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elsewhere / community struggles Thursday July 19, 2018 01:11 by Zaher Baher
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The below is a report about the current situation in central and southern Iraq. It is over a week there has been a massive demos and protests against the central and local government and also against the oil companies . The report below briefly explains the situation .

greece / turkey / cyprus / environment Monday July 09, 2018 20:40 by Ercan Ayboga
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Ecology is one of the three pillars of the paradigm of Democratic Confederalism, the political-theoretical concept of the Kurdish Freedom Movement. Besides democracy and gender liberation, ecology has been mentioned explicitly as a dimension in this concept since 2005. However to date, ecology is less discussed and practiced than the two other pillars.

venezuela / colombia / workplace struggles Sunday June 17, 2018 17:07 by Grupo Libertario Via Libre
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La más reciente contienda electoral por la cabeza del Poder Ejecutivo en Colombia tuvo un lugar central en el debate político y social del país, llegando a convertirse en el pan de cada día de la población. La generalización de las redes sociales, la vasta propaganda eleccionaria y el intenso cubrimiento informativo, pusieron a la gente a discutir de política con una intensidad especial. Finalmente, el pasado domingo 27 de mayo de 2018, se realizó la primera vuelta de las elecciones presidenciales de Colombia para elegir el presidente número 60 del Estado, que definió como contendientes de una segunda vuelta a los candidatos Iván Duque y Gustavo Petro.

Como Grupo Libertario Vía Libre nos parece una tarea urgente presentar algunas líneas de análisis sobre el actual panorama electoral, con el objetivo de trazar rutas de acción común. Por tal motivo, a partir de la información sobre los resultados de esta elección contenida en el boletín 54 de pre conteo de votos emitido por la Registraduría Nacional del Estado Civil, queremos adelantar las siguientes reflexiones.

Ver también :
- Votando o no votando: las soluciones las conseguimos luchando Rebeldía Contrainformativa - CEP Enraizando

ireland / britain / repression / prisoners Tuesday June 12, 2018 19:13 by WSM
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Tuesday, June 12 (Russia Day) We are asking for a day of action to highlight the torture and detention of Russian Antifascist Anarchists who are being detained with forced confessions for charges of terrorism.

The Actions: Please take photos of yourselves with messages of support and solidarity for the Anarchist prisoners. You can include signs with the names of those detained and tortured (names are below).

Workers Solidarity Movement Ireland will be holding a demo outside the Russian embassy on the 20th of June at 7pm with such posters and signs.

[Français] [Italiano] [Ελληνικά]

ireland / britain / gender Friday May 25, 2018 19:44 by WSM
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WSM on the 2017 March for Choice in Dublin

On May 25th we in Ireland finally get to vote to Repeal the hated 8th amendment. Here we present the 8 reasons WSM members are voting Yes to Repeal along with many of the articles we have published on the issue in recent months.

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Rojava: Mensaje urgente de un compañero anarquista en Afrin

Rojava: Mensaje urgente de un compañero anarquista en Afrin

Sun 22 Jul, 16:25

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