Elizabeth Freedman #FBPE


Loves family, teaching boys, a good read, a good sing and a day at Lord's. Let’s keep it civil

Citizen of Nowhere
加入于 2017年12月


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  1. 置顶推文

    The 2016 Referendum was won by cheating, corruption and malign foreign interference. Read , watch , write urgently to your MP to demand action and the truth about Govt involvement.

  2. 3小时前

    Presumably though, by the time they get there all the bodies will have been buried, as with after the Referendum. Why the warning?

  3. 5小时前

    Matthew Parris, Times columnist & former Conservative MP tells he’s voting saying ‘Anyone who wants to should vote LibDems’. He joins increasing number of voters switching to to say & to wipe the grin from Farage’s face.

  4. By re-distributing just 2% of voters from the weakest to the strongest Remain party in each region, the pro-European side could snatch victory from the jaws of supposedly inevitable ‘defeat’

  5. 4小时前

    Dear Lesley, Immigrants are not ruining the NHS, they are running the NHS. 26% of NHS doctors are non-British, as well as 16% of nurses and health visitors. We would all be screwed without them, so please kindly stop talking absolute rubbish. All the best, NHS Million

  6. Phillips v interesting figure because she was close to Farage before & after worked for Cambridge Analytica & is now a Brexit Party candidate in south east. It’s a small world

  7. I believe this is same Alexandra Philips who worked for Cambridge Analytica in hugely problematic Kenyan election, isn’t it? Shame no-one asked about her role in what NGOs described as ‘dirty data-driven campaign’ marked by anonymous attack ads & viral fake news vids

  8. risk being disenfranchised in the as they have to fill in a separate form to UK citizens, that many received extremely late. This will have a significant impact on the election result, with EU27 voters likely to vote for parties.

  9. 9小时前

    Please get out and vote. Seize your futures from the hands of the old frauds and ideologues! . Vote .

  10. 10小时前

    The "what is a customs union" woman recommends the "Fuck Business" man as Prime Minister. What could possibly go wrong? 😳

  11. 9小时前

    Excellent. Keep up the pressure on info@electoralcommission.org.uk tel 0333 103 1928. We can’t let fraud win the day again.

  12. 9小时前

    What are you doing about this, ? Let’s all contact the about this: there are just three days before . You can email them on info@electoralcommission.org.uk or call 0333 103 1928.

  13. Young Labour member? Against Brexit? Want Labour to campaign for a public vote, and to defend and extend freedom of movement? 🌹 Sign and share the YL Left Against Brexit statement 👉

    和另外 7 人
  14. 5月19日

    It seems like politicians who hate foreigners are always the quickest to accept foreign money.

  15. 10小时前

    It is wrong to throw milkshakes at people. Even when those people incite genuine violence on a regular basis. It is even more wrong to lie, cheat & scaremonger on an industrial scale while trouseringng huge sums of dodgy money. It’s not even close to being an either/or issue.

  16. SMR | Nigel Hits Newcastle! | Newcastle is "Shaken!" but NOT Stirred! 😜 For the record, does not condone this sort of thing. Food wastage is not to be approved of. Someone could have drunk that. 🤦‍♂️

    和另外 6 人
  17. 10小时前

    World according to the far right; Milkshakes = Violent Assault Threats about Rape = You’ve got no sense of humour. ‘‘ I’ll be forced to pick up a gun if Brexit isn’t delivered’ = Figure of speech.

  18. 13小时前

    What is “normal campaigning” big guy? Is this the “civilised democracy” for which you cry your milky tears?

  19. 撤销
  20. 13小时前
  21. Hark at this about a milkshake - from a man who threatened to incite violence by "donning khaki and picking up a rifle" were Brexit not to be delivered.



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