Ubimo — Is Your DSP Shortchanging You?

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Is Your DSP Shortchanging You?

March 7, 2017 / Kelly Lawler, VP Sales

Is your DSP shortchanging you? If they’re running data across your campaigns, and charging for each filter or signal, then the answer is simple: yes. But the consequences of nickel and diming your campaign data run deeper than your end-of-month invoice. Data is the fuel for intelligent technology - the more you feed it, the better it runs. You will find the consequences directly impact your campaign results.

At Ubimo we enrich every impression with our 40+ data points, whether or not that data was explicitly used for targeting. This ensures we’re fueling our technology with all available signals about each device and impression. Better fuel in, better performance out.

“Removing data limits sounds fairly intuitive, so why aren’t all platforms doing it?”

The answer usually boils down to three reasons:

  1. Planning muscle-memory
  2. DSP economics
  3. Technology

Planning muscle-memory

In the traditional planning process a buyer typically pre-selects the filters they want to use before the campaign has even begun and then waits to discover which factors, from within this predetermined sample, have made an impact on their campaign. This process is not broken per se, but it can be improved to make the most out of newer, more sophisticated technologies.

DSP economics

A larger wrench in the works is around data economics. The traditional DSP economic model attaches all add-ons, with filters and audiences being a primary source of incremental campaign revenue. Fundamentally, lifting data limits is going to necessitate a chang ein the DMP commercial model governing how they sell to DSPs and advertisers, and how DSPs pass on costs to their users.


The third factor concerns technological restrictions. A majority of platforms are not built to process vast amounts of data. They simply don’t have the architecture or economic incentive to handle unlimited data-enhancement on every impression, let alone to absorb the costs involved in doing this for the greater good of the campaign.

For most platforms, the vicious cycle is destined to continue: costs are passed back to the advertiser, the advertiser decides when they have the budget to include data, and results come from a more limited pool of potential.

So, where does this leave the advertiser who realizes there is more potential just out of reach? Seek out those platforms that are able to provide a more flexible data offering, and demand to know why others do not.

Ubimo is the first platform to provide unlimited data on every impression, and we do this with a simple media fee structure to allow results to thrive. Contact us to see it in action.