Russian Federation

More inconsistencies in account of second UK novichok poisoning

By Thomas Scripps, 11 July 2018

The theory advanced by the government is that “Russia has committed an attack on British soil which has seen the death of a British citizen.”

Soviet-Russian conductor Gennady Rozhdestvensky dead at 87

By Clara Weiss, 11 July 2018

Rozhdestvensky had a formative influence on Soviet musical life throughout much of the postwar period.

“Nerve agent” death of Dawn Sturgess raises fresh questions over UK Skripal affair

By Thomas Scripps, 10 July 2018

In marked contrast to the hospitalisation of Russian double agent Sergei Skripal and his daughter, Yulia, the fatality of Dawn Sturgess—apparently also through “novichok” poisoning—has met with a more muted response.

UK mounts fresh offensive against Russia following second alleged novichok poisoning

By Chris Marsden, 6 July 2018

The circumstances surrounding the latest accusations are as dubious and baseless as those initially made regarding the March 4 incident involving double-agent Sergei Skripal and his daughter, Yulia.

The Case of Sobchak: A film by, about and for the Russian oligarchy

By Clara Weiss, 6 July 2018

The documentary amounts to an appeal to the Kremlin, Washington and the liberal intelligentsia, to make peace and negotiate an orderly transition from the Putin presidency.

Outrage in Russia over pension reform

By Clara Weiss, 21 June 2018

Ninety-two percent of the population oppose the government’s plan to raise the retirement age.

Russian authorities ordered destruction of documents on Stalin’s terror

By Clara Weiss, 18 June 2018

Archival material about people who were kept in the Soviet forced labor camp system and subsequently released has been systematically destroyed, on the basis of a secret decree from February 2014.

Russian President Putin’s “direct line” discussion dominated by war danger and social crisis

By Vladimir Volkov and Clara Weiss, 14 June 2018

Putin’s positive evaluation of the situation in the country stands in stark contrast to the social crisis confronting the vast majority of the Russian population.

The Guardian mounts defence of British government lies over Skripals

By Jean Shaoul, 12 June 2018

The Guardian is acutely aware of the widespread and entirely healthy scepticism towards anything the government says on the Skripal case.

Lies and contradictions pile up on Ukraine’s faked murder of Babchenko

By Clara Weiss, 4 June 2018

Western governments and media outlets fear that the crudity of Ukraine’s state operation will discredit their anti-Russia campaign.

The New York Times and the murder that wasn’t

By Andre Damon, 1 June 2018

The response to the staged murder of the Russian journalist Arkady Babchenko stands as an exposure of the US media.

Japanese and Russian leaders meet to discuss economic and security concerns

By Gary Alvernia, 1 June 2018

The summit between Abe and Putin highlighted the cracks emerging between Tokyo and Washington.

War, propaganda and smears: An interview with Professor Piers Robinson

Part three

By Julie Hyland, 26 May 2018

The following is the third part of a three-part interview with Professor Piers Robinson, an academic at the University of Sheffield and a member of the Working Group on Syria, Propaganda and Media.

War, propaganda and smears: An interview with Professor Piers Robinson

Part two

By Julie Hyland, 25 May 2018

The following is the second part of a three-part interview with Professor Piers Robinson, an academic at the University of Sheffield and a member of the Working Group on Syria, Propaganda and Media. Part one was posted on May 24.

War, propaganda and smears: An interview with Professor Piers Robinson

Part one

By Julie Hyland, 24 May 2018

The following is the first part of a three-part interview with Professor Piers Robinson, an academic at the University of Sheffield and a member of the Working Group on Syria, Propaganda and Media.

Sergei Skripal discharged from hospital

By Robert Stevens and Paul Bond, 21 May 2018

The entire narrative concocted by the British government has fallen apart, seam by seam.

Putin begins his fourth term as Russia’s president

By Clara Weiss, 9 May 2018

Putin’s fourth term as president will inevitably be characterized by increasing social struggles in Russia.

