Surviving: A Family in Crisis (also known simply as Surviving, and later released on VHS as Tragedy) is a 1985 ABC television movie. Directed by Warris Hussein and starring Zach Galligan, Molly Ringwald, and River Phoenix, the film is described as a modern-day Romeo & Juliet story that examines the tragedy of teen suicide, and the loved ones left behind to pick up the pieces.
Rick (Zach Galligan) is the apple of his father's eye; smart, handsome, and idolized by his younger siblings (River Phoenix and Heather O'Rourke). By stark contrast, Lonnie (Molly Ringwald) is a troubled and withdrawn girl, struggling to put the painful memory of a failed suicide attempt behind her. Both teenagers are dealing with loneliness and family pressures when they begin to find solace in each other, and a young romance develops. As Rick and Lonnie's bond begins to grow stronger, and they become increasingly withdrawn from their friends and families, their protective parents begin to worry that the young lovers are becoming too involved and grow increasingly uncomfortable with the teenagers' relationship. Finally, when Rick's parents (Ellen Burstyn and Len Cariou) decide that Lonnie is a bad influence on their son, and Lonnie's parents (Marsha Mason and Paul Sorvino) decide that boarding school would be the best place for their troubled daughter, Rick and Lonnie, desperate not to be separated, make a tragic decision to take their own lives. In the wake of the young lovers' fatal suicide pact, the two devastated families are left to try and pick up the pieces of their shattered lives and must somehow find a way to go on.
Look at us here today
Lots of talking with nothing to say
And if I seem somewhat afraid
I'm surviving, that's all I am
I'm surviving to be a better man
I'm surviving, that's my plan
Just surviving
Yesterday, I was sure
But today I don't know anymore
Thought I was brave till I saw
My frightened reflection in a dark corridor
Now I'm surviving to be a better man
I'm surviving with an emotional plan
I'm surviving, so please understand
I'm surviving, surviving
There are millions of people out there
Trying to get by in a world that don't care
People smiling through clouds of despair
Protecting the wounds until they repair
They're surviving the best way they can
They are surviving every woman and man
Just surviving with an emotion plan
So keep surviving
Maybe it's my shattered pride
That's why I get scared of emotional ties
Don't let them in, otherwise
You'll smile like a fool
But you'll be hurting inside
So I'm surviving through the insecurity
I am surviving, I got hope inside of me
So I'm smiling through all the insanity
I'm surviving, surviving
I was moved by the way that you said
Don't be afraid, I won't leave you for dead
You took my soul and mixed up my head
You left me alive
You should have killed me instead
Now I'm surviving, that's all I am
I'm surviving to be a better man
I'm surviving, that's my plan
I'm surviving, surviving
Surviving: A Family in Crisis (also known simply as Surviving, and later released on VHS as Tragedy) is a 1985 ABC television movie. Directed by Warris Hussein and starring Zach Galligan, Molly Ringwald, and River Phoenix, the film is described as a modern-day Romeo & Juliet story that examines the tragedy of teen suicide, and the loved ones left behind to pick up the pieces.
Rick (Zach Galligan) is the apple of his father's eye; smart, handsome, and idolized by his younger siblings (River Phoenix and Heather O'Rourke). By stark contrast, Lonnie (Molly Ringwald) is a troubled and withdrawn girl, struggling to put the painful memory of a failed suicide attempt behind her. Both teenagers are dealing with loneliness and family pressures when they begin to find solace in each other, and a young romance develops. As Rick and Lonnie's bond begins to grow stronger, and they become increasingly withdrawn from their friends and families, their protective parents begin to worry that the young lovers are becoming too involved and grow increasingly uncomfortable with the teenagers' relationship. Finally, when Rick's parents (Ellen Burstyn and Len Cariou) decide that Lonnie is a bad influence on their son, and Lonnie's parents (Marsha Mason and Paul Sorvino) decide that boarding school would be the best place for their troubled daughter, Rick and Lonnie, desperate not to be separated, make a tragic decision to take their own lives. In the wake of the young lovers' fatal suicide pact, the two devastated families are left to try and pick up the pieces of their shattered lives and must somehow find a way to go on. | 03 Jun 2019
The Independent | 03 Jun 2019
Raw Story | 03 Jun 2019
The Independent | 03 Jun 2019 | 03 Jun 2019
The Independent | 03 Jun 2019
Amnesty | 03 Jun 2019