Posts Tagged ‘Brazil’

August 14th – Call for solidarity to the 23 activists sentenced in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)

Sunday, August 12th, 2018

From Cruz Negra Anarquista do Rio de Janeiro:

“August 14th, international day of support for the 23 activists sentenced in Rio de Janeiro, in defense of the right to protest, for all who fight”

We call on all social movements, popular and revolutionary organizations, trade unions, student movements, human rights groups, progressive intellectuals and other sectors of civil society to organize simultaneous actions in this great day of solidarity and struggle against the criminalization of social movements and in defense of the right to protest. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Call for an Independent Materials Fair – Activity of the 6th International Week for Anarchist Prisoners (Brazil)

Wednesday, July 18th, 2018


In response to the call for a “Sixth International Week in Solidarity For Anarchist Prisoners,” which will take place all over the world from the 23rd to the 30th of August, there will be a first winter fair of independent materials on August 25th.

This is an open call for anyone who wants to send us proposals with an anti-authoritarian focus to add to the activity. In addition, it is mainly an invitation to participate in this initiative that will happen in the “Tia Estela Space” , a squat of homeless people located underneath the so-called “Alcântara Machado Bridge” in São Paulo. Any contribution to self-management of this space is welcome.

The struggle for freedom is impossible without fighting against prisons. These disgusting spaces are surrounded by walls, violent forms of control, security devices and constant vigilance. Without such a
structure it would be impossible for any state or any government to remain in power. It is necessary to see prison not only as the main tool of domination against the subversive people who prefer war to the passivity of the masses, but also as a laboratory of the system and one of the main means to perpetuate slavery and work. (more…)

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About “Operation Érebo” – Agitations and anarchic reflections (Bra$il)

Sunday, November 19th, 2017

Translated by Tormentas de Fogo.


“Operation Érebo” the earth moves.

Agitations and anarchic reflections the wind blows.”

At dawn on October 25, 2017 the weather darkened for the anarchists of Porto Alegre. The Civil Police with the so called “Operation Érebo [Erebus]” launched raids and assaults televised by the local media and transmitted by the speakers of the system in maximum volume.

From this police reaction, from the show and media scrape, and from the agitation in the anarchist orbit a thousand and one needs, urgencies, ideas, impulses and feelings have crossed us. From this reflection was born this will to communicate. We point our determination against the enemy and we strengthen our pace with those who live anarchy in its positions and practices.

Our natural tendency to chaos.

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Posted in Social Control

VI Anarchist & Punk Film Festival of São Paulo (Brasil)

Wednesday, November 15th, 2017

We came to the sixth year of the Anarchist & Punk Film Festival of São
Paulo, with the proposal of visibilizing audiovisual productions and
themes related to the counterculture of punk and anarchism, as well as
guiding the use of this important tool in our struggles. This year the
Festival will take place in the Centro de Cultura Social, an autonomous
space of much history and contribution to anarchism in the city.


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“When anarchy disturbs” Library Kaos statement about the prosecution against anarchists – Porto Alegre (Bra$il)

Saturday, November 4th, 2017

via A_N_A

translated by tormentasdefogo

There are many things to say, but we will start with the most urgent. In the 25 of October began an anti-anarchist persecution against FAG [Gaucho Anarchist Federation] Parhesia institute, Pandorga squat and some individuals who had their spaces and houses raided by cops. If not all, probably a good part of the anarchist diversity was reached and several of them spoke firmly from their agreement against repression. And this is a fresh air that strengthens every one who feels sedition. (more…)

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Posted in Social Control

(Brasil) Texto de compas sobre la reciente razzia anti-anarquista

Friday, October 27th, 2017

Text from Anarchist Comrades About the Recent Anti-Anarchist Raids in Porto Alegre‘ (EN)

[Traducido por Sin Banderas Ni Fronteras, recibido por correo electrónico]

¡Hola compas!

Escribimos para dar noticias de las tormentas que asolan nuestras casas…

Esta mañana a partir de las 6hs una operación policial (Operación Erebo) fue desencadenada contra espacios, ocupaciones y viviendas de individualidades anarquistas. Dicen ellos y sus porta voces (medios de comunicación) que es sólo el comienzo con 30 investigadx y que siguirán las búsquedas…

Confabularon de acuerdo con su manera de ver mundo una organización criminal “cuadrilla del mal” articulada para atacar el poder y sus estructuras.

Los ataques ocurridos (incendios) son verídicos (…) Somos lo que somos y en eso no vamos a retroceder: Somos anarquistas, amamos a libertad y sí, despreciamos a todos los valores e instituciones que componen esta máquina de guerra que se llama capitalismo, civilización.

Que se extienda la noticia y se manifieste la solidaridad.

¡Viva la anarquía!



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Against Operation Erebo (Brazil)

Thursday, October 26th, 2017


Police started the so called “OPERATION ÉREBO” aiming to prosecute anarchists in Porto Alegre city, south region of the territory under domain of bra$silian state. This operation is an attempt to arrest anarchists that supposedly took part in informal activities since 2013.

