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  1. Люди Все

  2. 7 часов назад
    В ответ

    I don’t remember ‘Easter messages’ from any other ....and I certainly don’t want any from this one!

  3. 26 мар.

    I think he might have participated in war of Panipat.....Tajjub nai hai... satyagrah

  4. 26 мар.

    We have been learning all about punctuation this week! We ended by making these awesome pigeons.

  5. 26 мар.

    India is very happy that Made in India (COVID-19) vaccines are being used by our brothers and sisters of Bangladesh: in Dhaka

  6. 29 мар.

    I’m no joiner, but whoever pitched this at £2.6m for a job, is a genius and one hell of a salesman

  7. 31 мар.
    В ответ

    Next of India

  8. 30 мар.

    & cabinet ministers had photo taking at government house earlier with mini cabinet shuffle. Anti-government protesters taking a dig by setting up similar setting demanding for them to quit & to release protest leaders

  9. 29 мар.

    defended sending representative to attend Mar 27 's Armed Forces Day when many boycotted. Said it's to maintain open communication channel with the Myanmar allowing Thailand to better understand situation

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  10. 4 минуты назад
    В ответ

    🇮🇳 What an Awesome View! Abounding in Beauty & Serenity..👌 Thank you Ji for giving us a memorable glimpse From the Tulip Gardens in to the Iconic Vivekananda Rock Memorial & Thiruvallur Statue with picturesque Indian Ocean in its backdrop🇮🇳

  11. 28 мар.

    Surely in workplaces where important, responsible decisions are made it's not too much to expect those making them to be sober. It's expected for etc etc etc so why not my my & all in

  12. 30 мар.

    Guy holds sign questioning if police still have any humanity left in them? While he wears a sign on his back demanding for to quit, , new constitution, release key protest leaders from jail

  13. 1 апр.
  14. 27 мар.

    ’s handwriting National Martyrs Memorial in Bangladesh Can Pappu write a single line without seeing in mobile ...?

  15. 30 мар.

    cocktail reception 03.27.2021

  16. 31 мар.
  17. 30 мар.

    No idea where these aunties got the chairs from but they look like they're in for the long haul with comfy front seat view of anti-government protest that's set to take place infront of government house demanding quit

  18. 30 мар.

    More police officers now emerging to prepare for anti-government protesters who plan to demonstrate at government house/ office to demand PM & his government step down. The administration having a cabinet meeting inside

  19. 28 мар.
  20. 28 мар.

    cocktail reception setup 💕

  21. 30 мар.

    Another guy with sign infront of government house that reads "I'm tired of " & calls for change in which many anti-government protesters say it's undemocratic as it was drawn up by

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