Capitalist restoration in Russia: A balance sheet

Part 4: The Kuzbass today

By Clara Weiss, 4 May 2018

This series reviews the lessons of the Soviet miners’ strike of 1989 and capitalist restoration in Russia.

Capitalist restoration in Russia: A balance sheet

Part 3

By Clara Weiss, 3 May 2018

This series reviews the lessons of the Soviet miners’ strike of 1989 and capitalist restoration in Russia.

UK media told to conceal connections between Sergei Skripal and MI6

By Thomas Scripps, 2 May 2018

A former UK ambassador has published evidence suggesting that a “D-notice” has been issued to the press—a request to stop the publication of potentially damaging news stories.

Capitalist restoration in Russia: A balance sheet

Part 2: What happened to the miners’ strike

By Clara Weiss, 2 May 2018

This series reviews the lessons of the Soviet miners’ strike of 1989 and capitalist restoration in Russia.

Capitalist restoration in Russia: A balance sheet

Part 1

By Clara Weiss, 1 May 2018

This series reviews the lessons of the Soviet miners’ strike of 1989 and capitalist restoration in Russia.

Skripal case developments further discredit British government lies

By Simon Whelan, 23 April 2018

As the UK government’s lies over the Skripal affair continue to unravel, Moscow has accused it of yet “another gross violation” of international rules.

As lies on Syrian gas attack unravel, US and UK shift to claims of Russian “cyber war”

By Will Morrow, 18 April 2018

An on-the-spot report from Douma by veteran journalist Robert Fisk further exposes the chemical gas pretext for the illegal US-UK-French bombing of Syria.

US lashes out at Russia, as OPCW inspectors prepare to enter Douma

By Peter Symonds, 17 April 2018

Western governments and media that propagated unsubstantiated claims of a chemical weapons attack to justify illegal missile strikes on Syria are seeking to cover their tracks.

Russian government blocks messaging app Telegram

By Clara Weiss, 17 April 2018

The attack on encrypted communication is part of the international drive by governments to censor the Internet and expand mass surveillance.

UN agency fails to substantiate claims of Russian use of “military grade nerve agent” in Skripal poisoning

By Julie Hyland, 13 April 2018

The alleged attack on the Skripals, using what was described as a Novichok nerve agent, was intended as a critical element in justifying US and British war plans against Russia.

German-US tensions grow over expansion of Nord Stream pipeline

By Clara Weiss, 12 April 2018

Potential US sanctions against the project could dramatically intensify the economic and political tensions between the United States and Germany.

Yulia Skripal discharged from hospital and taken to secret location

By Robert Stevens, 11 April 2018

The same treatment will likely be meted out to Sergei Skripal, with Salisbury hospital announcing he will be discharged in “due course.”

Turkish, Russian and Iranian presidents meet in Ankara

By Halil Celik, 10 April 2018

The presidents of Turkey, Russia and Iran came together in Ankara April 4 to discuss developments in Syria as well as the relations between the three countries.

Britain piles on lies to shore up Skripal poisoning accusations against Russia

By Robert Stevens, 9 April 2018

Faced with a devastating exposure of the May government’s concoctions, within the space of a month, the British media is in damage limitation mode.

US sanctions target Russian officials and businessmen

By Andre Damon, 7 April 2018

Even as the US-UK narrative of the alleged poisoning of a Russian ex-spy in Britain falls apart, Washington continues to escalate its provocative anti-Russian campaign.

US escalates anti-Russia campaign as contradictions mount in Skripal narrative

By Mike Head, 6 April 2018

Yulia Skripal said she and her father are recovering quickly, casting more doubt about the claims that a “weapons grade” nerve gas was involved in the poisoning of the Skripals.

The lies of the imperialist powers over the Skripal affair unravel

By Robert Stevens, 5 April 2018

Not since Nazi Germany has the world witnessed such a shameless falsification of events as the provocation concocted around the poisoning in England of former Russian double agent Sergei Skripal and his daughter.

