21 July 2018

Media, #MeToo silent on widespread sexual assault of detained immigrants

By Eric London, 21 July 2018

A July 17 report revealed 1,310 reports of rape and sexual assault by immigrants at detention centers from 2013 to 2017.

Democrats abstain on House resolution praising ICE thugs

Amid silence from Democrats on attacks on immigrants
Trump moves to restrict asylum

Mobilize the working class against the bipartisan attack on immigrants!
Statement of the Socialist Equality Party

More on North American immigration issues »

Ecuadorian president arrives in Britain as Julian Assange’s fate hangs in the balance

By James Cogan, 21 July 2018

A conspiracy is well advanced, involving the US, British, Ecuadorian and Australian governments, to have Assange hauled before a show trial in the US.

British and Ecuadorian authorities in talks to evict Julian Assange from London embassy

Persecution of WikiLeaks editor Julian Assange continues

More on the campaign to free Julian Assange »

Democrats, Teamsters and UAW promote deal to continue robbing pensions

By Kayla Costa, 21 July 2018

The Butch-Lewis Act of 2017, backed by the Democrats and unions, only serves as a new way to cut pensions down to poverty levels.

UAW holds strike authorization vote at Fiat Chrysler’s Kokomo, Indiana transmission operations

By Shannon Jones, 21 July 2018

Workers have expressed a determination to fight deteriorating working conditions, including management’s attempt to force temporary part-time workers to perform overtime.

Seventeen dead in Missouri after duck boat sinks during thunderstorm

By Jacob Crosse, 21 July 2018

Multiple safety warnings were ignored for the sake of ticket sales.

Washington D.C. transit union calls for “cooling off period” after Metro workers overwhelmingly vote to strike

By Nick Barrickman, 21 July 2018

The struggle for decent pay, job protections and high quality benefits be removed from the hands of the ATU bureaucrats immediately.

Trump on defensive over North Korean summit

By Peter Symonds, 21 July 2018

Under fire over his meeting with Russian President Putin, Trump has also hit back at critics of his summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un.

Top French presidential aide held for illegally assaulting peaceful protesters

By Anthony Torres, 21 July 2018

For months, the Elysée presidential palace covered up this brutal and illegal assault on protesters who were exercising their democratic rights.

Brexit crisis prompts calls for national unity government

By Robert Stevens, 21 July 2018

The call for a national unity coalition seeks to address fears that May’s downfall could end in the election of Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn.

UK continues to separate immigrant children from their families

By Margot Miller, 21 July 2018

In the UK, asylum seekers are incarcerated without due process at the whim of the Home Office, with no idea when they might be released.

Strike movement develops in Venezuela as social conditions deteriorate

By Andrea Lobo, 21 July 2018

The opposition-controlled parties and trade unions are struggling to contain growing strikes and protests demanding massive wage increases.

Mexico: Goodyear fires workers for forming independent union

By Alex González, 21 July 2018

About 50 workers were fired in retaliation for a strike action that took place in April against the company’s “protection union” contract.

Vice-President Pence threatens immigrants, Assange, and Venezuela during Latin America tour

Whistleblowers Australia denounces new “foreign interference” laws

By Richard Phillips, 21 July 2018

“Society is literally screaming out for more openness and accountability in all sectors.”

Australia’s “foreign influence” register will attack basic democratic rights

Australia’s peak union body lays out campaign to elect yet another big business Labor government

By Oscar Grenfell, 21 July 2018

The ACTU is seeking to corral their dwindling memberships behind Labor and shore up the unions’ position as an industrial police force.

New in German

Was heißt eigentlich „unsere Demokratie“?

Eric London, 21. Juli 2018

Im Zentrum der antirussischen Kampagne der Demokratischen Partei in den USA steht die Behauptung, dass Russland und Präsident Wladimir Putin die amerikanische „Demokratie“ bedrohten.

Israelisches Parlament verabschiedet Apartheid-ähnliches „Nationalstaatsgesetz“

Bill Van Auken, 21. Juli 2018

Das israelische Parlament, die Knesset, verabschiedete am Donnerstag ein so genanntes „Nationalstaatsgesetz“, das die faktische Diskriminierung und Segregation der palästinensischen Bürger in einem Gesetz mit Verfassungsrang festschreibt.

