Posts Tagged ‘Solidarity Event’

Santiago, Chile: Contribution of La Rebelión de las Palabras to the meeting in combative memory of Sebastian Oversluij

Wednesday, January 9th, 2019

Contribution from La Rebelión de las Palabras for the meeting taking place in Santiago, Chile on 23rd December in combative memory of nihilist-anarchist comrade Sebastian Oversluij, “Angry”. The meeting was also within the context of Black December and internationalist anarchist praxis. 5th year since Sebastian’s death during a bank expropriation.

From the Spanish State, we greet first of all the compas that raised the commemorative activity for Angry, to a new anniversary of his death in action when he was trying to expropriate one of the temples of Capital. The noise of the blast that killed him awoke new feelings of rabid sadness that roamed the globe, unleashing actions of revenge, activities in his memory, and that inspired more individuals and groups that from the offensive or not, returned to take a breath to continue on this difficult path. We did not know Angry, nor did we know the political and social context of the Chilean territory where he developed, lived and fought. However, the courage, the determination and the coherent commitment that he showed with his last action reverberate in us, and we also feel affinity with his words, his music with the rap band Palabras En Conflicto, which we know and like, and with his drawings and gestures, contributions that mark his offensive trajectory, feeling honored to be able to participate in this activity contributing the present writing.

We have been asked to write something about the context of anarchism in the territories dominated by the Spanish State. However, to be honest, we do not feel legitimacy for such a task, since we do not know in depth the concrete context of many places of the state, and others we know them in a partial, ephemeral way or in any case, from an approach that starts from our assessment, our subjectivity and our own processes, affinities, preferences, with what we have decided to make a general assessment that, we repeat, part of our own personal valuations, without having to be taken as an absolute reason or that we intend to speak for others companions who, perhaps, have another point of view and something to say about it. (more…)

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Posted in Autonomy

Comunicado de Marcelo Villarroel Sepúlveda a 5 años de la muerte en combate del compañero Sebastián Oversluij Seguel (Chile)

Wednesday, December 26th, 2018

Nota: Palabras leídas en actividad conmemorativa por el -Angry- en la Biblioteca Antiautoritaria Sebastián Oversluij ubicada en algún lugar de Santiago de Chile el 23/12/2018.

“Al ke roba porke no tiene komida va a dar kon sus huesos a la kárcel de por vida… Al ke si tiene komida pero odia a los bankeros y les roba el dinero ke reparte entre sus kompañerxs”. (Kanción de Rap)

En la kárcel y en la kalle la memoria sin axión kotidiana es komo un kuerpo sin alma, komo un kúmulo de palabras vacías ke se usan sin darle koherencia real a nuestras konvixiones antagónikas… Por ello la importancia esencial de mantener vivxs entre nosotrxs a todxs nuestrxs hermanxs ke han kaído en la lucha direkta y frontal kontra el Poder, el Dominio y toda Autoridad. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Santiago, Chile: Black December – Contribution of 325 to the meeting in combative memory of Sebastian Oversluij

Sunday, December 23rd, 2018

ES: Contribución del proyecto contrainformativo anarquista 325 al Encuentro en Memoria del Angry

Contribution for the meeting taking place in Santiago, Chile on 23rd December in combative memory of nihilist-anarchist comrade Sebastian Oversluij. 5th year since Sebastian’s death during a bank expropriation.

Dear comrades,
We are writing from ‘325’, which is a nihilist-anarchist and anti-civilisation group of counter-information and action. Since 2003 we exist as an informal group originally out of UK and spread into Europe. We want to send our greetings to all the comrades at the gathering, for many years we follow the struggle there in Chile and try to spread solidarity to the fight. From Chile to Indonesia, to Europe, and beyond…

We think that the tendencies of attack are the most vital part of anarchy, as direct action is the constitutive part of the fight for freedom, liberation and eco-defense. We think that it’s important to combine and multiply our struggle with comrades around the globe, because everywhere that anarchists are fighting, we can become a more dangerous and subversive threat against power when we internationalise and break down the borders between us. This is the reason that the States and corporations across the world are becoming afraid of anarchy again in the 21st Century, because we are the only real opposition to power’s domination and they do not want us to grow and link up with each other to conspire.