Russia-Japan dispute over Kurils reflects mounting tensions in North East Asia

By Gary Alvernia, 5 April 2018

Russia is placing warplanes in the Kuril Islands in response to the Japanese government’s remilitarisation and US threats of war against North Korea.

UK’s Porton Down military lab head: Russia not identified as source of Skripal poisoning

By Julie Hyland, 4 April 2018

The laboratory’s statements explode the British government’s utilisation of the Skripals’ apparent poisoning to ratchet up NATO’s provocations against Moscow.

Regional governor Tuleev resigns in wake of Kemerovo fire in Russia

By Clara Weiss, 4 April 2018

The Kemerovo fire has brutally laid bare the class relations in Russia and triggered an ongoing political crisis.

Yulia Skripal “improving rapidly”: The unravelling of the Russian Novichok narrative

By Chris Marsden, 31 March 2018

The recovery of Yulia Skripal after having been supposedly poisoned by a “military-grade” nerve agent is just one of the innumerable inconsistencies and contradictions in London’s case against Russia.

In response to US-UK provocations

Russia expels US diplomats, closes consulate in St. Petersburg

By Patrick Martin, 30 March 2018

Tensions between Russia and the NATO powers, led by the US and Britain, are at their sharpest since the Cold War.

US sells Poland Patriot anti-missile system amid continued campaign against Russia

By Bill Van Auken, 29 March 2018

The sale represents a direct military provocation, escalating tensions provoked by unsubstantiated allegations surrounding the Skripal poisoning in the UK.

German politicians question US-led campaign against Russia

By Johannes Stern, 29 March 2018

While London and Washington continue to further incite tensions with Russia over the Skripal case, criticism is mounting within the European Union over their aggressive stance towards Moscow.

Russia: Protests against officials erupt in wake of Kemerovo fire

By Clara Weiss, 28 March 2018

The horrific fire at the Kemerovo “Winter Cherry” shopping mall and entertainment center on March 25 has brought social and political tensions in Russia to a boiling point.

Russian diplomats expelled over allegations of poisoning of ex-spy in UK

By Bill Van Auken, 27 March 2018

The mass expulsion of Russian diplomats from the US, 14 EU countries, Canada and Ukraine marks a coordinated campaign to pave the way to war.

Russia: At least 64 dead, including many children, in horrific shopping mall fire

By Clara Weiss, 27 March 2018

Like the Grenfell fire last summer in London, the fire at the Kemerovo shopping mall on Sunday is a social crime for which the ruling oligarchy bears full responsibility.

European Union backs UK in accusing Russia of nerve agent attack

By Chris Marsden, 24 March 2018

Britain is using the alleged attempted assassination of the Skripals to ally itself with powerful sections of the US establishment pushing for a more hardline stance against Russia.

Russia after the elections: Calls for “reforms” and negotiations with imperialist powers grow louder within the oligarchy

By Clara Weiss, 24 March 2018

The Russian oligarchy views Putin’s electoral victory first and foremost as a strengthening of its bargaining position in its desperate attempts to find a negotiated settlement with US and European imperialism.

UK-led anti-Russia campaign used to hit out at Trump, pressure EU

By Chris Marsden, 22 March 2018

Tuesday was the day the UK expelled 23 Russian diplomats and their families, while May chaired a session of the national security council to discuss further actions against Russia.

European Union joins UK in ratcheting up anti-Russia campaign

By Chris Marsden, 20 March 2018

The Skripal affair has been used by the UK and powerful voices within the US political and military establishment to push the two major European states away from Russia.

London, NATO step up war threats against Russia over Skripal poisoning

By Alex Lantier, 19 March 2018

NATO authorities issued a barrage of political and military threats at Russia, a nuclear-armed power, without providing any evidence for their allegations.

Witch-hunt of Corbyn aims to silence popular opposition to anti-Russia offensive

By Chris Marsden, 19 March 2018

Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn’s cautioning against a “rush to judgement” in the alleged poisoning of former double agent Sergei Skripal has prompted frenzied media denunciations.