„Seebrücke“ in Frankfurt: „Stoppt das Sterben“

Marianne Arens, 21. Juli 2018

Immer mehr Menschen sind bereit, gegen die Asylpolitik der Regierung auf die Straße zu gehen. Das zeigte am Donnerstagabend eine Kundgebung und Mahnwache von mehreren Hundert Menschen auf dem Frankfurter Römerberg.

Trump bekräftigt Drohung mit Zöllen auf Autoimporte

Nick Beams, 21. Juli 2018

Würden die Autozölle eingeführt, wären sie die bisher umfangreichste Handelskriegsmaßnahme der Trump-Regierung.

ThyssenKrupp: Zerschlagung des Konzerns bedroht Tausende Arbeitsplätze

Gustav Kemper, 21. Juli 2018

Nach dem Rücktritt der Konzernchefs spekuliert die Börse auf die Zerschlagung des Konzerns. Die Filetstücke sollen auf Profit getrimmt und der Rest verramscht werden.

Hessische Polizei wird militärisch aufgerüstet

Gregor Link, 21. Juli 2018

Mit einer horrenden Aufrüstung soll die Polizei in Hessen zu einer paramilitärischen Einheit ausgebaut werden, die in der Lage ist, Aufstände, Streiks und Massenproteste niederzuschlagen.

An ihren Freunden sollt ihr sie erkennen: Die International Socialist Organization und der amerikanische Imperialismus

Joseph Kishore, 21. Juli 2018

Die International Socialist Organization (ISO) dient dem US Außenministerium als verlängerter Arm im Milieu der pseudolinken Szene in den USA.

New in French

L’Espagne renonce à faire extrader Puigdemont d’Allemagne

Alexandre Lantier, 21 juillet 2018

Puigdemont avait fui de Barcelone à Bruxelles à l’automne pendant la répression de masse lancée par Madrid du référendum sur l’indépendance de la Catalogne.

Qu’est-ce que « notre démocratie » ?

Eric London, 21 juillet 2018

Au cœur de l’hystérie anti-russe dirigée par le Parti démocrate, se trouve l’affirmation selon laquelle la Russie et son président, Vladimir Poutine, menacent « notre démocratie ».

Le parlement israélien adopte une loi d’«État-nation» d’apartheid

Bill Van Auken, 21 juillet 2018

Cette mesure inscrit la discrimination et la ségrégation infligées à la minorité de citoyens palestiniens dans une loi quasi constitutionnelle du pays.

Après la grève des grutiers, le gouvernement québécois les menace de sanctions sévères

Louis Girard, 21 juillet 2018

La classe ouvrière doit s’opposer fermement à la chasse-aux-sorcières contre les grutiers.

New in Norwegian

$ 3.000 per sekund for Bezos, fattigdomslønninger for Amazon-arbeidere

Eric London, 18 July 2018

Amazons adm. dir. Jeff Bezos’ formue på $ 150 milliarder ble presset ut av hundretusenvis av tjenesteleverandører, lager- og leveransearbeidere.

Trump slår retrett om russisk «innblanding» etter massivt påtrykk

Andre Damon, 18 July 2018

Hele denne simple episoden demonstrerer hvilket grep etterretningsapparatet, med sin innstendige forfølgelse av militærkonflikt med Russland, har på den amerikanske staten, mediene og det politiske etablissementet.

New in Turkish

Ağır basınç altındaki Trump Rusya “müdahalesi” konusunda çark etti

Andre Damon, 19 Temmuz 2018

Hem siyaset ve medya kurumu içinden hem de ordu ve istihbarat aygıtından gelen amansız ve genel baskı ile karşı karşıya kalan Trump, hızla geri çekilmeye zorlandı.

Irak’ın güney illerinde kitlesel protestolar

Alec Andersen, 19 Temmuz 2018

Ağırlıklı olarak Şii olan güneyde patlak veren protestolar, Şiilerin hakim olduğu, ABD destekli hükümeti hedef alıyor. Protestolara, mezhepsel duygular değil sınıfsal meseleler yön veriyor.

Britanya ve Ekvador makamları Julian Assange’ı Londra büyükelçiliğinden çıkarmak için görüşüyor

Oscar Grenfell, 19 Temmuz 2018

Assange, milyonlarca işçi ve genç tarafından, haklı olarak, savaş suçlarını ve halkın haklarına karşı hükümet komplolarını açığa vurmuş cesur bir kişilik olarak görülüyor.

