Amnesty IndiaAccount verificato


Freedom. Justice. Equality. Let's get to work.

Bengaluru, India
Iscritto a gennaio 2010


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  1. Tweet fissato
    8 giu

    Salima was threatened, Okram was attacked, Menjor was harassed. Why? Simply because they are fighting for justice for extrajudicial executions in Manipur. Today we launch our campaign to defend them. Will take action? Sign the petition here

    , , e altri 5
  2. 23 giu

    Salima Memcha lost her husband in an alleged extrajudicial execution in 2010. She now faces threats for simply seeking justice. This , stand with Salima and other members of who seek justice for their loved ones →

  3. 23 giu

    Wherever justice, freedom, dignity and truth are under threat, we unite to protect and empower women, men and children. We are a movement of 7 million people who believe that human rights are for ALL. Join us. Get involved →

  4. ha ritwittato
    21 giu

    It's - a good opportunity to look back at our global partnership with that took place last year in aid of the 20M+ refugees worldwide. 🌍⠀ Here's performing "Perfect" at :

  5. ha ritwittato
    22 giu

    Human rights defenders in face extreme persecution and even death. This 2018, support those who are fighting for human rights.

  6. 22 giu

    The latest victims of India's archaic sedition law: 5 minors in Bihar arrested for allegedly dancing to an "anti-Indian" song played by a DJ. Police continue to ignore SC rulings that incitement to violence must be present.

  7. 22 giu

    People in say they are living in fear of being targeted. No investigations have been ordered into complaints of intimidation and harassment by the police. Demand !

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  8. 22 giu

    Over 1528 people have been killed in in alleged extra judicial executions. Now their friends and family are under attack simply for speaking for justice. Join us tomorrow in Delhi.

  9. 22 giu

    Detaining protestors without charge, intimidating farmers opposing land acquisition, arresting student activists: the Tamil Nadu police's actions in and Salem are condemnable. There must be space for dissent against industrial projects.

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  10. 22 giu

    "Whenever we gather together, for a moment we'd laugh and forget about our suffering, personally I feel this has been the biggest achievement"- Renu Takhellambam, president of EEVFAM. EEVFAM members are under threat, stand with the them -

  11. 21 giu

    Shailesh Rai, Law & Policy Director in conversation with on on leader Chandrashekhar Azad and ’s campaign.

  12. ha ritwittato
    21 giu
  13. 21 giu

    EEVFAM members and activists associated with EEVFAM have documented many instances of extrajudicial executions. However, these brave human rights defenders are now increasingly under attack. Act now to stand with EEVFAM -

  14. 21 giu

    "For years, violence has dominated the lives of the people of and the fact that local groups are standing by human rights defenders, who are resisting rights violations, signifies the spirit of this collaborative campaign"

  15. 21 giu

    "In the evening of 31 January, an Izmir court ordered Taner’s release and his family – his wife, Hatice, and their three daughters - rushed expectantly to the prison. That night Taner did not get to hug his daughters or hold his wife’s hand."

  16. ha ritwittato
    20 giu

    Very moved by my visit to beyond the gates of Şakran high security prison today. He sends his gratitude to activists around the world for their unrelenting support. His year in unjust pre-trial detention has only strengthened his commitment to

  17. ha ritwittato
    21 giu

    : We are in Istanbul outside the court where the hearing in the case of Taner and the Istanbul 10 resumes today. Follow us as we speak on FB Live now →

  18. ha ritwittato
    19 giu

    Ten good reasons for the to leave the UN Human Rights Council. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. (there are none)

  19. 20 giu

    An article in claiming that Amnesty India had 'manipulated' data on crimes against Dalits and Adivasis is absurd and misleading.

  20. ha ritwittato
    19 giu

    ❓Which countries host the most refugees? 🔹The answers might surprise you.

  21. ha ritwittato
    19 giu

    Everyone has the right to life and liberty. Everyone has the right to freedom from fear. Everyone has the right to seek asylum from persecution. This , stand .


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