Putin wins Russian presidential elections amid growing international and domestic instability

By Vladimir Volkov and Clara Weiss, 19 March 2018

The Russian presidential elections took place amid unprecedented geopolitical tensions, and a prolonged decline in popular living standards.

Questions mount about UK allegations over "novichok" poison in Skripal case

By Alex Lantier, 19 March 2018

Scientists have repeatedly questioned the existence of the ‘novichok’ poison which London is claiming, without providing evidence, that Russia used to poison Skripal.

The campaign over the Skripal poisoning: An international war provocation

By Chris Marsden, 17 March 2018

The campaign by the imperialist powers in Europe and the United States over the poisoning of former Russian spy and British double agent Sergei Skripal and his daughter stinks to high heaven.

New York Times chides Trump for insufficient aggression against Russia

By Bill Van Auken, 17 March 2018

The Times editorial underscore the newspaper’s role as a propaganda organ for leading elements in the US military and intelligence apparatus that are pressing for war.

Washington imposes sanctions against Russia

By Bill Van Auken, 16 March 2018

The sanctions over alleged Russian cyberattacks and “interference” in US elections came as Washington joined the UK, France and Germany in indicting Moscow for the poisoning of a former Russian spy.

As tensions escalate, UK expels 23 Russian diplomats

By Chris Marsden, 15 March 2018

May is leading an international offensive to reinforce demands for action against Russia, up to and including a military response, working in close collaboration with the US.

French ruling elite brays for war in Syria amid US-UK threats against Russia

By Alex Lantier, 15 March 2018

As Paris moves to restore the draft, the major NATO powers are creating conditions for major wars in which large draftee armies could be deployed.

The Skripal poisoning: What lies behind UK-US ultimatums against Russia?

By Alex Lantier, 14 March 2018

As London and NATO concoct a case for war against Russia based on allegations that Moscow poisoned Sergei Skripal, certain elementary questions must be asked.

UK seeks international support for anti-Russia measures

By Chris Marsden, 14 March 2018

UK Prime Minister Theresa May is engaged in a high-stakes effort to turn the tide internationally towards stepped-up conflict with Russia, up to and including a military confrontation.

UK prime minister delivers ultimatum to Russia, heightening war danger

By Laura Tiernan, 13 March 2018

May’s speech follows a wave of anti-Russia hysteria unleashed by the media, political and military establishment, including the mobilisation of 180 military personnel in the cathedral city of Salisbury.

Corbyn's Shadow Chancellor says Labour MPs will boycott RT

By Laura Tiernan, 13 March 2018

Once again, the Corbynites have adopted policy positions associated with the pro-war majority that dominates the Parliamentary Labour Party.

Still no facts in UK/Russia double agent poisoning case

By Robert Stevens, 10 March 2018

Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia are in a critical condition after allegedly being exposed to what has been described only as a “nerve agent.”

Russian economy stagnates as presidential election approaches

By Andrea Peters, 10 March 2018

Russians will head to the polls on March 18, as the Kremlin touts an economic recovery that leaves millions behind.

Armando Iannucci’s The Death of Stalin: A fatally ill-conceived “black comedy”

By David Walsh, 9 March 2018

Ianucci’s new film about the demise of the gravedigger of the Russian Revolution is not so much maliciously anticommunist as it is, above all, historically clueless.

Anti-Russia campaign follows alleged poisoning of former UK/Russian double agent and daughter

By Robert Stevens, 8 March 2018

Sergei Skripal is a former colonel in Russia’s GRU, the military intelligence service. He spent four years in jail in Russia after being found guilty in 2006 of passing secrets to the British MI6.

Putin’s state of the nation speech highlights crisis of Russian oligarchy

By Clara Weiss, 6 March 2018

Menaced by US imperialism and gripped by economic crisis, the Russian state headed by Putin offers no solution to the historic impasse facing the country.

Responding to US threats, Russian President Putin proclaims nuclear arms race

By Andre Damon, 2 March 2018

In a belligerently nationalistic speech Thursday, Putin boasted about advances in Russia’s nuclear arsenal and played a video depicting a nuclear strike on the United States.

