romania, Russia and Turkey…The increased demand for security products in particular contributed to the positive development of an increase in orders for medical technology too”.

Freedom For All G20 Prisoners!


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Flyposter: International Week of Solidarity for Imprisoned Anarchists – August 23-30

July 15th, 2018

Soli-poster for the upcoming week of solidarity with our comrades who are locked up and on the run.

Across the world our imprisoned comrades are held hostage for their acts of war against this decaying and rotten civilisation which is destroying and artificialising everything. They acted using the means available to them: explosives, fire, weapons, determination, courage and the dream of freedom. Let’s never leave them alone but instead light up the nights and days with our burning rage…

All our posters, -unless you have access to a pro printer-, are better printed out at high-res on a basic desktop printer in black & white and then enlarged into A3 photocopy or above and pasted on the streets with wallpaper paste. Photocopier ink doesn’t run as bad as desktop ink when paste hits. In the streets…

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Chile : Comrade Freddy Fuentevilla has been released from prison

July 15th, 2018

Clarification: Previously we incorrectly described Freddy Fuentevilla as anarchist in this re-post. Fuentevilla was a militant of a Marxist-Leninist organization in the Chilean region, and currently has never positioned himself in the anarchist ideology the same with his comrades who participated in the bank expropriation for which he was sentenced, namely Marcelo Villaroel and Juan Aliste. They are associated with the insurrectional anarchist idea because of their relations with anarchists and having been seen in the anti-authoritarian space, but it is important to be clear about their positions.

Refractario’s note: We learn with joy that comrade Freddy has been released. From here, a strong warm hug, after the death threats of Bernales, the jails in Argentina, the Chilean prisons, the trials and farces up until now, time is filled with experiences in the construction of paths of negation. Today new paths are being opened and old ones taken up again, now back in the streets once more! Without ever forgetting Juan and Marcelo’s struggle on the medical and juridical military fronts, respectively, we remember Freddy’s words during the trial against him:

“Our stories didn’t begin on 18th October 2007, as Juan (Aliste) has explained very well, they are a constant. It’s not easy to disengage from them, especially when a hunt is unleashed that is not really aimed at getting someone to court, but on the contrary at their physical annihilation, the annihilation that metaphorically is presenting itself today surgically even buried under tons of cement and iron, not for one year, but for many years (…)

I think these words.. what I feel now is gratitude. But to whom? Gratitude to my mother, because I have no mother, I’m lucky in that respect. To la mia compagna, my comrades, my family, my friends and above all my children’s unconditional love.
A hug to all, and the necessary strength will be always there. And…
While poverty persists there will be rebellion.” Read the rest of this entry »

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Solidarity to anarchist comrade Eric King and family (USA)

July 15th, 2018

Surviving cancer & a car accident

We’re here to raise money for Eric‘s partner, and their two children who are currently experiencing financial hardship. Life is already tough as a mother of two with her partner in prison, but she was also recently in a car accident, which thankfully left her in okay shape, but has left her care in unsafe conditions for long distance or highway driving. Even more recently she was diagnosed with thyroid cancer, the severity and treatment of which is still being determined. Treatment for the pain alone will financially destabilize the family, on top of future specialists visit, car repairs, and potential unemployment (due to the chronic pain experienced).

Eric’s partner tirelessly supports him, facilitates excellent communication between Eric and the outside world, consistently advocates for his rights inside the prison, emotionally supports him through the political battles on the inside, and drives hours to visit him every week, on top on tending to the needs of their children and working.

The recent developments in her life could have devastating impacts for her and her family. Donations are needed asap as the financial toll of these recent development have already taken effect. All of the funds donated will be used by her to support herself and her children in this difficult time in her life.

We will accept any amount from either debit or credit.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us at: erickingsupportcrew (at) riseup.net


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Pola Roupa, Imprisoned Comrade of the Revolutionary Struggle, Sentenced to Life Imprisonment + 25 Years (Greece)

July 12th, 2018

The Court has imposed a life sentence plus 25 years on comrade Pola Roupa, adopting the positions of prosecutor Drako in his speech. The life sentence to which Comrade [Nikos] Maziotis was convicted in 2016 for the same attack is not just about rabid revenge against the two unrepentant and consistent rebels who were not delivered to jail in 2013 at the end of the first trial of the Revolutionary Struggle, but who went into illegality in order to continue the actions of the organization. It proves, according to prosecutor Drako’s speech, the dangerousness of the actions of the Revolutionary Struggle as a means of undermining and collapsing the economy and the State.

Let’s remind that prosecutor Drako in his speech had stated that the attack on the Bank of Greece could cause the collapse of the building and that if the building had collapsed, the financial system and the country’s economy would collapse.

The life sentence to Roupa, as for Maziotis, confirms from the enemy’s side, that is, the State, the correctness of the strategy of the Revolutionary Struggle, which considered that the major blows to key structures of an already weakened system in crisis, could cause its collapse.

Solidarity to the Revolutionary Struggle


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Solidarity Update on the Anarchist Prisoners in Yogyakarta (Indonesia)

July 12th, 2018

The May 1st protests that took place at the UIN Yogyakarta area, against the New Yogyakarta International Airport (NYIA) and the monarchy-feudalism related to Sultan Ground/Pakualaman Ground. Resulted in 11 comrades being detained at the Yogyakarta Regional Police Station (Polda Yogyakarta) suspected of destruction and arson of State facilities (a Police Station).

The comrades were supposed to be transferred to Cebongan Prison at the end of June, but due to further investigation, on June 29 only 4 comrades were transferred to Cebongan Prison and another 2 comrades were transferred one week later. Read the rest of this entry »

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Yvelines, France: Arson Attack Against a Telecommunications Relay Tower Cuts Off TV, Internet and Mobile Signals for Several Days

July 12th, 2018

11.07.18: Shhhh! Don’t tell anybody that at dawn on Thursday, July 5th, a few hours before the World Cup quarter-finals, we put a TV broadcasting tower out of action between Saint-Rémy and Chevreuse, in Yvelines, the main department of all digital communications.

Don’t tell anybody that the ‘technical problem’ was in fact an arson attack that destroyed its transmission cables, completely cutting off until today not just the television, but also the internet and three mobile phone operators (Free, Sfr and Bouygues) signals for the whole area.

Let’s continue to sabotage the spectacle.
Let’s attack all the technological cages.


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