On the 5th year since Sebastian Oversluij`s death in a bank robbery, we keep him present, with all the comrades that are still living with us in our hearts and deeds. Even though we never met Sebastian we are inspired by his actions and life’s vision as he himself expressed it. We are touched by his freedom and energy. The banks and the capitalists are our enemies, and those that attack and expropriate them are our comrades, accomplices and friends.

The future belongs to those who struggle for liberation. They hasten the collapse of this prison-world.

Let’s light up the nights and days,

Blazing hugs for a Black December


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Posted in Autonomy

Santiago, Chile: Almuerzo solidario [15/Diciembre/2018]

Monday, December 3rd, 2018

“Para kienes nos rebelamos frente a lo existente peleando milimétricamente contra este presente de mierda, el llamado es a fortalecer y konstruir redes de complicidad, konfrontando a todxs aquellxs ke siembran la diskordia y fragmentación atomizante en la lucha antikarcelaria. Generar práktikas de enkuentro es la urgencia vital para romper con el aislamiento ke viven y han vivido muchxs compañerxs kautivxs en los últimos años”
-M. V.


Hacemos una invitación abierta para una jornada solidaria a realizarse el Sábado 15 de Diciembre desde las 13:00hrs (puntual) en BAR UNO, Barrio Bellavista, Santiago de Chile.

El aporte será de $2.000.

Habrá lasaña vegana, seitán con arroz, repostería, bebestibles varios.

En la jornada se presentarán: Weichan Punk Rock Mapu, Loko Way, Juan Trova, D’ Yerman y Andariego Tango.

También habrá Poesía y Teatro, con la participación especial de Feñita Payaso.

Tendremos una Rifa, además de Feria Anarquista/Anticarcelaria.

Todo lo recaudado es en directa solidaridad con un compañero prisionero de guerra por el Estado chileno.

Asiste, Difunde y Participa!!!


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Posted in Autonomy

Santiago: Almuerzo solidario con lxs presxs en Espacio Libertad 53 (Chile)

Friday, August 31st, 2018

Todas las actividades agendadas en el Espacio Libertad 53 (ex-arcis) han sido canceladas por motivos externos a la toma que se efectuaba ahí.
Estamos gestionando otro espacio para no cancelar el Almuerzo Solidario del día 08/09, atentxs. ¡Fuerza a lxs compas del Espacio Libertad!

Almuerzo solidario con lxs presxs en Espacio Libertad 53 [08/09/2018]


Día y hora: Sábado 08 de Septiembre, 13:00hrs Puntual

Lugar: Espacio Libertad 53, metro ULA, Santiago de Chile

Plato $2.000: Lazaña y seitán con verduras + ensalada

Habrá también:
-Feria anarquista/anticarcelaria
-Repostería, sopaipillas, bebestibles varios

Música en vivo:
-Weichan Punk Rock Mapu
-Colectivo Raíces Latinas Hip-Hop
-Yigo Dosmildosis

Show: Feñita Payaso

Obra de teatro: Onirik Babska


Organiza: Red Solidaria Antikarcelaria con Juan y Marcelo.

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Posted in Autonomy

Call for an Independent Materials Fair – Activity of the 6th International Week for Anarchist Prisoners (Brazil)

Wednesday, July 18th, 2018


In response to the call for a “Sixth International Week in Solidarity For Anarchist Prisoners,” which will take place all over the world from the 23rd to the 30th of August, there will be a first winter fair of independent materials on August 25th.

This is an open call for anyone who wants to send us proposals with an anti-authoritarian focus to add to the activity. In addition, it is mainly an invitation to participate in this initiative that will happen in the “Tia Estela Space” , a squat of homeless people located underneath the so-called “Alcântara Machado Bridge” in São Paulo. Any contribution to self-management of this space is welcome.

The struggle for freedom is impossible without fighting against prisons. These disgusting spaces are surrounded by walls, violent forms of control, security devices and constant vigilance. Without such a
structure it would be impossible for any state or any government to remain in power. It is necessary to see prison not only as the main tool of domination against the subversive people who prefer war to the passivity of the masses, but also as a laboratory of the system and one of the main means to perpetuate slavery and work. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Erklärung Soligruppe Gülaferit zu den Ereignissen am 8.10. in der JVA Lichtenberg (Deutschland)

Tuesday, October 24th, 2017

Demo zum Frauenknast nach rassistischem Übergriff! 28.10. um 18 Uhr S+U Frankfurter Allee

Hallo Genoss*innen,

wir teilen diesen Aufruf für eine Demo am Samstag. Bitte verbreitet ihn weiter und unterstützt die Demonstration. Von Draußen können wir eine solidarische Antwort an die Gefangene senden und dem Knast zeigen, dass das was drinnen passiert nicht unbeobachtet bleibt!

