Keresési eredmények
  1. 1 perccel ezelőtt

    વડાપ્રધાન મોદીએ છેલ્લા ચાર વર્ષમાં 84 દેશોનો કર્યો પ્રવાસ, જાણો કેટલા કરોડનો થયો ખર્ચ?

  2. 49 perccel ezelőtt

    Answerability & Accountability are two pillars of Parliament whereas Arrogance & Avoidance are two characteristics of Govt-hope at end of day Nation gets substantive answers from rather than dialogues laced with rhetoric & hate for the opposition

  3. 3 órával ezelőtt

    What was the need of secrecy 4 2 give confidential letter 2 during all party representation 4 keralas needs. It is a pity that s position has eroded 2 that of a petty politician with skewed views than acting with a vision.

  4. 6 órával ezelőtt
  5. 12 órával ezelőtt

    They’ll have to draw up plans to counter the who are hellbent on stopping from becoming even more so than the it seems at times. The coordinated accusations have started again with able support from hacks & their superiors.

  6. 14 órával ezelőtt

    Another wonder in a where a by . which gave got 13min to speak on it. which is facing given 3h 33min.Our Video/Photo shoot speaks at 8PM,prime time when many people watch TVs.

  7. 14 órával ezelőtt

    to get votes through parliament. Tory cabinet on the board of the campaign that cheated to obtain the result. How can continue as unless she sacks those conspiring to in both votes. By doing nothing she is condoning their actions.

  8. 15 órával ezelőtt

    ANNOUNCEMENT: Our next Virtual Challenge will be with , Program Manager for . All are welcome to attend! RSVP today:

  9. 16 órával ezelőtt
  10. 17 órával ezelőtt

    Look at the slide, How quickly private schools hiking their fee ?? 660% increase in the fee since 2006. increased from 29K/year to 192K/Year. Who is responsible for this ZULM? Zia-ul-Haq? PMLN? PPP? ARMY? COURTS?

  11. 17 órával ezelőtt

    CM reaches to see & take care of supporters who were injured during 's meeting. That's our beloved Didi 🙏

  12. 19 órával ezelőtt

    I am seeing exciting developments in & . MAJOR turning point in 's now displaying. *WATCH* above all-Reversal is more pronounced here. Smart $ now nibbling @ metals-all showing bull candles. Sentiment @ 2.5 yr low is nearly at it's 50% Fib. 48 hrs.

  13. 19 órával ezelőtt

    ji, who was moved to Ministry of Electronics & IT as Minister of State in May, seemed to have lived up to his image of "" a name even shri uses for him coz of his expertise in communication gadgets.

  14. 21 órával ezelőtt

    Met MBA students of IEC in .They r ok with lying 2 the Nation as they like boldness,(me dumbfound), but unanimous agnst & culture.Put thoughts that v should not accept lying of .& on th feel is,v rn't concted with people.

  15. júl. 18.

    Former who stood down 10days ago told Commons it was“not too late to save ”earning cheers from allies. Cabinet members incl May stayed away from the12-min speech, during which Mr was surrounded by a “donut” of supporters in the1/2full chamber

  16. júl. 18.
  17. júl. 18.

    When Indian government will response on this serious matter related to burning issue,,, the husband and parents in law have thrown us like a tissue,,,,,

  18. júl. 17.
  19. júl. 17.

    It's been a busy day, so forgive me if I've missed something, . Have you had anything Leader-of-the-Oppositionish or statesmanlike to say about the criminal cheating of the campaign? I hope you're not letting the get away with pretending nothing happened.

  20. júl. 17.

    NRI abandoned Wife is increasing day by day. Now their number has been increased to 30000.Government is getting late in implementing the law, from which NRI fraud marriage increasing day by day.

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