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  2. 8 hours ago

    Any UK politician who had a hand in delivering Anglo Irish, Downing Street Declaration or GFA must be utterly appalled at reckless and almost wanton act of expedient political vandalism by May towards NI. She's spent what little political capital she had at behest of DUP

  3. 10 hours ago

    1. A strange disease stalks the land. When a person is confronted by well documented consequences of leaving the EU without a deal they simply grunt "Project fear!". This is odd because we are not talking about economic projections...

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  4. Lord Heseltine - Public opinion is moving on .. Trump's visit helped...Trump's not going to deliver for the UK economy.. the same week the EU signs a free trade deal with Japan.. Why aren't we under that umbrella gaining from the strength of the EU partnership.

  5. Reneging on the December backstop agreement creates enormous bad faith between EU and British government and increases chances of a no deal crash out, can see why Theresa May embargoed that little gem until after Fermanagh visit

  6. 8 hours ago

    For Theresa May to suggest that backstop is "constitutional dislocation" is not only wholly inaccurate, but is dangerously divisive. Nationalists, unionists and others all agree need for backstop. I'm sorry, this just reads like DUP propaganda. Reckless in the extreme

  7. 8 hours ago

    I never voted for Blair, but I bloody well would now. We need someone like him to sort out the shit we have today, created by useless lightweights and wannabes.

  8. 8 hours ago

    This is some nonsense from the Sun

  9. 11 hours ago

    In just a few months from now a no deal will as Dominic Grieve said cause a Constitutional/Security Crisis, this brings me to our supposed impartial public broadcaster, , forget the govt when are you going to outline to us the devastation of no deal? You have a duty.

  10. 6 hours ago

    1. I cannot contain my loathing of Jacob Rees-Mogg, Boris Johnson and John Redwood et al. They are wreckers and liars manipulating the stupid and the easily led. thread.

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  11. A lot of talk about ministers and civil servants 'making preparations for a No Deal '. The government has been unable to even agree on Brexit in any other acceptable form over the last two years, so the worst possible outcome will be delivered. And you know what? The ➡️2

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  12. 9 hours ago

    So: -ers wanna quit the EU in order to trade with US?

    headline: Eurozone outshines US
  13. 1 hour ago

    Mr Javid is a proven and habitual liar. He is our Home Secretary. Ms May is a proven and habitual liar. She is our prime minister. Mr Smith is the Tory Chief Whip. He rigs votes in parliament. Mr Raab is Secretary. He can't circulate papers on time.

  14. 31 minutes ago

    Theresa May: "I will never accept EU's ideas on the Irish border" Andrea Leadsom: "Chequers plan is final offer" Delusion level: Batshit crazy 🤪 Did I miss something? Did we find 4 new cards from somewhere because the Tories seem to think we now hold all the aces?

  15. Theresa May's guide to Stockpiling food part of the LADYBIRD book series about preparing got the bright future with thanks to for the idea

  16. 7 hours ago
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    Sticking your fingers in your ears and singing "la la la" so you don't hear what has to say doesn't mean it isn't true. A party that will stand by a watch destroy ordinary people's jobs is not a party that's "for the many" but one that's "for the few"

  17. I follow some Conservatives who are pro EU, I follow many in who are unequivocally pro EU. I do not respect those claiming to respect a vote that was obtained by cheating & breaking the law, who deny us a & who want . I am

  18. Good to see tomorrow’s showing a total understanding of international aviation law, regulations, standards, the EU-US open skies deal to launch a wholly false & personalized attack. Assume will balance?

  19. 8 hours ago

    There's the Brits making me defend Leo again on

  20. 8 hours ago
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    The Leave campaigns & the misinformation practices that preceded them concentrated on triggering emotions so that people became angry and fearful over issues specific to them. That switch still gets triggered in a lot of people whenever the same issue comes up. 1/2

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