Ellen (originally titled These Friends of Mine during its first season but was changed so not to be confused with Friends) is an American television sitcom that aired on the ABC network from March 29, 1994, to July 22, 1998, consisting of 109 episodes. The title role is Ellen Morgan, played by stand-up comedian Ellen DeGeneres, a neurotic bookstore owner in her thirties.
The series centered on Ellen's dealing with her quirky friends, her family and the problems of daily life. The series is notable for being one of the first with a main character to come out as gay, which DeGeneres' character did in the 1997 episode "The Puppy Episode". This event received a great deal of media exposure, ignited controversy, and prompted ABC to place a parental advisory at the beginning of each episode.
The series' theme song (used in Season 3 onwards), "So Called Friend", is by Scottish band Texas. A running gag during the third and fourth seasons was that each episode had a distinct/different opening credits sequence (often with singing and dancing), resulting from Ellen's ongoing search for the perfect opening credits.
Actors: Kristen Alesia (actor), John Clymer (actor), Jack Johnson (actor), Evelyn Gaynor (actress), Brendan Elmore (producer), Harrison T. Elmore (producer), Preston Ezell (producer), Jacob A. Gabbard (producer), Brendan Elmore (writer), Brendan Elmore (writer), Harrison T. Elmore (writer), Harrison T. Elmore (writer), Brendan Elmore (director), Brendan Elmore (editor), Harrison T. Elmore (miscellaneous crew),
Plot: A young woman tries to get enough money to run away from her poor life and destructive sister with her sick and dying Grandfather. As she gets the last few dollars, life takes an unexpected turn and she's forced to reconcile her own desires and her relationships with her family.
Genres: Drama, Family, Short,Actors: Heather Bowling (actor), Zachary J. Luna (actor), Lindsay Chovanes (actress), Willow Hale (actress), Scott Kim (producer), Alyssa Stratton (writer), Alyssa Stratton (director), Nathan Deming (editor),
Genres: Comedy, Drama, Short,Actors: Adrian Allan (actor), James Bright (actor), Esmond Chung (actor), Ani Compton (actor), Charlie Compuesto (actor), Theo Coumbis (actor), Xavier Figueroa (actor), Cedric Fujita (actor), Tweed Johnston (actor), Darrin Kaneshiro (actor), Robert Kekaula (actor), Kaeo Kepani (actor), Joseph Lagorsa (actor), Westley LeClay (actor), Sherwin Acidera (actor),
Genres: Adventure, Drama, Short,Actors: Omar Cancio (actor), Janelle Dadonna (actor), J.G. Hertzler (actor), Natasha Tall (actor), Jason Wilson (actor), Jon Zucker (actor), Dan Spector (producer), Jay Clifford (writer), Adam Groner (writer), Laurence Rosenzweig (writer), Dan Spector (writer), Dan Spector (director), Hanna Zdrnja (editor),
Genres: Comedy, Short,Actors: Hedda Hökfelt (actor), David Stattin (actor), Samir Z Pettersson (producer), Staffan Övgård (producer), Simon Flack (writer), David Tapojärvi (composer), Simon Flack (director), Martina Myräng (editor),
Genres: Sci-Fi, Short,Actors: Kaitlin Brasuell (actor), Avik Debnath (actor), Gregg Lawrence (actor), Emilio Palame (actor), Diego Parada (actor), Brandon Raman (actor), Arielle Brachfeld (actress), Cori Dwayne (actress), Ivy Miller (actress), Richard Caughlin (producer), Anthony J. Croupe (producer), Tony Hofmann (producer), Amarakvati Murphy Ly (producer), Nick Sala (producer), Richard Caughlin (writer),
Genres: Drama, Sci-Fi, Short,Actors: Noah Edward (actor), Jami Ferreira (actor), Julian Garcia (actor), Noah Edward (producer), Brett Newton (producer), Julian Garcia (writer), Brett Newton (writer), Tadahisa Yoshida (composer), Clint Riffo (director), Noah Edward (editor),
Genres: Comedy, Short,Actors: Amy Leigh Albro (actor), Ashlea Bagwell (actor), Alec Beiswenger (actor), Rick Beiswenger (actor), Sharon Beiswenger (actor), Brett Blaylock (actor), Don Cano (actor), Brenda Caro (actor), Camilo Diaz Caro (actor), Gary Chapman (actor), Mel Christian (actor), Kim Coe (actor), Reed Coe (actor), Tambraneka Coleman (actor), Dane Albright (actor),
Plot: Seduced by the lure of reality TV fame, Angelo becomes entangled between two opposing worlds. This twenty something struggles to maintain his own identity in a celebrity crazed environment that, for the most part, perceives him as The Animal, a character conceived and manipulated by studio heavyweights to line their own pockets . Life at the Zoo House, despite its glamorous trappings and undeniable perks, is inhabited with drama and friends of questionable motives. Can Angelo survive being LOST IN REALITY?
Genres: Drama,Actors: Mary Fuller (actor), Jacob Kemp (actor), Austin Kennedy (actor), Jacob Alden Roa (actor), Katy McQuillan (actress), Avivit Bar-Yosef (producer), Avivit Bar-Yosef (writer), Avivit Bar-Yosef (director), Felix Thompson (editor),
Genres: Comedy, Drama, Short,Actors: Fransje Boelen (actor), Tom de Jong (actor), Alex Klaasen (actor), Judith Bovenberg (actress), Margien van Doesen (actress), Astrid van Eck (actress), Charlotte Bouman (producer), Bart Westerlaken (composer), Allard Westenbrink (director),
Genres: Short,Ellen, I fell in big loving with you.
I saw you by that pool.
I thought you thought I was cool.
I felt a longing in my tool.
So dye your hair
Or change your name
Have your left arm surgically removed
No matter what you do
I'll be in love with you.
Ellen, I fell in big loving with you.
You like corn, you like twelve,
You keep a pomade on your shelf
You've got a walnut like myself.
You've got grooves
And you've got shoes
And even though you lose your marbles
And you panic in a crisis I'm in love with you.
Pose was once your man but you scared him away.
Now your man is Dan (that's me!)
And I am here to stay.
Ellen, I fell in big loving with you.
Ellen, I fell in big loving with you.
If you were blind in one eye, quadriplegic
Or if you lost all your teeth
So that I had to chew your food for you,
No matter what you do,
Ellen (originally titled These Friends of Mine during its first season but was changed so not to be confused with Friends) is an American television sitcom that aired on the ABC network from March 29, 1994, to July 22, 1998, consisting of 109 episodes. The title role is Ellen Morgan, played by stand-up comedian Ellen DeGeneres, a neurotic bookstore owner in her thirties.
The series centered on Ellen's dealing with her quirky friends, her family and the problems of daily life. The series is notable for being one of the first with a main character to come out as gay, which DeGeneres' character did in the 1997 episode "The Puppy Episode". This event received a great deal of media exposure, ignited controversy, and prompted ABC to place a parental advisory at the beginning of each episode.
The series' theme song (used in Season 3 onwards), "So Called Friend", is by Scottish band Texas. A running gag during the third and fourth seasons was that each episode had a distinct/different opening credits sequence (often with singing and dancing), resulting from Ellen's ongoing search for the perfect opening credits.
The Times of India | 30 Mar 2019
The Times of India | 30 Mar 2019
Yahoo Daily News | 30 Mar 2019
The Independent | 30 Mar 2019
CNN | 30 Mar 2019