Melbourne Anarchist Club MAC info, events and news


Infoshop is go! Launch party, Saturday, August 11

MAC has decided to launch an infoshop at the space and to help begin the process we're holding a launch party on Saturday, August 11. We'll have words and music, books and beats. From 5pm, bands, radical slam poetry and spoken word will celebrate the newest - and possibly (?) only - Melbourne-based anarchist book/infoshop. We'll have a wide collection of classical, recent and historical anarchist texts available for purchase, as well as drinks and food. Bands include:

Dead Peasants
A Commoner's Revolt
• Bernard Young from Pirate Satellite
• More TBA.

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MAC on Facebook

Did you know that MAC has a page on Facebook?

Well we do, and you'll find it here.

In other news, please note that the Fantin Reading Group has suspended activities until later in 2012/early 2013.

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Black Light zine (#1)


The deadline for submissions for the MAC zine Black Light (#1) is JULY 15.

The previous edition (#0) is available for download here.

If you have something you'd like to contribute send it to:

[email protected]

The theme for this issue is anarchy and organisation.

The issue will be available for distribution at the Melbourne Anarchist Bookfair, August 4.
