Резултати претраге
  1. 10. сеп

    is every is not a weakness and reaching out or asking requires

  2. 9. сеп
  3. 10. сеп

    We cannot experience true strength till we surrender to the One who is strength, Natalia Drumm

  4. 8. сеп

    Good evening Twitter 🌎! Be encouraged… All love ❤️

  5. 10. сеп

    You are capable of greatness.

  6. 8. сеп

    "We won't let you die so young"- is grateful to all the nurses and caregivers for adding a small dose of and to all the families fighting childhood . "

    JollyHires Inc | Jolly Hires Inc | National Pediatric Hematology day
#NationalPediatricHematologyday #job #jobtip #jobsearchtip #jobsearch
  7. 10. сеп

    May the remover of obstacles, give you strength in every test of life! Devic Earth wishes you a blessed Ganesh Chaturthi!

  8. 9. сеп

    If you're going through hell keep going.

  9. 10. сеп
  10. 10. сеп

    The internet has turned what used to be a controlled one-way message into a real-time dialogue with millions.

  11. 15. сеп

    Rise and Shine. Time to get to work. This room will be open M-Th after school EVERY DAY. More to come

  12. 9. сеп
  13. 10. сеп

    It is within everyone’s grasp to be a CEO.

  14. 8. сеп

    Don't Break This Unity. Unity is our . plz Stay United Stay Strong. Its my Humble Request Braveheart Disha Salian

  15. 10. сеп
  16. 10. сеп

    The fight with the virus is still on. Let us pray to the almighty Ganesha to grant us the , fortitude & patience to keep on continuing the battle with the virus and emerging victorious.

  17. 9. сеп

    Sometimes the hardest battle is against yourself.

  18. 8. сеп

    The charity that is a trifle to us can be precious to others.

  19. 13. сеп

    comes only through spiritual knowledge. -

  20. 8. сеп

    "For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control." 2 Timothy 1:7 ESV

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