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Mike's Blog Round Up

Daily links to great liberal blog posts...
Mike's Blog Round Up
Image from: Mike Luckovich via

It has been another head scratching day as The Russian Usurper holds another press conference, confesses that he misspoke/gaslights us and plays Calvin Ball. So the question really is, how will it end? Luckily we have some bloggers to help show us some possibilities!

Infidel753 susses out the end game for Comrade Trump.

WNBTv says the Russian Usurper's Finland press conference is treason.

Shower Cap makes a rare, early-in-the-week appearance, and summarizes Mon-Tues. It's an instant classic.

Bonus Track: Raging Pencils presents a comic, and the news behind the comic. Pro tip: scroll to the end of the post.

Round-up by Tengrain who blogs at Mock, Paper, Scissors. You can follow Tengrain on the Twitters, too. Send tips, requests, and suggestions to (with For MBRU in the subject line).

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