Anarchy Radio 07-24-2018

  • Posted on: 25 July 2018
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)


Corrosive Consciousness clarified.. Severe global temps, fires; heat boosting suicide rates. News from CHAGS, Faces of wage-slavery. "People Who Do Not Need People," "The Face as Technology," anti-mortality movements. "How Tech's Richest Plan to Save Themselves from the Apocalypse." Millennials skip travel that isn't Instagrammable.

This Movement is Not Ours, It’s Everybody’s

  • Posted on: 25 July 2018
  • By: thecollective

Comrades, can’t you see, we’ve helped to build something truly uncontrollable? Something proletarian, communal, autonomous and buck-wild? From the first march called by the alphabet soup of socialist orgs to this moment, everyone has put their shoulders to the wheel and pushed. It’s been an amazing, inspiring effort. But comrades, victory is so close. We can’t stop now!

Anarchy in the UK - a comic

  • Posted on: 24 July 2018
  • By: thecollective

From Existential Comics

The term "anarchy" is often used to mean general lawlessness and chaos, invoked positively by people like the Sex Pistols, and as a sort of boogeyman for wealthy property owners who apply it to anyone who is disruptive to society and the status quo. In philosophy, however, the concept of "anarchism", as laid out by people such as William Godwin, Peter Kropotkin, and Mikhail Bakunin, is a society without classes, or any other hierarchical structures where people on the bottom are expected to obey those at the top. Instead, property (such as factories, farms, and infrastructure) is communally owned, and work is done in a cooperative fashion to meet everyone's needs.

Our Burden: Disability as a Lens Towards Anarchism

  • Posted on: 24 July 2018
  • By: thecollective

By adopting the language of disability theory, anarchists have a better set of tools for distinguishing real and socially constructed inhibitors to self-actualization, freedom. What are the impairments? Are they legitimate? Are they foisted upon us by an external force? Until all peoples are free, everyone to a degree is disabled. Recognize the physical, mental, social impairments and abolish disability.

Cooperating with Chaos: Portraits of Anarchists at Studio Place Arts

  • Posted on: 23 July 2018
  • By: thecollective

From Montpelier Bridge

A philosopher leans with his right elbow against a table, looking broodingly into space. His ruffled, gray beard and receding hairline, possibly encouraged to withdraw after years of pensive pulling, contrasts his formal suit. Though still, the painting feels active as a flurry of colorful brushstrokes swirl about him, illustrating some sort of creative ether.

“Hazen,” is just one of the 24 pieces of art that make up Storm: Nihilists, Anarchists, Populists and Radicals, an exhibition at Studio Place Arts (SPA) in Barre. The exhibition, located on the second floor, includes oil paintings, classical drawings, and watercolors by Nitya Brighenti.

Socialism Will Be Free, Or It Will Not Be At All!

  • Posted on: 23 July 2018
  • By: thecollective

Socialism is officially a buzzword again. According to a recent poll, 44% of U.S. millennials “prefer socialism to capitalism”, and even mainstream Democrats are starting to call themselves socialist. As one headline put it: “Socialism is so hot right now.” Used to describe everything from Bernie Sanders to Stalinist Russia, there are few words which inspire such varied and contradictory meanings. Like most buzzwords, socialism’s true meaning has been obscured by its popularity.

Edinburgh Bookfair: ‘Vibrant, engaged, queer, feminist’

  • Posted on: 23 July 2018
  • By: thecollective

In this short reaction piece, a collective member from radical retailer Lighthouse Books comments on the hugely positive takeaways from yesterday’s inaugural Edinburgh Anarchist Feminist Bookfair. The event was standing-room only for many of its talks.