About this case, we don’t have nothing to say but the necessary:


It doesn’t matter if they are “guilty” or “innocent”, much less if they were “right” or “wrong”. Morality is the language of trials. We fight against laws, because its oppressive nature exists only for maintaining “order and progress”, both responsible for human misery. We stand against prisons and therefore we do not cooperate to fill this human warehouse. So we strongly support the 10 anarchists prosecuted by the state’s genocidal machine.


As always, the media takes advantage from this recent episode to form its spectacle. The news tries to paint anarchists as part of one single group as a way to give deputy Paulo César Jardim and his dogs from the Civil Police some credits. The moment of the rotten nation we live in is very fragile and therefore it is clear for us that media has only political interests which we despise.


Neither one nor a thousand police operations will be capable to, as they say, “demobilize” our fight for freedom. Anarchy rises from the gaps of authority and technological domain, and that is why the powerful won’t stop us. Our passion for freedom is stronger than every cell.


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Posted in Social Control

Police Raid Anarchist Residences & Spaces on the Eve of the Anarchist Book Fair in Porto Alegre (Brazil)

Thursday, October 26th, 2017

This morning (October 25th) the civil police in Rio Grande de Sul executed several search warrants on residences and collective spaces in the metropolitan region of Porto Alegre (RS) to collect materials for investigation. Police allege that the addresses are linked to a group that would have carried out attacks on vehicles, political party headquarters, police stations, banks and car dealerships. The action was violent and the police assaulted the people who live in these spaces and took some of them to the police station.

There were a total of 10 search and seizure orders, where anarchist material (posters, books, banners, etc), fantasy masks, spray cans and other common objects, including plastic bottles filled with plastic bags were seized and reported as being molotov cocktails. Not even police officers are so ignorant as to think that once can make molotov cocktails with plastic bottles and without a flammable liquid. In fact these bottles were going to be used as ecological bricks for bio-construction. (more…)

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Posted in Social Control

“Sacco and Vanzetti: A journey through time” – Text by Members of CCF for Bibloteca Kaos during the International Week of Solidarity for Anarchist Prisoners (Brazil)

Sunday, September 4th, 2016

Here is a text that several imprisoned members of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire in Athens, Greece, wrote for an event at the squatted anarchist centre Bibloteca Kaos in Brazil.

To all comrades, to all our anarchist brothers and sisters who are present in this event organized by the anarchist library Kaos. Let our thoughts break out and travel to Brazil so as to send these few words with the hope that maybe a little, you can feel our presence beside you.

In response to the subject of the event taking place during the International Week of Solidarity to Anarchist Prisoners and on the case of Nicola Sacco and Bartholemeo Vanzetti we would like to throw in our personal and historical contribution. The Conspiracy of Cells of Fire was from the very beginning an anarchist group of direct action that aspired to an upsurge of the anarchist aggressive presence in Greece. Thus, the CCF did not hesitate to often criticize that which was believed to be preventing the generalization of this intensification. But when the oppression finally made it to our doorstep, we fully understood that we would not own up to our standards should we refuse to defend our identity, our political viewpoints and our very substance. Furthermore we could have ended up being in complete contrast with our critiques against others in the past. So seven years after the day that repression struck us, we remain at the forefront of anarchist dignity, at least so as we perceive it. We refused to dishonor ourselves in any way and defended what we believed we had to defend, still paying the price of our uncompromising attitude. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Biblioteca Kaos squat facing eviction – Call for resistance (Brazil)

Thursday, August 4th, 2016

Via Insurrection News, Sin Banderas – Ni Fronteras:

Biblioteca Kaos (Chaos Library) facing eviction on August 4th 2016
An invitation to resistance

Greetings comrades and friends.
Projects that are built from a position of confrontation and conflict travel through waters of constant change and innovation.
Since the beginning of Biblioteca Kaos, we knew that when you build an occupied space, you choose this possibility.

A few days ago, they arrived at our door with the order to evict the home where we live, and where we run the library, the natural pharmacy and many other activities where we meet and conspire together. The eviction is scheduled for August 4th, with a judicial order authorizing the police to make effective the reintegration of ownership.

This year, two other squats were evicted – Semente and Kuna, others were born, and others resisted the eviction attempts with various strategies. The context is becoming more and more oppressive for squatting, however it also means – as was stated by a comrade from Nadir squat, that squatting represents a threat to the dominant order. (more…)

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Review of the event about CCF in “Biblioteca Kaos” on May 26 (Brazil)

Wednesday, June 1st, 2016

Dealing with the perpetual technical problems that the comrades who attend the library already know, we present the book “Our day will come” that we translated to Portuguese and we watched the movie made by CCF comrades “Phoenix Project. The Return of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire”.

