UN Human RightsVerified account


The United Nations office is led by High Commissioner . Follow us on FB & IG at *unitednationshumanrights*.

Geneva, Switzerland
Joined August 2009


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  1. report: Our goal is to assist the States to identify and address challenges and to give a voice to all the people in Kashmir who have been rendered voiceless amid the deep political polarization. Read:

  2. Retweeted
    4 hours ago

    - El portavoz del Alto Comisionado denuncia que la violencia es aún más horrible ya que los elementos armados leales al gobierno están operando con el apoyo expreso o tácito, y en coordinación con la policía y otras autoridades estatales 👉🏽

    , , and 4 others
  3. Retweeted
    4 hours ago

    Today, the Rome Statute turns 20. Through the Rome Statute, the ICC can give a voice to countless victims & a central place in the judicial proceeding. Learn more & join in helping to build a :

  4. government must put an end to appalling violence & protect population— some 280 dead & 1830 injured in 3 months of protests.   Serious violations reported as police & armed elements carried out “clean-up operations” across the country. 📰

  5. : Since the beginning of the year, the & Protection Division of has documented 99 incidents of intercommunal violence resulting in at least 289 civilian deaths ➡️

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  6. : Escalating violence in parts of Mopti region has led to widespread displacement of a civilian population already vulnerable due to a lack of protection and basic social services. Read:

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  7. We are disturbed by the attempts to distract from violations in . has a global mandate & works independently, with an established methodology, in its reporting. This is not about politics. It’s about the rights of millions of people in Kashmir.

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  8. In recent days, Indian media outlets have seized unquestioningly upon a claim by Zafar Bangash, that the High Commissioner was in constant contact with him, with the inference being he influenced the report on . This is totally untrue. READ:

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  9. We would like to set the facts straight. The report contains 388 footnotes incl. many official sources like the Indian Parliament, Supreme Court, Union Ministry of Defence, etc. Accusations that we used unverified information are thus puzzling:

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  10. No one should overstay their time in prison. in Cambodia worked with local NGOs to gain the release of 13 people held in prison years beyond the end of their sentences.

  11. Jul 16

    Free at last: Cambodia helped release 13 people held in prisons in Cambodia years after they completed their sentence. Read how:

  12. Jul 16

    We are deeply concerned by the imprisonment of Khairullo Mirsaidov. The journalist’s harsh sentencing highlights grave concerns for freedom of expression in :

  13. Jul 13

    In terms of , “it’s not just that millions are being ‘left’ behind”, says UN. “Many others are being ‘pushed’ behind by deliberate policy. Leaving no one behind means tackling discrimination and inequalities, and protecting human rights for all.”

  14. Jul 13

    “'Trickle-down' economics has proved a spectacular oxymoron. 'Torrent-up' economics far better describes the realities of wealth distribution”. tells , urges implementation of to tackle inequality & discrimination.

    More than 800 million lack access to clean water. Photo: UNICEF
  15. Retweeted
    Jul 13

    ’s decision to close the Kerem Shalom/Karm Abu Salem commercial crossing into tightens an already-punitive & comprehensive blockade which can only worsen Gaza’s dire humanitarian crisis - UN expert Michael Lynk:

  16. Jul 13

    se está adentrando en un peligroso espiral de violencia e impunidad, con matanzas a diario. Las represalias contra quienes tienen opiniones discordantes contrarias al gobierno no deben ser toleradas. Urgimos a las autoridades a cumplir con sus obligaciones de .

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  17. Jul 13

    is sliding into a dangerous spiral of violence & impunity with killings taking place daily. Reprisals against those holding dissenting views against the government should not be tolerated. We urge the authorities to meet their obligations.

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  18. Retweeted
    Jul 12

    For on 12 Aug 2018, I'm launching the challenge. One youth aged 15-24 with knowledge & passion for the to water & sanitation could win a trip to Geneva to speak about his/her submission. Instructions here:

    , , and 6 others
  19. Jul 12

    Mandela drew strength from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights during his 27-year incarceration. The UDHR had validated the anti-apartheid struggle but also posed the challenge that “our freedom, once achieved, should be dedicated to [UDHR] implementation”.

  20. Jul 12

    No one is immune to internal displacement. 40M people globally have already been uprooted by violence, climate change & man-made disasters. Future projections are even worse. Listen to survivors. Learn how these risks can be mitigated. Read our story here:


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