Pacific Northwest Proud Boys - Russell Schultz, Kory Bentley, Derrick Lancaster, Daniel Garris

Rose City Antifa, working in conjunction with allied groups in the region, has obtained information on many of the Pacific Northwest-located members of the white nationalist, alt-right group known as the Proud Boys. Over the coming weeks, we will be publishing a series of articles detailing the Proud Boys’ specific brand of organized hate, and the individuals who make up this rising “weekend warrior” gang, in order to alert the community about the threat that this group poses.

Pacific Northwest Proud Boys - Dominick Owen, Tusitala John Toese, Aaron Laigaie, Anthony Edward Bell

Rose City Antifa, working in conjunction with allied groups in the region, has obtained information on many of the Pacific Northwest-located members of the white nationalist, alt-right group known as the Proud Boys. Over the coming weeks, we will be publishing a series of articles detailing the Proud Boys’ specific brand of organized hate, and the individuals who make up this rising “weekend warrior” gang, in order to alert the community about the threat that this group poses.

Pacific Northwest Proud Boys - Robert Zerfing, Travis Nugent, Caleb Stevens, Ethan Nordean

Rose City Antifa, working in conjunction with allied groups in the region, has obtained information on many of the Pacific Northwest-located members of the white nationalist, alt-right group known as the Proud Boys. Over the coming weeks, we will be publishing a series of articles detailing the Proud Boys’ specific brand of organized hate, and the individuals who make up this rising “weekend warrior” gang, in order to alert the community about the threat that this group poses.

The Pacific Northwest Proud Boys - White Nationalist Social Club

Left: Auburn WA Proudboy Ethan Nordean chokes a counter-protester on the ground, Center: Russell Schultz attacks a community member standing up for reproductive rights and healthcare in front of a Planned Parenthood in Olympia WA, Right: Tusitala “Tiny” Toese punches a counter-protester at Joey Gibson’s anti-immigrant hate rally in downtown Portland. Rose City Antifa, working in conjunction with allied groups in the region, have obtained information on many of the Pacific Northwest-located members of the white nationalist, alt-right group known as the Proud Boys.

Call to Resist Patriot Prayer Bringing Nazis to Portland

In this frame of video, Joey Gibson denies standing with nazis, while simultaneously surrounded by members of Identity Europa and the PDX Stormers One year after the infamous June 4, 2017 far-right rally held by Joey Gibson, he and his group Patriot Prayer plan a return to Terry Schrunk Plaza in downtown Portland with a rally scheduled for June 3rd, 2018. The 2017 rally– staged days after white supremacist Jeremy Christian murdered two people and critically injured a third who stood in the way of his racist tirade against two young women on a MAX train– drew a wide selection of racists, fascists, and far-right bigots into the city.

Jacob Stephen Von Ott - Still A Fascist, Still Unwelcome In Portland

We have just received confirmation that Jake Von Ott has been fired from Fedex. Thanks to everyone who helped by calling in and demanding that workers and community members in Troutdale are able to live and work in a Nazi-free community! In the past year, Rose City Antifa has reported extensively on the activities of neo-Nazi and former regional Identity Europa coordinator Jake Von Ott and other white nationalist organizers who have been emboldened by Joey Gibson’s far-right Patriot Prayer rallies.

Hammerskins Post "Hunting Guides" Targeting Northwest Communities

Anti-fascist activists have discovered that the Hammerskins racist skinhead group recently posted “Hunting Guides” for several Northwest states on their web forum. These guides list addresses and contact information for more than a hundred potential targets for white supremacist violence throughout the region, including synagogues, mosques, and resources for refugees. Rose City Antifa has taken steps to privately notify each of these locations of the threat, and offer some basic advice for dealing with white supremacist activity.

Evan James McCarty - From Musical Theatre to Nazi Propaganda

In collaboration with comrades in Eugene, Rose City Antifa is revealing the identity of “Byron de la Vandal,” a virulent Nazi and hopeful fascist-folk musician, whose real name is Evan James McCarty. A major propagandist for the alt-right, McCarty also has ties to Vanguard America, True Cascadia, Daily Stormer groups, and the “Oregon Aryan” group of fascists that RCA wrote about in the Cascadian Coffee Company Discord log leaks.

White Supremacists at Portland State University

In the past year, fascist organizations across the country have increasingly targeted college campuses. These efforts range from outright intimidation, harassment, and terror; to more subtle attempts at portraying students who adopt far-right positions (such as racism, homophobia, and misogyny) as a victimized group, and to create space for the incitement of hatred and violence against minority populations through a disingenuous concern for “free speech”. Aside from fomenting bigotry on campus, PSU students associated with reactionary student groups such as the Freethinkers and PSU Students For Trump have spilled into the surrounding community, showing up at events such as Patriot Prayer rallies, assaulting activists and shouting white supremacist slogans.

The March 4 Trump - One Year Later

On March 4 2018, a group of Trump supporters will hold a “March 4 Trump” event in Salem (after moving the location from Vancouver). This occasion marks the anniversary of a similar event held on March 4 2017, that kicked off a year of far-right rallies in the Northwest United States and around the country. It also caps a year of fascist attendance of such events, and of Rose City Antifa’s efforts to track, expose, and shut down the use of these events as a way of sneaking white supremacists and other violent far-right ideologues into our cities.
