The WooCommerce Blog

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Why is My WooCommerce Site Slow? And How To Fix It

June 19, 2018 - 4 Comments

Is your WooCommerce site slow? It’s good you’re looking into it. $1.6 billion is the amount would lose in sales every year if their page load slowed down by just one second.

Fast loading pages boost conversions and SEO, reduce cart abandonment, increase page views, and keep customer engaged.

Tip: Test your page load speed with a free online tool like Pingdom, GTMetrix, WebPageTest or Dareboost.

The good news is in most cases you can fix a slow WooCommerce site by checking a few key things.

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Styling, Lighting, and Camera Settings for eCommerce Photography

June 15, 2018 - 8 Comments

When shoot day arrives, there are a few steps you need to keep in mind when it comes to styling, lighting, and camera settings.

Styling and backdrop

Traditional product images are shot with a seamless white or neutral backdrop. This simplifies the editing process and gives the product a clean and focused appearance.

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Getting Started with eCommerce Product Photography

June 14, 2018 - 5 Comments

Have you ever found yourself browsing an online store because a beautiful image showed up in your Twitter feed? Welcome to the power of eCommerce product photography!

If you’re launching a WooCommerce store, photos are one of your most impactful sales tools.

Good eCommerce photography attracts the right customers, tells a story, and lifts the overall quality of a store. Bad eCommerce photography can erode trust, turn customers off, and even be misleading, causing returns and hurting your bottom line.

What if you know nothing about product photography?

Then you’re in the right place — learn how to plan a photo shoot and get publish-ready photos.

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How Two Insect-loving Entrepreneurs Built a Business on Bugs

June 12, 2018 - 4 Comments

Neil Whippey and Shami Radia, the founders of Eat Grub, are on a mission to “change the way the West eats”. With their successful eCommerce business, this London-based duo is promoting insects as a sustainable and nutritious source of food – one delicious snack at a time.

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WooCommerce Shipping Saves You Money and Trips to the Post Office

June 7, 2018 - 14 Comments

If you’re getting started shipping physical goods with WooCommerce, and you’re based in the United States or Canada, try WooCommerce Shipping – a free service, built into WooCommerce itself, with shortcuts like live postage rates and at-home label printing to make order fulfilment easier.

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The ABCs of Shipping and Fulfillment: What Do You Need to Consider?

June 5, 2018 - 5 Comments

If you’re going to sell physical goods online, shipping orders will be an important part of your process. There are a few key tasks new store owners need to complete, including configuring settings and choosing a carrier and delivery options.

Fortunately, there are WooCommerce extensions to save you some time — and for WooCommerce stores in the United States and Canada, WooCommerce Shipping simplifies order fulfillment.

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Five Ways to Boost Engagement with Live Chat

May 31, 2018 - 9 Comments

Customer engagement comes from the emotional connection between your customer and your brand. The more engaged your customers, the more likely they are to buy more, promote your brand, and become repeat customers.

You want every customer touchpoint to provide a consistent, inviting experience, so people want to come back for more. In a brick-and-mortar store, you have real-time, human connection. Online, you don’t have a chance to get in touch with a website visitor until they buy something, and your automations and triggers kick in. Right?

Wrong! Modern communication applications let you communicate with website visitors, drive conversions, and build longer-lasting relationships. One great way that you can build right into WooCommerce? Live chat.

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Creative Email Suggestions to Stand Out from The Crowd

May 25, 2018 - 3 Comments

We hope you’ve enjoyed this four part series on email marketing! To wrap it up, we want to leave you with some inspiration. Here are some emails that stand out from the crowd, from across every stage of the email lifecycle.


Welcome Emails: Paul Smith’s welcome email thanks their new subscribers and highlights core features of their online shop. They also include clear links to their social media profiles, so people can connect with them across the web.

Paul Smith Welcome email.
Paul Smith Welcome email. Source: ReallyGoodEmails

Getting Started / User Guide emails: If you sell a one-of-a-kind product that customers may have trouble using, a “getting started” email gives you a chance to set them up for success by explaining its features and sharing basic how-tos. In this helpful email, Google highlights the unique selling propositions of its product, Chromecast:

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Five Best Practices for eCommerce Email Marketing

May 23, 2018 - 10 Comments

Email marketing is all about building a relationship with your customers by sending the right communication at the right time. This gets harder as your customer base grows. You probably don’t have time to send one-on-one messages to each one of your subscribers, so how do you scale relationship-building? Email automation.

Now that you have a sense of the email lifecycle and recommended tools, let’s look at five best practices for building customer relationships with email automations.

