London Bridge attack - everything we know

The ringleader of the London Bridge terror attack who was photographed dead on the ground with canisters strapped to his body was today named by police as Khuram Butt.

Butt, 27, of Barking, East London, is believed to have led the trio of terrorists who ploughed into pedestrians on the bridge using a hired van, before stabbing revellers in pubs and bars in Borough Market on Saturday night killing seven people and injuring 48.

Khuram Butt, left, and Rachid Redouane

Witnesses heard the men shout "This is for Allah" before they were shot and killed by police within eight minutes of the first 999 call. Armed officers fired an "unprecedented" 50 rounds, according to Scotland Yard.

Today, a second man Rachid Redouane, 30, also from Barking was also named by police as one of the other two attackers. Redouane was unknown to police.  The third man is not a UK citizen. 

Today it emerged that Butt had appeared in the Channel 4 documentary The Jihadis Next Door, which warned of the rise of extreme Islam in London.

How did the attack start?

At 10.08pm police responded to a call about a white van ramming into five or six people on London Bridge.

The van veered off the road and drove into people on the pavement. Paramedics were on the scene six minutes later, the London Ambulance Service said.

Police have been piecing together eyewitness accounts, and believe that three men got out of the van and started attacking people with knives.

An eyewitness, Eric, told the BBC that he heard shouts of "this is for Allah".

John Stokes, a bus tour guide, said that he and the driver counted eight people lying on the road.

The three men, wearing what seemed to be suicide vests, then ran down to Borough Market.

What happened in Borough Market?

The three men appear to have stabbed people at random in the market.

They rampaged through the area, entering the many pubs and restaurants to stab anyone in sight.

Crowds in the bars fought back - hurling pint glasses, bottles and chairs at the attackers.

One woman was stabbed repeatedly, according to Gerard Vowls, who was trying to drive the attacker away by hurling chairs at him.

A security guard who works across multiple bars and pubs in Borough Market told the BBC he saw the attackers after receiving a call from a colleague in another bar who said people had been stabbed. 

Two sites in London - London Bridge and Borough Market - are the scene of a terrorist attack on Saturday night

The security guard described people running away screaming from three men. He and his colleagues tried to throw chairs at the attackers, who were going in and out of different bars.

Within eight minutes police were on the scene and eight officers opened fire, releasing 50 rounds and killing the three attackers.

Photos on social media showed two of the men on the ground. One of them, in front of the Wheatsheaf pub, had what appeared to be canisters strapped to his abdomen. Police later said that the canisters were fake.

What do we know about the attackers?

Khuram Butt was a 27-year-old British citizen born in Pakistan but lived in Barking, east London where he was believed to live with his wife and two children. The couple were said to have had an arranged marriage.

He had been reported to the anti-terror police on at least two occasions, it was claimed.

Assistant Commissioner Mark Rowley said Butt was known to the security services, but there was no evidence of "attack planning" by him.

A former friend of the terrorist claimed he had been radicalised watching videos on YouTube and said he contacted the authorities after becoming concerned over his obvious extremist views.

Butt was seen praying with a group of radical Muslims in Regent’s Park in the Channel 4 documentary, including Mohammed Shamsuddin who was filmed warning that the black flag of Islam would one day fly over Downing Street and calling for Britain to adopt Sharia law. 

The terrorist had previously worked for London transport operator Transport for London (TfL) and a branch of fast food chain KFC, neighbours said.

A relative also told how he had previously tried to go to Syria to fight jihad but had been talked out of it by his family as his wife was pregnant at the time.

A neighbour claimed she had contacted police in Barking, east London, after the suspect tried to convert her children to Islam and radicalise them. 

Rachid Redouane, 30, who claimed to be Moroccan-Libyan, also lived in Barking, east London. He used the name Rachid Elkhdar.

It is not yet known how the two men named knew each other.

Police raided a block of flats in Barking in east London Credit: EPA

What do we know about victims?

Police say at least seven people were killed. Christine Archibald, a Canadian, was the first victim to be identified

Her family said in a statement: "We grieve the loss of our beautiful, loving daughter and sister. She had room in her heart for everyone and believed strongly that every person was to be valued and respected.

"She lived this belief, working in a shelter for the homeless until she moved to Europe to be with her fiance. She would have had no understanding of the callous cruelty that caused her death."

Chrissy (Christine) Archibald, the first victim named in London Bridge terror attack

Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau said he was "heartbroken" to learn of Ms Archibald's death.

A French citizen is also among the victims, according to France's foreign ministry. The Frenchman was a 27-year-old from Saint-Malo in Brittany who was working in the Boro Bistro near the site of the assault, French media reported.

He died after he was stabbed in the neck by one of the attackers who burst into the restaurant and started slashing customers and staff, according to an account that has emerged in the French media.

Another French citizen reportedly suffered serious injuries to her legs when  when she was hit by the van on London Bridge.

Two Australians, a Spaniard and a New Zealander have also been caught up in the attack.

It is not clear how many died on London Bridge, when the terrorists' van ran into people and the men then stabbed anyone nearby, and how many died in Borough Market.

Authorities say 48 people were injured, 21 of whom were in critical condition.

What were Londoners told?

The advice given was to keep calm, but make your way home.

The Metropolitan Police issued instructions to "run, hide, tell" – telling Londoners to get out of the area if possible; hide and silence their phones if not; and call 999 if safe to do so.

People were still being told on Sunday they should avoid the London Bridge and Borough Market area, and only call 999 in an emergency.

Trains were not stopping at nearby stations, however they were due to open on Monday morning.

The RNLI and police used boats to help people get out of the area and search for anyone who may have fallen into the Thames.

What has the prime minister said?

Theresa May, who was understood to have been in her Maidenhead constituency when she was alerted to the news, chaired a Cobra meeting first thing on Sunday morning. 

So-called Cobra meetings are named after Cabinet Office Briefing Room A, where crisis response meetings are held.  They usually include the Prime Minister and senior cabinet ministers as well as intelligence and security officials. 

Mrs May called on internet companies to do more to tackle the spread of extremist material in the wake of the latest terror attack.

The Prime Minister said the UK “cannot and must not pretend that things can continue as they are” as she set out tough measures to tackle terrorism in response to the attack.

She said that there must now be greater regulation of the internet and that existing online “safe spaces” that allow terrorism to “breed” must be eradicated.  

Did the police have any warning?

The BBC security correspondent, Frank Gardner, is reporting that the police were not aware of any specific threat.

He says that the attack is being handled by the police, rather than the intelligence services, which means that there was no real warning.

Britain's official terror threat had recently been lowered from "critical" after a bombing killed 22 people at an Ariana Grande concert in Manchester.

But police were well aware that the bombing by Salman Abedi could spark another attack.