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  1. 5 ore fa

    Only in 'The Lynching Republic Of India"' where 'cow' is more valuable than

  2. 6 ore fa

    (Mirzai) are not thay are artificial and using logo to damaging the faith of (SAWW)

  3. 7 ore fa

    “Gratitude and patience should be a part of our character as Muslims. It should be practically demonstrated in our families and communities.” - Lecture: Attaining Inner Peace in Times of Trial

  4. 7 ore fa

    Ya Allah i know u r there I know u c my tears I know u hear my Prayers I know u r testing me And i ask from u To strengthen my iman so i can handel the struggles in life and have patience. I love u my Lord my Allah plz keep me safe.Ameen

  5. 7 ore fa

    Congratulations 👏🏼 🇹🇷 Recep Tayyip Erdogan gets re-elected as Turkey’s President under the new system.

  6. Those who spend in charity will be rewarded.

  7. 8 ore fa

    Repentance is a powerful form of worship of Allah, which Allah wants from us. It is our means of purifying ourselves from sin. None can forgive sins but Allah and no one can do this but us; we have to turn to Allah.

  8. The fact state is a Peaceful is a Blatant Lie in view of fighting against for 70 years in while ignoring 's List of 100's of staged since the 1970's

  9. 9 ore fa

    [Allah] will say, "How long did you remain on earth in number of years?" They will say, "We remained a day or part of a day; ask those who enumerate." He will say, "You stayed not but a little - if only you had known. Al Mu'minun 23:112

  10. “Islam is the way of life which Allah has defined for human beings as a whole, not just specific groups.” - Lecture: Morality in Islam

  11. 19 ore fa

    100,000 people convert to annually, but roughly the same number of people leave the religion too. Don’t be the reason someone has to think twice about Islam because they’re practicing “incorrectly” according to your standards.

  12. 23 giu

    When did iblis cry? Iblis cried loudely 4 times, 1) when Allah declared him as cursed. 2) when he was thrown out. 3) when Prophet was born. 4) when Surah Fatiha was Revealed. [Ibn Kathir] [Al-Bidayah wan Nihayah,]

  13. 21 giu

    ‘Muslims r becharas’ this advocacy is getting too much. Millions of r rightfully acquiring jobs, education, passports & buying houses. For , cooking up false stories against () & has become their main tool to fame.

    Mostra questa discussione
  14. 21 giu

    “Muslims today, unfortunately, with wealth have not shown gratitude. Instead, that wealth is used to enjoy. They’ve forgotten the wealth is from Allah Almighty.” Lecture: Attaining Inner Peace in Times of Trial

  15. 19 giu

    “There is no excuse for giving up, if what you are doing is good. If you are doing something bad, give it up!” - Dr. Bilal Philips | Lecture: Never Give Up

  16. 17 giu

    Dopo le motivazioni di natura psichica, "God is great" è l'ultima frontiera.

  17. 17 giu
  18. 17 giu

    Ahahah fuck amici della e altri schifosi importatori di e

  19. 15 giu
    In risposta a e

    Ora capite xche' gli x i erano diventati una vera . E questi piagnoni.nonostante tutto quello che hanno subito nella sono ancora qui a fare i Capite xche' e' un che sta sul cazzo a tutti ??? Pure ai !!!

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