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Garfield Jul 19
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Holly Figueroa O'Reilly 🌊 BWCS Jul 19
For the 20th time this year, I will say again: It's too bad you don't wield any power, in say like, the US Senate, to do something about this. Your party has the majority in the Senate. You aren't running for re-election. Stop tweeting. DO SOMETHING.
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Brad Lea Jul 19
If you want MORE success, start practicing it. Think MORE of yourself. Be MORE of yourself. Invest MORE in yourself—and NEVER give up on yourself.
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Gordana Biernat Jul 19
Worry won’t get you anywhere. When you relax you send signals to the Universe that you TRUST yourself and that you are ready to receive the GOOD "stuff". Take a deep breath. There’s nothing you can’t handle. Now, go!💫
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Tom Hall ☘ Jul 19
Today's staff meeting just went sideways! 💥 via
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Rose Delgado Jul 19
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Tommy Campbell Jul 19
I am permanently exhausted but being a dad is the coolest thing ever.
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Donald J. Trump Jul 19
Putin said YES!! Putin will be here in the fall! In my secret meeting I invited Putin to Washington for an AWESOME sleepover! Kim-Jong Un was also invited, but Kim won't say yes until I make some more consessions. The 3 of us are going to have SO MUCH FUN! CAKE!
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Zee Jul 19
After caring for my loopy human all day, I am ready for a good night's sleep.
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Steve Redmond Jul 19
I just woke up after 18 months and heard the President of the United States heaping praise on Putin and Kim Jong-Un. Can someone please fill me in on what they did to deserve the fawning admiration of the President? Last I heard they were murderous tyrants.
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Tom Hall ☘ Jul 19
Toasters kill more people than Sharks ⚡️✨💫🍞🦈💫✨⚡️
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Nickfoleon Dynamite🦅 Jul 19
As you get older you realize you just want to be surrounded by good people. People that are good for you, good to you and good for your soul.
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MelT Jul 19
How The X-Files should have ended. “Scully, you’re not going to believe this...I’m pregnant.” “FFS Mulder.”
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Ships Have Sailed Jul 19
I'm a big believer in following your dreams...but dreams can be heavy...what do you do when you're feeling crushed under the weight of your dreams?
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Beth Frates, MD Jul 19
If you do one small act of kindness today, like letting someone go in front of you in a line or holding a door for someone, chances are that your kindness will create a ripple effect. May as well throw a stone in the lake and see what happens.
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Barbara Malmet Jul 19
Once we had a patriot for president. Now we have a traitor.
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Gordon Robertson Jul 19
"The disciples were glad when they saw the Lord. Jesus said to them again "Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, even so I am sending you.” And when he had said this, he breathed on them & said to them, “Receive the Holy Spirit" -John 20:19-24
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♻️💙🇺🇸 Christopher Zullo Jul 19
Republicans don’t care about your struggles, I promise you. Donald Trump isn’t the least bit interested in solving them. They’re interested in two things and two things only. Making you afraid and telling you who's to blame. Fox News is their propaganda tool
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Theresa Searcaigh Jul 19
Mueller just released 500 pieces of evidence for the Manafort trial. Do you know what this means? This means Mueller goes hard. He doesn't show up with an envelope of photos and a bloody knife; he shows up with an armada of checkmates. Trump is fucked.
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Marta Santos Pais 9h
"The best present you can give your child is your presence." pic:
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