We began the event with the reading of the words written by the comrades of “Sin Banderas, ni Frontera”, core of agitation and anti-authoritarian propaganda from Chile, of Kataklysma contra information blog, of Spyros Mandylos and of the CCF comrades. We know that these words arrived to us and teased us deeply; that listen to them was an important moment of the event. It would have been difficult not to feel us captivated by the strenght of the messages read and the firmness that they transmit. After the reading, we watched the video of the Phoenix Project, the words and voices of the comrades in the video made all of us feel closer of the comrades, and, at the same time in which we delighted with the accurate attacks against domination.

Breaking grades, frontiers and distance that separates us was one of our aim with the initiative of realizing this event. We believe that in this breaking, resides the solidarity, at the end, transforming distant in near, we bring seeds for the insurrect action in this territory, and we know that it doesn’t exist better solidarity act that the attack. Nevertheless, this event was one more impulse so that we have to keep sharpen ours knives pointing against Power… (more…)

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Posted in Autonomy

A contribution to the event of “Biblioteca Kaos”, that takes place in Porto Alegre, Brazil, from the anarchist-nihilist, Spyros Mandylas (Greece)

Wednesday, June 1st, 2016

Salute comrades,

I would prefer my interference to be face-to-face, being among us. But my restriction orders don’t allow me to move across the borders of Thessaloniki city. The restriction orders is a tactic that is used frequently by the Greek state and it attempts to keep anarchists as political hostages.

I would like to salute this event by highlighting the importance of events such this, in which there is the participation of people who either they have accomplished armed actions or they have been targeted from the repressive mechanisms of the state with the excuse of the anarchist urban guerilla. Also, it’s important the fact that this event has international characteristics, which proves that solidarity can’t be restricted by the borders.

I would like to mention 2 subjects. The first one is the connection between the “public” and the “illegal” parts of anarchy and the second one is my personal opinion about the way the nihilist tendency -the “third pole” as it’s used to be referred to the last years- should be organized. (more…)

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Posted in Autonomy

Porto Alegre: Arson attack against a Santander bank in solidarity with Monica, Francisco & CCF (Brazil)

Sunday, March 13th, 2016

On the night of March 9, we placed an incendiary device at the Santander bank branch on Ramiro Barcelos street. Our incentive to conspire and then carry out the attack was solidarity and complicity with anarchists behind bars who endure days and days of incarceration but still hold their heads high, proud of their ideas and convictions.

In response to the call for solidarity with the compas Monica Caballero and Francisco Solar we organized ourselves so that our desire to express solidarity became a fire to reach the companeros who are facing a trial in which they face 44 years in prison, accused of terrorism and particularly an attack on the Basilica of the Pillar in Barcelona.

There are many reasons and motives to attack Santander Bank. For example, besides being representatives of the Spanish state (who have kidnapped our companeros), in this territory they were the administrators of Augustus Pinochet’s money following the military dictatorship in Chile. In the end, these facts are only details that enhance our anger… Any banking institution that tries to hide their genocidal intentions with ‘cultural projects’ or other pseudo-humanist terms are representatives of a system that only inspires our disgust.

Branches of Santander Bank have been attacked twice in recent days in Santiago, Chile and in Buenos Aires. The two attacks were carried out in solidarity with Monica and Francisco. This silent, instinctive coordination of solidarity not only causes a great inconvenience to normal life at different points in the world, but also strengthens our ties, making it clear there are no borders and that we do not need leaders or vertical structures to attack several bars in the same cage.

With this solidarity action for Monica and Francisco, we also send greetings to the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire compas and their families who are also facing another trial against them. Their strength inspires us every day to walk looking for the fire to illuminate the darkness.

Down with the prison walls.

Incendiary solidarity with Monica and Francisco

For the proliferation of the groups of attacks. The beauty of solidarity is the complicity.

Long live anarchy!

– via insurrectionnews.

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Posted in Direct Action

Black December – Dezembro Negro (MIA)

Thursday, November 26th, 2015

Hello comrades.

Here is our first video-manifesto for the Black December:

Keep fighting the good fight! Solidarity from Brazil!

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Posted in Direct Action

CNA Rio: Solidarity Campaign for Mauricio Hernández Norambuena (Brazil)

Saturday, November 21st, 2015

From CNA-Rio:

Mauricio Hernández Norambuena is one of the most significant figures of opposition to the Chilean military dictatorship first and, later, to the “democratic” transition guided by the same dictator Pinochet (till his death). Mauricio Hernández Norambuena today is suffering the 5039th day of an inhuman detention regime, that is to say 95.08 times what Washington Olivetto, the victim of the offence for which Mauricio is jailed, suffered during his kidnapping.

In 1976, during the dictatorship, Mauricio was a Communist Party militant, while in 1983 he was one of the founders of the Manuel Rodríguez Patriotic Front (FPMR), an organization born as the military organization of the Communist Party that later developed its own autonomy to fight and defeat the dictatorship on the military level. (more…)

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