
Name: Andy Blunden

Born: 1945

Political Party: Currently without political affiliation

Union: National Tertiary Education Union

General Notes: (See my Home Page)

Joined MIA: 1999

MIA Responsibilities: MIA Secretary, Maintainer of Hegel Reference Archive, the Philosophy Subject Reference Section, the Marx-Engels Archive; Section Director of the Reference Archive, Editor of the glossary, the drop-down menus and the Cross-Language Authors Index and Cross-Language Marx-Engels Index, and maintainer of numerous smaller archives: dietzgen, dunayevskaya, ilyenkov, james-clr, leontev, lukacs, luria, mikhailov, pilling and vygotsky; the reference/subject archives, subject archives for alienation, anarchism, ethics, philosophy, psychology, war, workers; history archives for International, Australia, France, ...

Published: Forword to Hegel's Logic, An Interdisciplinary Theory of Activity, Concepts. A Critical Approach and Collaborative Projects. An interdisciplinary study and The Origins of Collective Decision Making. See My Writing, for more of my research.

Foreword to Hegel’s Logic – purchase book from MIA for US$25.

Andy Blunden burning his draft card in Melbourne in March 1966