US airstrike kills dozens amid mounting Western war propaganda over Syria

By Bill Van Auken, 28 February 2018

The orchestrated outcry over civilian deaths in Ghouta and chorus of chemical weapons allegations are aimed at preparing a major new imperialist escalation in the Middle East.

Syrian government offensive prompts calls for intensified US military intervention

By Jordan Shilton, 22 February 2018

US media outlets have seized on the escalation of violence to call for the expansion of Washington’s illegal military intervention.

New York Times columnist Charles Blow blames Russia for the fall in black voter turnout

By Fred Mazelis, 21 February 2018

Blow brands the decision not to choose between two candidates of the ruling class as an illegitimate display of “apathy.”

The Russian meddling fraud: Weapons of mass destruction revisited

By Andre Damon and Joseph Kishore, 20 February 2018

As with the Bush administration’s lies about Iraqi “weapons of mass destruction,” the claim that Russia “attacked” the US by “meddling” in the 2016 elections is aimed at creating a justification for war.

Multiple reports confirm US killed Russians in Syrian oilfield airstrikes

By Bill Van Auken, 14 February 2018

The deaths of Russian military contractors under the rain of bombs and missiles unleashed by the Pentagon has sharply escalated war tensions.

Russia’s presidential elections: What is behind Ksenia Sobchak’s candidacy?

By Clara Weiss, 13 February 2018

Sobchak’s candidacy signals an attempt by sections of the Kremlin to find channels for a rapprochement with US imperialism, and to close ranks within the ruling class.

Russians reported killed in US strikes in Syria

By Bill Van Auken, 10 February 2018

The reports of Russian casualties came as Turkey resumed its own air strikes against the Kurdish enclave of Afrin.

Russian teacher fired after criticizing low salaries

By Clara Weiss, 10 February 2018

The teachers wrote that in 2017, their monthly wage was 8,289 rubles ($145), the same amount as in 2012, despite 50 percent inflation since then.

Demands for US intervention against “Russian meddling” in Mexico’s presidential election

By Alex González, 2 February 2018

Russia is accused of using social media to help “left” presidential candidate Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

US media glorifies small protests by right-wing Putin opponent Alexei Navalny

By Clara Weiss, 1 February 2018

Though tens of thousands protested last year against social inequality and corruption, Navalny has been unable to tap into the massive social discontent, largely due to his fascistic politics.

A series of attacks at Russian schools

By Clara Weiss, 31 January 2018

Within one week, three schools witnessed outbreaks of violence, and one school a stabbing. Dozens of children and several teachers were wounded.

UK Defence Secretary accuses Russia of planning to kill “thousands and thousands and thousands” of Britons

By Robert Stevens, 27 January 2018

Williamson’s comments come just days after the Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces declared that Britain must actively prepare for war with Russia.

British Armed Forces chief prepares for war with Russia

By Robert Stevens, 25 January 2018

The statement by General Sir Nick Carter of the “need” to project land warfare capability up to 2,000 km is a direct threat to Russia with a horrifying historical parallel.

Russia’s presidential election campaign unfolds amid rising social discontent

By Clara Weiss, 23 January 2018

A recent commentary in the Gazeta.Ru warned that the kind of working class unrest that shook Iran might also easily occur in Russia.

What does Russian “opposition leader” Alexei Navalny represent?

By Clara Weiss, 9 January 2018

There is a stark disjuncture between the overwhelming support that Navalny receives from the Western media and his near total lack of popularity in Russia itself.

Russia: Siberian shoe factory fire kills 10 workers

By Clara Weiss, 5 January 2018

The tragedy is only the latest in a series of workplace accidents and fires which take the lives of at least 15,000 workers in Russia every year.

The US government and the Russian election

By Andre Damon, 27 December 2017

The United States, the most unequal and undemocratic developed country in the world, the leading force for war and dictatorship worldwide, is in no position to lecture others about “democracy.”

