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Human rights defenders are being criminalized in Peru. John Crabtree highlights the unusual case of Walter Aduviri.

Spiralling rates of the diseases have punitive policies at their root. Madeline Roache reports.

Decades after the UK made them exiles, their children and grandchildren now face expulsion. Katie McQue reports.

Jillian York interviews Erika Lust about the consequences of proposed laws which aim to protect children from porn.

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Latest issue

July/August 2018, Issue 514

Also this issue …

  • Inside the post-truth laboratory
  • Sterilized against their will
  • How to make housing a human right
  • Country profile: Botswana
  • Graham Green speaks to Malian musicians Amadou & Mariam

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Dinamo Sukhumi’s stadium under construction.
Julius sits on the porch of his house in Trenton, New Jersey, looking north at Ewing Township where foreclosure rates are drastically lower.
A Roma camp attacked by far-right activists

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