Anna Soubry MPConta verificada


MP for Broxtowe and life long One Nation Tory. Constituents please email me on

Broxtowe, Nottinghamshire
Participa desde junho de 2011


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  1. Tweet Fixado
    2 de mar

    Leave voters will listen to PMs wise words on the complexity and cost of & increasingly realise they’ve been sold a pup. It doesn’t have to be this way and people must be entitled to change their minds

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  2. 3 horas atrás

    No it’s good common sense based on sensible pragmatism putting our country’s best interests first.

  3. retweetou
    18 de mar

    John McDonell is ‘the most dangerous man in British politics’- well said

  4. 16 horas atrás

    And I went on to say that & have changed their line to find favour with voters after polling showed huge support for stance on . will say anything to get in to power.

  5. retweetou
    18 de mar

    . & totally right on - there are attempts to stop MPs working cross party on . We will ignore them+carry on working in the national interest. V.proud of the entire movement inc & others

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  6. 19 horas atrás

    Excellent makes case for British lamb (tastes great & sheep farming vital for hill management) & & risk tariffs & abandon regulatory alignment w EU for unicorn trade deals when we already are exporting to new markets?

  7. 18 de mar
  8. 18 de mar

    Thanks for the warm welcome after a v early (cold and snowy) start ....

  9. 18 de mar

    Usually a big fan . I am named in a story penned by him in the Sunday Times. I wasn’t asked to verify its’ claims before publication. If I had I would have denied it as it’s not true.

  10. retweetou
    17 de mar

    a) People the Corbynites have fiercely criticised since the Salisbury attack: Tory MPs. Theresa May. Labour Moderates. Israel (all of it). British security officials. The producers of Newsnight. b) People the Corbynites have not fiercely criticised: Vladimir Putin.

  11. 17 de mar

    Blowing a blizzard!

  12. 17 de mar
  13. 17 de mar

    Great game in store this afternoon. You will get a warm welcome at Meadow Lane.

  14. 16 de mar

    50,000 more children will get free school meals. Everyone has a responsibility to tweet honestly. This totally inaccurate tweet does nothing to improve genuine debate and political engagement.

  15. retweetou
    16 de mar

    ❄️ Weather turning much colder tonight with ice & snow showers likely over the weekend. 🌨️ Our gritters will be completing two runs overnight tonight & closely monitoring conditions over the weekend, gritting as necessary. Routes ➡️

  16. 16 de mar

    Well done the Government front bench. Having listened to the debate they decided not to vote against (FamilyReUnionBill Excellent cross party working

  17. retweetou
    16 de mar

    Refugees do not choose to leave their lives, jobs and homes, says , they are forced to by war and conflict: "They are human beings who fled abominable circumstances"

  18. retweetou
    16 de mar

    "It's very easy to take a group of people and attach to them a label, which then disassociates yourself from seeing each and every person in that group as what they are - a human being, with a story to tell" 👏👏👏👏

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  19. retweetou
    16 de mar

    . thank you for your passionate eloquence - "[Humankind] hasn't changed over the centuries, over the decades - your desire is to keep your child safe, not to use it as a route for your own escape."

  20. 16 de mar

    Thank you. I am proud to support the Refugee (Family Reunion) Bill. It’s fair, humane, proportionate & improves our existing rules and laws.

  21. retweetou
    16 de mar

    . argues against the idea that the Bill would incentivise people to send their children ahead to the UK: "These are people who are fleeing war, persucution and terror on a scale beyond anything we could imagine"


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