Suriye üzerine gerilimler Helsinki zirvesinin ardından şiddetleniyor

Bill Van Auken, 19 Temmuz 2018

ABD emperyalizminin yönelimi, Ortadoğu’da, kaçınılmaz olarak dünyanın iki büyük nükleer gücünü çatışma içine çekecek olan çok daha geniş ve kanlı bir savaş yönündedir.

New in Spanish

¿Qué es “Nuestra democracia”?

Por Eric London, 21 julio 2018

En el centro de la histeria antirrusa encabezada por el Partido Demócrata, se encuentra el argumento de que Rusia y su presidente, Vladimir Putin, son una amenaza para “nuestra democracia”.

En su discurso en Sudáfrica deplora la "desigualdad explosiva"
Jactándose Obama dice: "Me sorprende la cantidad de dinero que tengo"

Por Barry Grey, 21 julio 2018

Obama aparenta sorprenderse por su reciente ingreso a la oligarquía financiera estadounidense. Pero "unirse al club" no ha sido por falta de esfuerzo de parte suya.

El parlamento israelí aprueba la ley del "Estado-nación" al estilo del apartheid

Por Bill Van Auken, 21 julio 2018

Los trabajadores de UPS están en una lucha directa con el sindicato Teamsters, el cual busca imponer los dictados de la gerencia y defender los intereses financieros de los ejecutivos sindicales.

España abandona esfuerzos para extraditar a Puigdemont de Alemania

Por Alex Lantier, 21 julio 2018

Puigdemont escapó a Cataluña en otoño durante la brutal represión policial lanzada por Madrid contra el referendo catalán de independencia que organizó.

Los demócratas se abstienen en resolución de la Cámara de Representantes elogiando a matones de ICE

Por Andy Thompson, 21 julio 2018

La resolución republicana en apoyo al Servicio de Inmigración y Control de Aduanas fue aprobada con solo 38 demócratas oponiéndose a ella.

Israel realiza mayores ataques aéreos contra Gaza desde guerra en 2014

Por Keith Jones, 21 julio 2018

En días recientes, Israel ha escalado su campaña para aplastar toda la resistencia en Gaza, intensificando su embargo, disparándoles a multitudinarias protestas y montando ataques aéreos masivos.

New in Greek

Τρία χρόνια από το δημοψήφισμα του ΣΥΡΙΖΑ για τη λιτότητα της ΕΕ στην Ελλάδα

Άλεξ Λαντιέ, 6 Ιουλίου 2018

Χθες ήταν η τρίτη επέτειος του δημοψηφίσματος για τη λιτότητα της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης που διεξήχθη από την κυβέρνηση του ΣΥΡΙΖΑ («Συνασπισμός της Ριζοσπαστικής Αριστεράς») στην Ελλάδα.

New in Arabic

آلاف اللاجئين أجبروا على مسيرة موت في الصحراء

٢٥ حزيران يونيو ٢٠١٨

أكثر من 13,000 لاجئ ومهاجر ، بما في ذلك النساء الحوامل والأطفال ، قد أجبروا على السير إلى الصحراء من قبل قوات الأمن الجزائرية على مدى الأشهر الأربعة عشر الماضية ، حيث مات العديد منهم بسبب الجوع والتعرض.

Other Languages


Israel’s Nation-State Law and the dead end of Zionism

21 July 2018

The passage by the Israeli Knesset of the “Nation-State Law” enshrining Jewish supremacy as the legal foundation of the state marks a new stage in the crisis wracking Israel.

Earlier Perspectives »


Washington Post columnist calls for intervention of the “deep state”

By Andre Damon, 21 July 2018

“With a supine Congress unwilling to play the role it is assigned by the Constitution, the deep state stands between us and the abyss,” declares Post columnist Eugene Robinson.

What is “our democracy”?

By Eric London, 20 July 2018

At the heart of the Democratic Party-led anti-Russia hysteria is the claim that Russia and its president, Vladimir Putin, threaten “our democracy.”

The “treason” charge against Donald Trump

The Democratic Socialists of America: Providing a “left” cover for a right-wing Democratic Party

By Patrick Martin, 21 July 2018

DSA candidates like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez are seeking to disguise the drastic shift of the Democratic Party to the right on domestic, and especially, foreign policy.