Erklärung Soligruppe Gülaferit zu den Ereignissen am 8.10. in der JVA Lichtenberg

Knapp drei Monate vor der Haftentlassung* unserer Freundin und Genossin Gülaferit lässt das Knastsystem die Situation eskalieren. Die fortwährenden Provokationen und Schikanen gegen Gülaferit gipfeln in einem brutalen Angriff.

Was ist passiert: Bei einem Besuch schilderte uns Gülaferit wie es am 8.10. zu dem Angriff kam. Sie ging in die Zelle einer Mitgefangenen um das permanente Abspielen extrem lauter Musik zu stoppen. Daraufhin ging die Mitgefangene auf sie los und attackierte sie mit Fäusten. Ebenfalls drückte die Mitgefangene Gülaferit mit einem Besenstiel vor dem Hals an die Wand und beschimpfte sie rassistisch. Gülaferit wurde verletzt und musste auf der Krankenstation behandelt werden, sie trug an mehreren Körperstellen Hämatome (Blaue Flecken) davon. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

1st Insurrection Festival – Athens (Greece)

Tuesday, October 24th, 2017

Some anarchists groups in Exarcheia, Athens, are organizing the 1st Insurrection Festival. The date is November 12, 13, 14. We would appreciate your cooperation to spread the news.


In solidarity


Insurrection is the time when a collective body is uprising. Not a collective body with a common identity or ideology but driven by common actions against authority.

Insurrection is the violent entrance of the invisible into the central political scene.

Insurrection is fed from poverty to despair, from rage to need of empowerment and dignity from the social base.

At the end, insurrection is the practical doubt of domination’s structures and any regime. The negation of their omnipotence. If for some of us insurrection must lead to social revolution, or in another way must be a constant situation, the participation this moment should be our common ground.

We are calling this open assembly on to co-organize the First Insurrection Festival. It will be structured around four mains axes :

Political theory
Movement-collective statements
Cultural manifestations

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Posted in Autonomy

International Week of Action against Speciesism : Oct 30 – Nov 5

Saturday, October 14th, 2017

An international call for a week of action against speciesism, from October 30 and November 5, has been launched through social media. It encourages folks to carry out all kinds of actions, from street propaganda (paintings, posters, distribution of leaflets …) to workshops/forums and debates in your meeting spaces, to self-organizing various actions against specific businesses with the tools that each person may consider appropriate, to mass mobilizations and demonstrations.

May each one be organized as it suits each one involved, and may they shake all the cages. In memory of Barry Horne and all the human and nonhuman victims of speciesism and domination.

Both individual and collective measures of struggle are valid; from diffusion actions to mobilizations.

Solidarity between species is not just a written word!

The call out translated in several languages

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Posted in Eco Struggle

Hamburg: Transnational Gathering for NoG20 Prisoners Support at Rote Flora (Germany)

Thursday, September 28th, 2017

Transnational Gathering for G20 Prisoners Support from November 3rd until November the 5th, 2017, at the Rote Flora in Hamburg.

The campaign “UNITED WE STAND” is a loose network of different people and groups to support the ones who face repression after the G20 summit in Hamburg. Our focus is to support them during prison and trial.

We invite in particular those who have comrades, friends and relatives in jail because of the G20 summit – to get to know us, exchange experiences, come together, develop ideas and strategies and to learn from each other. We want to gain more power together to handle repression.

During the gathering, we want to develop future action strategies, it’s not a wrap-up.

The schedule

Friday: arriving, food and get to know each other
Saturday: breakfast, actual situation of prisoners and trial, we
would like to discuss the following topics


Sunday: demonstration the the jail in Hamburg-Billwerder with a manifestation with greetings, music and encouragement.

We welcome your ideas and suggestions for the weekend, please tell us
with the application.

Please write us if you come as soon as possible, thereby we can support
you with your expenses and to find a place to stay.

