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Rahul Roushan
A well known expert on nothing. Opinions totally personal. RTs, sometimes even my own tweets, not endorsement. . As unbiased as any popular journalist.
Rahul Roushan ha retuitat
Ruchir Sharma (a.k.a. 'Ferrero') 3 h
How one of the most prominent Marxists in European politics reacts to the destruction of cultural heritage. Meanwhile, how did our Fabian socialist Nehru respond to the reconstruction of the Somnath temple? “I do not like your trying to restore Somnath. It is Hindu revivalism.”
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Rahul Roushan ha retuitat
Karan Bhasin 6 h
My latest article that debunks the claim that UPA-2’s growth was better than NDA-2’s!
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Rahul Roushan 33 min
is a filthy mountain goat 🚮⛰️🐐
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Rahul Roushan ha retuitat
ChowkidaRatty 7 h
Because politics is all about: Positive Words > Man Looking For A Solution When the house is on fire. (Yes, the solution can be dumb, inadequate, but still better than mourning the ruins while the fire still rages on)
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Rahul Roushan ha retuitat 4 h
मैं क्यों गिना रहा हूँ ये दंगे? इसलिए कि असहिष्णुता का ठप्पा उस पर पड़ा है जिसने इन अल्पसंख्यकों के हर आतंक को चुपचाप सहा है, और पोलिटिकली करेक्ट होने के चक्कर में ये कहते हुए पीढ़ियाँ निकाल दीं कि आतंक का कोई मज़हब नहीं होता। का लेख
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Rahul Roushan 3 h
En resposta a @kushal_mehra @ajaymr7
I couldn't care less about individuals. Your violent means are exposed, and that's satisfying. So 90% of those voting for love and communication are actually violent inside like you. I win.
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Rahul Roushan 3 h
En resposta a @kushal_mehra @ajaymr7
You've been thoroughly exposed Mr Mehra.
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Rahul Roushan 3 h
En resposta a @kushal_mehra @ajaymr7
Ab kahaan gaya love? Why are you threatening him with real world violence? But that makes me happy 😂
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Rahul Roushan ha retuitat
En resposta a @kushal_mehra
Vote for Even More hate😂
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Rahul Roushan 3 h
Defeat this TikToker
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Rahul Roushan 3 h
En resposta a @kushal_mehra
This is why Hindus have been slaves and losing land. Shame on you 😡
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Rahul Roushan 3 h
En resposta a @rahulroushan
Re-poll: Hate can be won over with ___? (or 'Hate should be replied with ___?')
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Rahul Roushan 3 h
En resposta a @kushal_mehra
you're an FMG who's destroying the society.. depressing results here.. I'm running this poll again
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Rahul Roushan 4 h
En resposta a @kushal_mehra
I'm proud to be like what your tweet says.. FMGs and beasts I hate.
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Rahul Roushan 4 h
En resposta a @kushal_mehra
did you think the guy who blew himself up in Pulwama had any innate goodness? why do you ask people to waste time trying to be good with beasts? go watch tiktok and don't confuse people.
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Rahul Roushan ha retuitat
Aditya Tiwari 4 h
En resposta a @rahulroushan
These liberals are the biggest fanatics. While we RW are mostly 4-6 politicians, they take politics to heart. I was rejected in SIBM interview by a 65+ man because I talked of MMS' role in 2G scam (it was before the judgement), all based on facts presented in Vinoda Rai's book
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Rahul Roushan 4 h
En resposta a @rahulroushan
Modi is actually nothing like Trump. An Indian Trump is yet to arrive at the national scene (Kejriwal had the required persona but lost his way; apart from being leftist). An Indian 'RW' Trump will surely rise thanks to zandu balms, aaj nahi toh kal. And they totally deserve him.
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Rahul Roushan 4 h
tum life mein movies ke aage mat badhna
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Rahul Roushan 4 h
En resposta a @rahulroushan
haha.. such zandu balms are actually repeating what Trump haters did in 2016.. nothing gives me more hope about better days ahead than mental breakdown of these folks
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Rahul Roushan 4 h
tum gayi ho? aur you're gareeb? in which case, please don't tweet to me.. go vote for Rahul Gandhi who will remove your poverty
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