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Insurgent Supremacists as Truthout's Progressive Pick of the Week


“No, the right wing is not a monolithic force. One of the key points Matthew N. Lyons details in his book Insurgent Supremacists: The U.S. Far Right’s Challenge to State and Empire is that the right wing is composed of groups with different historical roots. Trump, Lyons argues in this interview, is a right-wing populist.

Mark Karlin: Why is it important to break the far right in the United States into distinctive components?

Matthew K. Lyons: Because different branches of the far right represent different types of threats. They have different social bases, target different scapegoats, pursue different strategies, and have different strengths and weaknesses. Understanding these differences helps us fight them more effectively..." Mark Karlin, Truthout

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Buy Insurgent Supremacists: The U.S. Far Right’s Challenge to State and Empire

"...two delectable ruminations by Delany on the nature of God and the insidiousness of racism."


"Delany readers, as well as those interested in sf’s fraught evolution, will find much to enjoy and ponder in this latest addition to the “Outspoken Authors” series."—William Grabovski, Library Journal Express

"This small volume offers two delectable ruminations (plus an interview) by Delany (Through the Valley of the Nest of Spiders) on the nature of God and the insidiousness of racism."—Publishers Weekly

"Grand Master of SF Samuel R. Delaney gives us an absolutely fascinating and downright frightening recollection of the terrible past, violent reminders of racism and how he was much a victim himself of racial violence."—Andrew Andrews, True Review

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Buy The Atheist in the Attic

Girl Gangs, Biker Boys, and Real Cool Cats in Booklist


"Drawing on nearly two dozen contributors, and incorporating essays, interviews, and profiles of authors and notable titles, they survey the lurid literature written about and for juvenile delinquents, beats and bohemians, disaffected British youth, hippies and other counterculture types, musicians and groupies, and bikers and wannabes. In the final chapter, they demonstrate the important role pulpy teen novels played in the rise of today’s YA juggernaut. The lurid, lewd, hilarious, awful, and awesome book-cover reproductions are an obvious draw, but there’s scholarship here, too. A highlight for fans of low culture..."—Keir Graff, Booklist

Buy Girl Gangs, Biker Boys, and Real Cool Cats: Pulp Fiction and Youth Culture, 1950 to 1980

"Pictures of a Gone City is a masterwork."


"With a historical perspective going back to the Gold Rush and a scope covering the entire region, concentrating on the world’s most advanced industry, and surveying a complex, ever-developing diversity of people, Pictures of a Gone City is a masterwork. It’s the one book that has helped me get a mental focus on the Bay Area today much as The Ohlone Way captured the area in the distant past. Gone City belongs in the library of every person who wants to know in rich and colorful detail what the amazing Bay Area is really about."—Martin Nicolaus,

Richard Walker on KQED's Forum
Richard Walker on KPFA's Upfront
Buy Pictures of a Gone City: Tech and the Dark Side of Prosperity in the San Francisco Bay Area

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