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Trump asked NSA John Bolton to invite Vladimir Putin to Washington in the fall

US news July 19, 2018
White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders confirmed that Trump asked his national security adviser to invite Putin to visit Washington, D.C., in the fall. When a reporter asked Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats about it in an interview, he joked that it would be "special."

BREAKING: White House: Trump asked national security adviser to invite Putin to Washington for fall meeting, discussions underway.

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In Helsinki, agreed to ongoing working level dialogue between the two security council staffs. President Trump asked to invite President Putin to Washington in the fall and those discussions are already underway.

9,075 replies 6,683 retweets 24,828 likes
90 replies 499 retweets 2,138 likes

The Summit with Russia was a great success, except with the real enemy of the people, the Fake News Media. I look forward to our second meeting so that we can start implementing some of the many things discussed, including stopping terrorism, security for Israel, nuclear........

38,979 replies 20,462 retweets 91,532 likes

....proliferation, cyber attacks, trade, Ukraine, Middle East peace, North Korea and more. There are many answers, some easy and some hard, to these problems...but they can ALL be solved!

12,883 replies 14,038 retweets 65,448 likes
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Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats informed on stage at Aspen Security Forum that the Trump administration has invited Vladimir Putin to the White House. "Say that again," he responds.

1,048 replies 5,362 retweets 9,066 likes

Mitchell just broke the news on stage to Coats that, per WH, Putin is coming to Washington. “Say that again?” Coats asked. Audience erupts in laughter. He took a breath. “Ok. That’s gonna be special.”

147 replies 1,535 retweets 3,344 likes

Per WH statement, the invitation to Putin came from John Bolton. He would be the one to inform other agencies about this. He obviously didn’t tell the Director of National Intelligence.

78 replies 666 retweets 1,440 likes

Dan Coats says in Aspen he felt "I needed to correct the record" after Trump's comments alongside Putin. "I wish he made a different statement," Coats says. "It's undeniable that the Russians are taking a lead on this," pushing back on Trump saying it "could" be others

26 replies 334 retweets 842 likes
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Director of Nat'l Intelligence Coats: "I don't know what happened in that meeting." : "Is there a risk that Vladimir Putin could've recorded it?" DNI Coats: "That risk is always there."

47 replies 191 retweets 395 likes

Without mentioning Trump by name, Coats says he reassures allies about their relationship based on the shared goals of keeping their respective countries safe. He says, "We put the news of the day on the shelf."

4 replies 47 retweets 173 likes

Asked about all the attacks on the intelligence community, Coats won't say if he's ever considered resigning. Most days, he says, he views it as a "reward giving back to my country." But he also siad, "There are other days, [I say], what am I doing?"

4 replies 83 retweets 248 likes

Q: Did you know that Kislyak and Lavorv were going into Oval Office that day? Coats: "I did not.:" Q: What was your reaction afterwards? Coats: "Probably not the best thing to do. But, no I was not aware of that. I’m not aware of anything like that since"

9 replies 117 retweets 273 likes

Holy moly. Dan Coats -- the intelligence chief -- said he didn't know beforehand that Lavrov and Kislyak were going to meet with Trump in the Oval Office last spring.

165 replies 1,627 retweets 4,817 likes

The interview with Dan Coats is extraordinary. To recap: The president's hand-picked Intel Chief said it wasn't wise for Trump to meet one-on-one with Putin in Helsinki and it was a bad idea to invite the Russian ambassador to the Oval Office.

123 replies 786 retweets 2,660 likes

This is a really revealing interview of DNI Dan Coats by . He is quite candid and definitely not the typical Trump surrogate delivering the typical Trump talking points.

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Breaking: In speech to Russian diplomats in Moscow, Putin says summit with Trump was "successful overall and led to useful agreements."

109 replies 704 retweets 591 likes

Putin: "Let's see how things develop, given that certain forces in America are trying belittle, disavow the results of the Helsinki meeting."

11 replies 112 retweets 231 likes

The Fake News Media wants so badly to see a major confrontation with Russia, even a confrontation that could lead to war. They are pushing so recklessly hard and hate the fact that I’ll probably have a good relationship with Putin. We are doing MUCH better than any other country!

23,529 replies 19,390 retweets 82,447 likes

Before sits down for second time with Vladimir Putin, is it too much to ask that White House disclose what agreements were reached in Helsinki:

11 replies 40 retweets 156 likes

Coming this Fall: Putin to Washington? → Medvedev is the last Russian president to come to DC—he met with Obama in June 2010 → Putin has visited the US seven times since 2000, most recently in 2015 at the UN General Assembly in NYC → Putin’s US visits (via )👇

31 replies 57 retweets 83 likes

President Trump has had intelligence on Russian meddling since two weeks before his inauguration, reports.

8 replies 49 retweets 78 likes

"I would, because he's in charge of the country." Trump told he "would" hold Putin responsible for election interference and warned the leader to end it.

14 replies 16 retweets 45 likes