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What’s new in WooCommerce 3.4: GDPR features and GeoLite2 integration

May 23, 2018 - 7 Comments

Since our last minor release in January, we’ve been working on a variety of improvements to WooCommerce:

  • GDPR compliance tools and settings
  • GeoLite2 integration

To ensure this update is stable, we’ve been doing plenty of testing and QA on our side including a public beta period, unit and integration testing, compatibility testing with our extensions and popular premium themes, working with customers to do managed updates, and running 3.4 on

WooCommerce 3.4 is a minor release, meaning it should be fully backwards compatible with all WooCommerce releases since 3.0. However, it’s still considered best practice, and recommended, to backup before updating.

We recommend viewing our documentation on how to update, making a backup, updating extensions, and finally updating WooCommerce via WP Admin.

Here are some more details about what’s new in 3.4

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WooCommerce Email Tools and Integrations

May 22, 2018 - 3 Comments

This week we’re putting the spotlight on email marketing for WooCommerce: understanding the email lifecycle, emails best practices, and helpful tools and integrations.

WooCommerce has robust email tools built right into core. To send a greater range of messages, you can integrate your store with leading email services like MailChimp, and add email marketing extensions.

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Understanding the Email Marketing Lifecycle

May 21, 2018 - 4 Comments

The Sequoia Data Corporation introduced Compumarket, the first internet-based system for eCommerce, in 1989. Barely 20 years later, eCommerce sales are predicted to reach $2.84 billion.

But unless you pull customers towards your business, you won’t generate sales — and that’s where email comes in. According to a joint survey by DMA and eConsultancy, 80% of marketers think email is the best marketing channel for customer acquisition, and 81% consider it best for customer retention.

For the next few days we’re putting the spotlight on email marketing to look at four key topics, starting with understanding the email marketing lifecycle.

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The GDPR: Ongoing Compliance

May 17, 2018 - 16 Comments

Over the past week we’ve answered some key questions about GDPR compliance. You’ve read about the changes coming to eCommerce (and the internet in general), the importance of putting someone in charge, and how to craft a privacy policy. You learned the basics of responding to Right of Access and Right to Erasure requests, and the importance of keeping your data — and your customers’ data — secure.

There’s also a larger issue at play: privacy isn’t a one time effort. It’s part of the ongoing maintenance for your business.

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The GDPR: Security Breaches

May 17, 2018 - 1 Comment

Google blacklists around 10,000 websites every day for malware, removing them from search results — and more importantly, malware can infiltrate customer data and expose your customers (and you!) to fraud and identity theft. Security breaches are a serious business.

To raise the bar on how companies respond to security issues, the GDPR introduces new rules governing what merchants must do when an EU resident’s data is exposed in a breach. 

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The GDPR: Right to Erasure Requests

May 16, 2018 - 15 Comments

Sometimes. a customer wants to remove their digital footprint from the Internet. Maybe they were the victim of identity theft, suffered online harassment, or just want reduce their online presence. Whatever the reason, store owners who collect data from EU residents can expect to receive “Right to Erasure” requests under the GDPR.

As with Right of Access requests, the data a person can expect to be erased includes the obvious — name, address, phone number — and the less obvious, like tracking numbers and VAT IDs. 

One significant difference is that Right to Erasure requests are more like a right to request erasure. As a business owner, you probably need to keep some data for a limited time to comply with contractual obligations and protect yourself, like keeping tracking IDs to defend against shipping disputes or keeping VAT information for tax audits. Before you get your first request, it’s important to know what personal customer data you need to store, and to include this in your privacy policy and terms and conditions.

When you’re ready to fulfill a Right to Erasure request, the good news is that — as with Right to Access requestsWordPress 4.9.6 and WooCommerce 3.4 have tools to help.

Right to Erasure tool in WordPress core
There’s a new tool for responding to Right to Erasure requests in WordPress 4.9.6

Before You Get Your First Request

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The GDPR: Right of Access Requests

May 16, 2018 - 14 Comments

You probably know someone who’s requested their data from one of the big social media platforms. It can be staggering to see all the detail in one of these data “dumps”!  

If your store collects data from EU residents, you can expect to start receiving “Right of Access” requests under the GDPR. 

An EU resident has a right to a copy of all the data you’ve collected about him or her, ideally in an electronic format. This includes information like name, address, and phone number, along with less obvious things like shipment tracking numbers or VAT IDs. Thankfully, WordPress 4.9.6, WooCommerce 3.4, and many WooCommerce extensions automate the legwork Right of Access requests require — we’ll walk you through the process.

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