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Joey Gibson Calls Portland a “Disgusting,” “Dark City,” and a “Laughing...

Over the past few months, Washington state Republican Senate candidate Joey Gibson has campaigned by holding violent rallies in another state. Moreover, members of...

Treaty Camp: Does Alton Gas Know What Unceded Means?

Anarchist media collective Sub.Media presents a short video on continuing resistance on unceded Mi'kmaq territory to Alton Gas. Rob Turner, project manager at Alton Gas,...

Pennsylvania: Sabotage at Mariner East 2 Pipeline Construction Site

The following communique was originally anonymously sent to and published on Philly Anti-Capitalist, which we reprint below. Stock photo from The Business Journal The communique reads: In...

Pompano Beach, Florida: Broward Transitional Center Shutdown Reportback

Sunshine State Anarchy reports back on recent anti-ICE shutdown. On Monday, July 16th, a group of activists shut down the Broward Transitional Facility in Pompano...

End of the Line #19: Mud

End of the Line, an anti-pipeline podcast returns with a new episode on the need for direct action as the Mountain Valley Pipeline beings...

Censorship, Staff Negligence, and Extreme Heat at the Telford Unit, Texas

This article was originally censored by the mailroom, on the grounds that the original version of the article mentioned Jason's affiliation with the New...

Pochutl, Oaxaca: Communique from CODEDI After the Assassination of Member Abraham...

Report on ongoing State repression in Oaxaca. Today July 17th , at approximately 11:30 am, masked and heavily armed men, dressed in military gear, broke...

Emergency Call to Action: OccupyICENYC Welcomes All Nationwide

Calll to support #OccupyICENYC in the face of a police clamp down. In the early hours of July 18th, day 22 of the anti-I.C.E...

This Is America #19: Trump, #OccupyICENYC, & Mark Bray

Welcome, to This Is America, July 17th, 2018. In this episode we'll be talking about headlines, giving an update on Water Protector political prisoners, rent...

The New Prison Movement: The Continuing Struggle to Abolish Slavery in...

New essay from Kevin "Rashid" Johnson, political prisoner and incarcerated journalist, tracks the history and growth of the new prison movement to abolish prison...

Educate Me: On Canceling the Sex-Ed Reform

This article was originally posted to North Shore Counter-Info. Only a few weeks into his time as Premier, Doug Ford has already moved on a...

Avalon, PA: Neo-Nazi Group Linked to Republican Party Attacks Black Man...

Report from Philly Antifa about a recent racist attack carried out by the Keystone State Skinheads/United, who includes a member which is active within...

Beyond Occupation: Thoughts on the Current #OccupyICEPHL and Moving Forward to...

Friendly Fire Collective offers up some thoughts and critiques on the ongoing occupation in Philadelphia. This article was originally published on Philly Anti-Capitalist. We are...

Seven Reasons Anarchists Should Go All Out for August 21st

An analysis on the importance and need for anarchists, anti-authoritarians and autonomists to get behind and support the upcoming #PrisonStrike. Earlier this year, prisoners in...

Report from 2018 July National Conference of Bangladesh Anarcho-Syndicalist Federation

The following report details a recent conference held by our comrades in Bangladesh and details ways to support anarchist organizing there. The Bangladesh Anarcho-Syndicalist Federation...

My Heart’s Home: Resistance in the Mattole

Radical People Podcast returns with an episode on the long running fight to defend the Mattole forest through direct action in Northern California. For twenty...

Tree Sit Launched in the Path of the Bayou Bridge Pipeline

July 16th marks the start of the #RiseTogether Weeks of Action to stop the Bayou Bridge pipeline. The following report discusses the launching of a...

Tacoma, WA: At Least 170 Detainees Launch Hunger Strike Against Family...

Report from Northwest Detention Center resistance on the latest hunger strike that is taking place inside the Tacoma detention facility, the scene of outside...

Earth First!ers, Immigrant Justice Activists, and More Have Blockaded a South...

Report from the Earth First! newswire on continued anti-ICE blockades. Pompano Beach, FL—Activists decrying ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) and the Trump administration’s deportation...

Rustbelt Abolition Radio: Native Resistance and the Carceral State

Rustbelt Abolition Radio talks with Nick Estes, who talks about the history of incarceration and its relation to Native genocide and colonization. Nick Estes identifies...

Kite Line: Anti-Detention Occupations from Australia to America, Part Two

Anti-prison radio and podcast show Kite Lines continues with coverage of ongoing occupations of deportation facilities. Listen and Download HERE Last week, Aren Aizura guided us...
Report and statement from DefendJ20 as the State has now dropped the remaining 39 J20 cases. Defendants in the J20 case and their supporters are elated to announce that the US Attorney’s office is dismissing the remaining 39 J20 cases! We fought these charges through solidarity and daily effort,...
Ami du Radical returns with some real words of warning and a sobering analysis on the current context; from trade war to actual war. June of 2018 marks the 18th month of both the Trump administration and the realization of a modern neo-fascist movement in the United States. As popular...
Anarchist media collective Sub.Media presents a short video on continuing resistance on unceded Mi'kmaq territory to Alton Gas. Rob Turner, project manager at Alton Gas, dropped by the camp for “maintenance” work. Not only, does he fail to acknowledge that this site is located on unceded Mi’kmaq territory, but he...
The following communique was originally anonymously sent to and published on Philly Anti-Capitalist, which we reprint below. Stock photo from The Business Journal The communique reads: In late June, we sabotaged construction of the Mariner East 2 pipeline in Pennsylvania by tampering with the liquidation system of an excavator being used on...
New essay from Kevin "Rashid" Johnson, political prisoner and incarcerated journalist, tracks the history and growth of the new prison movement to abolish prison slavery. Across Amerika (home of the world’s largest prison population) growing numbers of the imprisoned are coming to realize that they are victims of social injustice. Foremost,...
This article was originally posted to North Shore Counter-Info. Only a few weeks into his time as Premier, Doug Ford has already moved on a key promise he made to social conservatives while securing the Progressive Conservative party's leadership nomination. By canceling the sexual education reform and restoring the 1998...