David Harvey’s Jacobin interview on Marx’s Capital
A promotion of the “life-style” politics of the pseudo-left

By Nick Beams, 21 July 2018

As with all of Harvey’s work, the interview does not provide a clarification or guide to Marx but serves to prevent an understanding of his masterwork, seeking to render him suitable to the political and life-style sensibilities of a middle class “left” audience.

Israeli parliament passes apartheid-style “Nation-State” law

By Bill Van Auken, 20 July 2018

Trump repeats threat to impose auto tariffs

By Nick Beams, 20 July 2018

Under massive pressure, Trump backpedals on Russia “meddling”

Palace coup or class struggle: The political crisis in Washington and the strategy of the working class

In South Africa speech deploring “exploding inequality”
Obama boasts: “I’m surprised how much money I got”

By Barry Grey, 19 July 2018

$3,000 per second for Bezos, poverty wages for Amazon workers

By Eric London, 18 July 2018

Police beat up Amazon strikers in Spain

As Jeff Bezos’ wealth reaches $150 billion
Unions strangle strike efforts by European Amazon workers on Prime Day

More on Amazon »


Global warming will increase the severity of hurricanes

By Philip Guelpa, 21 July 2018

Superstorms like Hurricane Harvey are now predicted to occur once every 16 years, rather than once every 100 years.

Workers Struggles

Indian electricity workers on strike in Madhya Pradesh; Indonesian motorcycle taxi drivers threaten mass strike action
Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific

21 July 2018

The World Socialist Web Site invites workers and other readers to contribute to this regular feature.

Strike by South African footwear workers as South African and Nigerian telecom workers walkout
Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa

21 July 2018

The World Socialist Web Site invites workers and other readers to contribute to this regular feature.

UK: Sheffield Supertram workers set to continue strike

By Tony Robson, 20 July 2018

“We should be governing ourselves in this fight”
UPS workers’ opposition grows to Teamsters sellout

By Will Morrow, 19 July 2018

“Profit over people? The people make those profits possible”
UPS workers respond to surge in company stock following Teamsters’ sellout contract

Wall Street celebrates Teamsters deal with UPS

The way forward for UPS workers

More on the contract struggle at UPS »

Washington, D.C., metro workers vote overwhelmingly to authorize strike action

By Nick Barrickman, 18 July 2018

International Youth and Students for Social Equality

Far-right Identitarian movement attempts to disrupt IYSSE meeting in Dresden

By the International Youth and Students for Social Equality, 20 July 2018

On July 12 the far-right Identitarian movement attempted to disrupt a meeting of the IYSSE on the bicentenary of the birth of Karl Marx at the University of Technology in Dresden. The action failed because the meeting was switched to a larger room shortly before it began.

SEP 2018 Election Campaign

Socialist candidate for Congress Niles Niemuth submits thousands of signatures for ballot access in Michigan

By our reporter, 19 July 2018

Niles Niemuth, the Socialist Equality Party's candidate for US congress, formally filed for ballot access Wednesday, submitting nearly 6,000 signatures from residents of Michigan's 12th district.

Notes from the campaign trail
SEP volunteers in Michigan speak on powerful support from workers for a socialist perspective

Socialist Equality Party to run Niles Niemuth for Michigan’s 12th Congressional district

Arts Review

The Yellow Birds: Damaged or destroyed by the Iraq War

By Joanne Laurier, 20 July 2018

Actress Scarlett Johansson attacked for representing a “group to which she doesn’t belong”

By David Walsh, 18 July 2018

Season two of The Handmaid’s Tale: Out of steam and it shows

HBO’s Succession: Why are these dreadful people allowed to decide what we see and hear?


Sri Lankan SEP member Mohamdiramlage Chandrasiri (1955–2018)

By Wimal Fernando, 19 July 2018

Retired bank worker Chandrasiri will always be remembered for his selfless dedication to Trotskyism, the rights of the working class and the building of the SEP.

Featured Video

Coby Day: Hundreds memorialize fallen Detroit autoworker Jacoby Hennings

Friends and family of Jacoby Hennings (1995 - 2017) want answers about the circumstances surrounding the young autoworker's death at Ford's Woodhaven stamping plant.

