
Official twitter handle of All India Central Council of Trade Unions, Delhi

New Delhi, India
Menyertai Februari 2018


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  1. 15 Apr
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  2. 15 Apr

    Say No To Corona! Say No To Lay-Offs!! Don't Take it Lying Down !! Organize & Resist !! Worried About Lay-Offs or Forced Leaves ?? Management Not Addressing Your Worries ?? Send your queries , between Wednesday , 4 PM To Thursday , 4 PM to

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  3. 11 Apr

    Food for All. No wage cut. No job loss. No loss of shelter. Only then we can fight Covid-19. Workers of the country will bang empty plates tomorrow on 12th April.

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  4. 11 Apr

    Why are FCI Godowns Locked? Why are private hospitals till costly? Why are hotel rooms kept empty? Why starve the people and protect the rich? Who do you represent ? Join workers as they bang their plates on 12th April

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  5. 11 Apr

    Provide food for all. For whom the Central Vista is being built? For the India that toils and is impove rished? Or the India that is rich and privileged? Health for all.

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  6. 11 Apr

    Stop the communal fake news. Act against those who are spreading fake news. Stop targeting Muslims. Stop the polarisation gameplay now. Give us food, ration, wage. Nationalise all hospitals, provide free public health. Run ambulances.

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  7. 11 Apr

    No where in the slums, the food provided by Govt is enough. Provide adequate ration. Provide nutrition. India must not remain half -fed.

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  8. 11 Apr

    Guarantee door-step delivery of food and other essential services. Open up FCI godowns.

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  9. 11 Apr

    Give direct cash transfer, not less than minimum wages & according to skill, to all workers. Where are the Jandhan accounts? Why can't wealth be distributed among people who have toiled to generate the wealth?

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  10. 11 Apr

    Domestic violence is increasing. Where do women go? Provide shelter. Provide food.

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  11. 11 Apr

    Don't tell us you don't have funds to feed us adequately Food godowns are full. Money of our banks are lying with corporates and billionaires. Open them all. Distribute among people.

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  12. 11 Apr

    Urgently strengthen the health system. Nationalise all hospitals. Regular health services must be available to all. Free and available Covid testing to all who need it. Act now.

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  13. 11 Apr

    The govt can't leave people on their own to fight stigma and prejudice in times of Corona crisis. Act against channels that spread fake news, specially targeting Muslims. Stop fake news on Nizamuddin Markaz. Protect doctors, nurses.

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  14. 11 Apr

    Empty NRC Detention Camps. Release all political prisoners. Stop over crowding of jails.

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  15. 11 Apr

    Release Chingiz Khan arrested in Manipur. Release Sharjeel Imam. Release Akhil Gogoi. Release Kafeel Khan. Stop targeting Muslims. Stop political targeting of dissenting voices. End communalism.

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  16. 11 Apr

    Stop police brutality. Resist class hatred, casteism, communalism in police action. Let empathy rule, not authoritarianism.

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  17. 11 Apr

    देश के माइग्रेंट मज़दूर को केवल हंगर प्रोन के रूप में देखना नाइंसाफी है।उन्ही की मज़दूरी की लूट से सम्पत्तिवानों का पहाड़ खड़ा हो रहा है! उनके सेफ और sanitized घर return की गारंटी हो अन्यथा कई सूरत सामने आएंगे!

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  18. 11 Apr
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  19. 11 Apr

    कोरोना से लड़ने के लिए सुविधा बढ़ाओ, कोरोना जैसी बीमारी को मार भगाओ.

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  20. 11 Apr

    बहुत सुना मन की बात! अब सुनो जन की बात!!

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