See you in November “UNITED WE STAND”

application: international.gathering [at] riseup [dot] net
sleeping: unterschlupf [at] riseup [dot] net

via enoughisenough14.org

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Camp against Prisons and Punishment : 26-30 July (Germany)

Friday, July 21st, 2017

We will go camping against prisons and punishment from the 26th to 30th of July at the Faetzig-Camp, near Görlitz. The “Faetzig-Camp” is a mixture of a Summer camp with political focus and a festival.

Why oppose prisons?

We live in a society of punishment. All of us have experienced the principle of punishment, whether in our families, at school, at work, at the job centre or other agencies, in hospital or in psychiatric institutions.

Punishment is part of a top-down system of power and powerlessness. It lets the strongest win, because they write and are able to enforce the rules. Punishment directs how we act and think. Punishment creates fear and makes us adapt. Fear of punishment is what creates the cop in our heads who forces us to help carry the violence known as normality. Fear of punishment stops us from taking action against injustices and wrongs.

Growing up in a world filled with punishment leads to a system of punishment living inside of us. It leads to us accepting and using punishment as a means of solving problems ourselves. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Tattoo Circus Helsinki 21st to 23rd April (Finland)

Wednesday, February 22nd, 2017

Come to the Tattoo Circus 21-23.4 to support prisoners and get inked!
Oranssi, Kaasutehtaankatu 1 (building 11), Suvilahti, Helsinki

The Tattoo Circus is coming to Helsinki! The festival will feature tattoo artists ready to give you a tattoo in support of political prisoners – but that’s not all – apart from tattoos there will also be piercing, stick-and-poke tattoo workshop, music, talks on different prisoners, distros, food, and much much more.
There will be an info-point open throughout the day, with the ability to send postcards and letters to prisoners.

Contact us: tattoocircushki[at]riseup.net

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Posted in Prison Struggle

An evening in solidarity with those accused of bank robberies in Aachen (Germany)

Wednesday, January 25th, 2017

Faced with an apparatus of repression that is developing ever more suffocating forms within a context of on-going technocratic and scientific mania, it is easy to fall into a state of inertia.

The aim of this repression, achieved through permanent technological armament, the development of research and studies in the field of DNA and video analysis, and the accumulation and evaluation of data of any sort, is to impose itself on us as undefeatable and inevitable.

We are led to believe it is impossible to avoid the total surveillance, acquisition, and storage of data. To counter and overcome this fallacy of total control, we must approach the situations in which we struggle with continued analysis and reflection. We have to seek and share ways to meet these developments on battlegrounds of attack, solidarity and self-organization. (more…)

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Posted in Autonomy

Santiago: Actividad – “Factores del desorden” (Chile)

Saturday, December 31st, 2016


“Factores del desorden contra el poder: Presencia anárquica y posibilidades insurreccionales en conflictos actuales.”


*Agitación anárquica contra el Proyecto IIRSA en Valparaíso.

*Buscando expandir la revuelta en la lucha contra la Maxi Prisión en Bruselas www.stayfitgethealthy.com/med/ (Bélgica)

*Desbordando lo específico: luchas anti-represivas y antiespecistas en España.

Fecha: miercoles 4 de enero/ 18hrs.
Lugar: Biblioteca Manuel Rojas ( Av. Santa Ana 0496, esquina La Serena, La Granja)

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Posted in Autonomy

London solidarity event for anarchist communist Tasos Theofilou (UK)

Tuesday, November 15th, 2016

“Concrete and wires prevail everywhere.
Looking out from the window of my cell, behind the bar,
I see a piece of sky decorated with some barbed wire.”

Tasos Theofilou

Join us on Friday 18th of November for our info night event in solidarity with the anarchist communist Tasos Theofilou who is currently in prison, after being sentenced on the basis of forged and non existent evidence. He was convicted just because he is an anarchist. He was convicted because he didn’t lose his smile even when the court of first instance announced his sentence.

Projections, case updates, phone call interventions and presentation of Tasos’ inspiring writings…
Bring your insurrectionary poetry for our open mic!

Starting at 18:00 sharp at L.A.R.C. (62 Fieldgate Street E1 1ES London)
18:30 Phone call intervention with comrades in Athens, Greece
20:00 Phone call intervention with imprisoned comrade Tasos Theofilou.

Live music will follow, starting at 21:00.
Bar will run throughout the evening. Entry on free donation.

Feel free to spread the word!!!
See you all there!

P.S. Please respect the fact that we do not wish this event to be republished on social media such as Facebook, Twitter etc.
Anarchists in Solidarity

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Posted in Prison Struggle