Telos 183 · Summer 2018
50th Anniversary Issue

First published in the eventful year of 1968, Telos now celebrates its fiftieth year as the definitive international forum for discussions of political, social, and cultural change.
Read Russell A. Berman's introduction to Telos 183 here.

Europe and the World
World War I as Crisis of Universalism
Edited by Kai Evers and David Pan

With contributions from scholars around the world, this new and wide-ranging collection of essays examines how the conflicts between nationalism and cosmopolitanism as a universalist political project defined the First World War as the transition point to a new structure of global relations.
Telos Press Book Sale!
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For a New Naturalism
Edited by Arran Gare and Wayne Hudson

A manifesto for a new naturalism that goes beyond reductionism and contributes to the reform of human affairs. The first volume in our new Telos Investigations series. Now available!
Mastering the Past:
Contemporary Central and Eastern Europe
and the Rise of Illiberalism
by Ellen Hinsey

Through a series of eyewitness reports, Ellen Hinsey's Mastering the Past documents a critical shift in the Central and Eastern European political landscape: the dangerous rise of illiberalism.
Free Radicals:
Agitators, Hippies, Urban Guerrillas, and Germany’s
Youth Revolt of the 1960s and 1970s
by Elliot Neaman
With a Foreword by Timothy W. Luke

Elliot Neaman's Free Radicals presents a comprehensive panorama of the West German youth revolt in the 1960s,
as well as its subsequent fragmentation and descent into
terrorism in the 1970s.
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TELOSscope: The Telos Press Blog

Thoughts on the History of Telos, 1968–2018

By Timothy W. Luke

On June 8, 2018, Telos celebrated its fiftieth anniversary at a special event held in New York City. Speakers included Telos editors Russell Berman, Tim Luke, David Pan, and Adrian Pabst, as well as Jacob Siegel, who delivered a talk on "Telos, Post-liberal Politics, and a Veteran's Reading of Ernst Jünger." Videos of the event are available at the Telos-Paul . . . (continue reading)

Telos 183 (Summer 2018): 50th Anniversary Issue

By Russell A. Berman

Telos 183 (Summer 2018), celebrating the fiftieth anniversary of the journal Telos, is now available for purchase in our store. Telos began this anniversary year with our previous issue's exploration of the legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr., tragically assassinated fifty years ago in April. That too was 1968, the excitement of profound social change and the bitter taste of disappointment. . . . (continue reading)

Rethinking Peter Bürger's Critique of Adorno's Aesthetic Theory

By Lillian Hingley

As an occasional feature on TELOSscope, we highlight a past Telos article whose critical insights continue to illuminate our thinking and challenge our assumptions. Today, Lillian Hingley looks at Peter Bürger's "Adorno's Anti-Avant-Gardism" from Telos 86 (Winter 1990–91). Peter Bürger's Theory of the Avant-Garde (1984) is one of the landmark texts on aesthetic theory published in the twentieth century. One of the . . . (continue reading)

From the Publisher's Desk

Telos has always celebrated rejuvenation and renewal, and in recent years we’ve embraced that change in a variety of ways. We’ve taken Telos online and digitized our complete archive, allowing institutional subscribers from around the world to access the journal over the Internet. We’ve created a regular conference series in New York City and another more recently in Europe, which have brought together an increasing number of scholars to discuss today’s critical issues in politics and philosophy . . . (continue reading)

Subscribe to Telos!

For fifty years, readers from around the globe have turned to Telos to engage with the sharpest minds in politics and philosophy, and to discover emerging theoretical analyses of the critical issues of the day. Subscribe now and don’t miss a single issue!

As a small independent publisher, we rely on both our individual and institutional subscribers. If your university does not subscribe to Telos, please encourage your librarian to begin a subscription. A printable recommendation form is available here.