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Cyrus McQueen
Comedian. Writer. Named One of the Sexiest Men in New York by the NY Post. Seen in the film OBVIOUS CHILD and on NBC's LAST COMIC STANDING.
Cyrus McQueen 3h
Word on the street is Trump finally found a lawyer to join his team...
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Cyrus McQueen 4h
Evangelicals are saying Trumps affairs are a matter between him and God? Cute... I’d say his affairs have nothing to do with God... But their reluctance to repudiate his wickedness, now that, that is gonna become a matter between THEM and God...
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Cyrus McQueen 5h
Damn, Trumps having a harder time finding a good lawyer than a young black man who was arrested for half a joint and thrown into Central Booking during a three-day weekend...
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Cyrus McQueen 6h
My wife loves to play this game called ‘I know what you ate when you got home late last night’... Now, I’m not a fan of this game.. I’m really not... Especially when i know she’s already sniffed out the answer like a bloodhound and entered empty ketchup packets into evidence...
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Cyrus McQueen 7h
So Trump wants to use Military funding to pay for the Border Wall? Anyone else noticing his habit of having the wrong people pay for the wrong things?? 🤩
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Cyrus McQueen 20h
Trump told middle Americans everything they wanted to hear... except the truth... Sad.
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Cyrus McQueen 23h
Replying to @Suzeiki
And thank you for being YOU! I appreciate you!
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Cyrus McQueen Mar 27
Replying to @Suzeiki
Girrrrrl, I don’t know how I’m hanging in there.
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Cyrus McQueen Mar 27
Cops can fuck up monumentally, I mean, do the opposite of what they’re supposed to do and, they keep their jobs... If a cook burnt a buncha food and their excuse was, ‘I thought the oven was off,’ the owner wouldn’t give em a pat on the back and a fuckin raise...
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Cyrus McQueen Mar 27
Damn, you know who woulda been able to ✅ that Citizen box Trump’s tryna add to the Census? #_____________
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Cyrus McQueen Mar 27
White House lawyers are probing a couple of questionable loans secured by Jared Kushner? I knew that guy was skating on thin ice... Trump can only stand to be cock blocked but so much...
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Cyrus McQueen Mar 27
Trump says Stormy Daniels isn’t his type? Well, yeah, she doesn’t share his last name and he didn’t raise her...
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Cyrus McQueen Mar 27
The cops who killed aren’t gonna be charged? Typical... Policing is the only profession where you can fuck up royally and nothin happens to you... Let someone come home and their child’s dead. You really think Brooke’s gonna be able to keep babysitting after that??
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Cyrus McQueen Mar 27
They’re saying LiAngelo Ball could be a real steal in the Draft... 😎
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Cyrus McQueen Mar 26
Here’s the thing, since Michael Cohen came out of his own pocket to pay Stormy Daniels, you KNOW his ass had to be bitchin about it to someone! No wonder it got out... He was probably at the end of some bar like ‘Yup, 130 Grand poorer and, I didn’t even fuck her’... *downs drink*
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Cyrus McQueen Mar 26
*sits down at bar* [Bartender tosses a coaster in front of me] Bartender: What can I getcha handsome? Me: ☺️ *10 minutes later and old, hunched over bald man comes and sits down at the bar* [She tosses a coaster in front of him] Bartender: What can I getcha handsome? Me: 😒
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Cyrus McQueen Mar 26
Damn, Beyoncé already had to worry about people biting her, now she gotta worry bout people BITING her??
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Cyrus McQueen Mar 25
That turned out to be a Category 1...
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Cyrus McQueen retweeted
Cyrus McQueen Mar 25
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Cyrus McQueen Mar 25
It’s a conspiracy!!!
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