UK steps up provocations against Russia

By Steve James and Chris Marsden, 27 December 2017

The effort to play up the passage of a Russian warship through the North Sea on Christmas Day is only the latest example of the UK’s escalating propaganda campaign against Russia.

Pentagon claims confrontation with Russian warplanes over Syria

By Bill Van Auken, 15 December 2017

The latest report of a hostile encounter between US and Russian fighters comes as Washington prepares to roll out a post-ISIS plan for continuing the war in Syria.

Putin stages “mission accomplished” visit to Syria

By Bill Van Auken, 12 December 2017

The Russian President's pronouncement of a 'victory' over ISIS presages not peace, but an even more direct and aggressive conflict between the US and Russia.

US-Russia tensions mount after ISIS’s defeat in Syria

By Bill Van Auken, 11 December 2017

Washington and Moscow have traded charges of provocative actions by each other’s warplanes in the skies over the Euphrates River valley.

UK “Magnitsky bill” escalates US-led anti-Russia offensive

By Julie Hyland, 11 December 2017

The move by right-wing Labour MP Ian Austin is part of a cross-party effort to build pressure for a far more aggressive stance against Moscow.

Russian federal investigators review anti-Semitic conspiracy theory about murder of the Tsarist family

By Clara Weiss, 7 December 2017

An investigation, opened in 2015, into the killing of the Tsarist family at the behest of Soviet government in 1918, is considering a fascistic and anti-Semitic conspiracy theory which presents the execution as a “ritual killing.”

International Olympic Committee bans Russia from 2018 Olympics in political provocation

By Josh Varlin, 6 December 2017

The move is intended to humiliate and isolate Russia, facilitating a long-term campaign by US imperialism to remove Russia as an obstacle to American hegemony.

Russian television’s Trotsky serial: A degraded spectacle of historical falsification and anti-Semitism

By Fred Williams and David North, 25 November 2017

The eight-part serial is an exhibition of the political, intellectual and cultural depravity of all those involved in its production.

Kremlin instructs Russian industry to prepare for war mobilization

By Alex Lantier, 24 November 2017

A century after World War I, amid another catastrophic political collapse of world capitalism, countries across Europe and the world are again preparing for total war.

Russia, Turkey, Iran meet on Syria at Sochi Summit

By Halil Celik, 23 November 2017

The presidents of Turkey, Russia and Iran met at a summit in Sochi, a Black Sea resort town, to discuss the political future of Syria.

Google announces moves to censor RT and Sputnik

By Trévon Austin, 21 November 2017

Eric Schmidt, Executive Chairman of Google’s parent company Alphabet, announced that Google will create algorithms designed to “de-rank” web sites such as RT and Sputnik.

May deploys anti-Russian propaganda to distract from Brexit crisis

By Julie Hyland, 15 November 2017

The UK prime minister’s claims underscore how unsubstantiated allegations of Russian “interference” and “fake news” have become the refuge for crisis-ridden politicians the world over.

US, Japan, Australia, India “Quadrilateral” alliance takes shape against China

By James Cogan, 14 November 2017

Trump’s continual references to the economic woes of the US speak to the real motivations for an anti-China coalition.

Kremlin greets centenary of the October Revolution with fear and hostility

By Clara Weiss, 13 November 2017

Frightened of the emergence of a revolutionary movement of the working class, the Russian ruling elite has responded to the 100th anniversary of 1917 by falsifying the struggle for socialism and attacking the revolution from the far-right.

US Justice Department forces RT America to register as “foreign agent”

By Trévon Austin, 10 November 2017

The move is a product of the ongoing anti-Russia witch hunt led by the Democratic Party, together with the US intelligence agencies, aimed at delegitimizing and outlawing domestic political opposition.

Saudi Arabia pivots to Russia

By Jean Shaoul, 12 October 2017

The Saudi king’s visit to Russia unfolds amid worsening relations between Washington and the kingdom that has long been an essential prop of US imperialism.