Socialist Equality Party

SEP (Australia) holds Sydney meeting against new “foreign interference” laws

By our reporters, 17 July 2018

SEP to hold meetings in Melbourne and Newcastle on new “foreign interference” laws: A move towards dictatorship and war

Socialist Equality Group (New Zealand) holds online health workers’ meeting

By our reporters, 17 July 2018

Growing strike movement in New Zealand

New Zealand nurses stage first nationwide strike in 30 years

Open letter to NZ nurses’ Facebook group: Reverse the ban on WSWS articles and criticisms of the union

SEP in Sri Lanka holds powerful 50th anniversary meeting

By our correspondents, 27 June 2018

Autoworkers struggles

Ford contests token fines for death of electrician Ivan Bridgewater

By Jessica Goldstein, 16 July 2018

“Like you, I want justice for Jacoby!”
Workers honor young Ford worker who died at Detroit-area plant

10 July 2018

“Coby was loved by so many people”
Outpouring of support to honor Jacoby Hennings, young autoworker who died in October

By Jerry White, 9 July 2018

More on autoworkers issues »

25 years ago: Record flood waters devastate the American Midwest

This week in July 1993 marked a high point in the great Midwest flood of that year, as states across the upper-Midwest experienced the highest rainfalls and the highest flood waters on record.

More »

50 years ago: The July 17 Revolution in Iraq brings Ba’ath Party to power

On July 17, 1968, the Iraqi government of Abd al-Salam Arif fell in a coup known as the July 17 Revolution.

More »

75 years ago: Major protests in Nazi-occupied Athens

On July 22, 1943, over 100,000 protesters took part in the action organized by the Communist Party of Greece and National Liberation Front against Nazi occupation forces.

More »


100 years ago: Russian Tsar Nicholas II executed

On the orders of the Bolshevik regime, the deposed tsar of Russia, Nicholas II, along with his family and entourage, were executed in Ekaterinburg in the Urals.

More »

Defend Julian Assange!

The Turnbull government must act to repatriate Australian citizen Julian Assange to Australia

By James Cogan, 19 June 2018

This speech was delivered by James Cogan, the national secretary of the Socialist Equality Party (SEP) in Australia, to a rally organised by the SEP in defence of Julian Assange last Sunday in Sydney.

Bringing Julian Assange Home

By John Pilger, 19 June 2018

Addressing last Sunday's SEP rally in Sydney, well-known filmmaker and documentarian, John Pilger exposed the role of Labor and Coalition governments, along with prominent journalists and editors in the ongoing persecution of Julian Assange.

The Sydney rally to defend Julian Assange: An important step forward

By Linda Tenenbaum, 18 June 2018

Prominent whistleblowers and journalists defend Julian Assange at online vigil

By Oscar Grenfell, 12 July 2018

More on the campaign to free Julian Assange »

International Committee of the Fourth International

Preface to the thirtieth anniversary edition of The Heritage We Defend

By David North, 21 June 2018

We are posting the new preface written by David North for the soon to be released thirtieth anniversary edition of The Heritage We Defend: A Contribution to the History of the Fourth International.

Support the Socialist Equality group in Turkey!
Statement of the SE group, in sympathy with the International Committee of the Fourth International (ICFI), on the snap elections in Turkey

May Day 2018 International Online Rally

May Day 2018 and the bicentenary of the birth of Karl Marx

By David North, 6 May 2018

Opening the ICFI’s International Online Rally on Saturday, May 5, David North, chairman of the international editorial board of the WSWS and national chairman of the Socialist Equality Party (US), spoke on the historical significance of Karl Marx, the founder of scientific socialism, 200 years after his birth.

Trotskyism is the Marxism of the 21st Century

By Joseph Kishore, 7 May 2018

May Day 2018

By Joseph Kishore and David North, 1 May 2018

WSWS 20th Anniversary

Twenty years of the World Socialist Web Site: 1998–2018

By David North and Joseph Kishore, 14 February 2018

As the WSWS marks its 20th anniversary of daily posting, it is taking the lead in exposing the conspiracy by governments and corporations to censor the Internet as the ruling class prepares for war and domestic repression.


Lenin, Trotsky and the Marxism of the October Revolution

By David North, 19 March 2018

David North, chairperson of the International Editorial Board of the World Socialist Web Site and of the Socialist Equality Party (US), delivered this lecture at the University of Leipzig on March 16.