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Ramandeep Singh Mann
Engineer by education; Want to make a profession of hope....again ! !!
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Ramandeep Singh Mann 38 min
I would still give 9-10 seats aut of 13 to . Manpreet Badal could have given a run for her money in , but he played it safe, content being the Finance Minister of Punjab. Dhillon in too was a perplexing choice, giving a breather to AAP
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Ramandeep Singh Mann uudelleentwiittasi
Ramandeep Singh Mann 6 t
With no end to the menace and only superficial promises for adressing this issue, I guess now the citizens ought to start asking for compensation, if attacked by these strays. What else can the layman do ? Sorry state of affairs.
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Ramandeep Singh Mann uudelleentwiittasi
Ramandeep Singh Mann 11 t
Black Qualities- High Anti-Oxidant content makes it more nutritional i.e. at par with Blue Berries. It helps in keeping a check on: Hyper Tension Obesity Cancer Diabetes Heart Disease 👉If interested, you can contact me, will connect you directly with !
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Ramandeep Singh Mann uudelleentwiittasi
Ramandeep Singh Mann 8 t
5 Kg is being skimmed per 50 Kg of mustard. 👉 are procuring mustard at an Min Support Price of Rs 4200/quintal & are skimming 10 Kg/quintal, which comes to a loss of Rs 420/qtl to farmer 👉Is this "thievery" possible without involvement of babu's ?
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Ramandeep Singh Mann uudelleentwiittasi
Ramandeep Singh Mann 7 t
India’s Protection of Plant Varieties & Farmers Rights Act (PPVFRA) 2001 has a clear protection of farmers rights under Sec 39(1)(iv); but still sued Gujarat on IPR infringement 👉 guys, that will make them understand
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Ramandeep Singh Mann uudelleentwiittasi
Ramandeep Singh Mann 3 t
How bridges over highways make & people safer Bridges for & tunnels for tortoises have significantly reduced the number of wildlife-car collisions worldwide; do compare with our mess of cattle !
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Ramandeep Singh Mann 2 t
3 indebted commit suicide in 1 day The wiley politicians have pushed the core issues of behind the curtain, and we, the fools that we are, are vying to get "nationalist" tattoo on our foreheads We, the lay man, r also equally responsible for this mess
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Ramandeep Singh Mann uudelleentwiittasi
Ramandeep Singh Mann 9 t
No problem, 's take will be that National Human Right Commission is Anti-National, is complicit with Pakistan, is infiltrated by Congressi's, wants to paint a ugly picture of Sanatan Dharma, does not understand the concept of Vikas. Well take your pick ! What say ?
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Ramandeep Singh Mann uudelleentwiittasi
Ramandeep Singh Mann 4 t
Is this a Jagrata singer on a "smooching" spree or some Baba ? No one can blather on like a holy man (some) with a trapped audience. Well, maybe a politician. --James S.A. Corey
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Ramandeep Singh Mann uudelleentwiittasi
Ramandeep Singh Mann 3 t
Today & make up over 50% of plant-based nutrition. Out of 30,000 global edible plant species, only 30 species are used to feed people. Crop is an imp aspect of farming in order to protect against plant disease & to also provide balanced nutrition.
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Ramandeep Singh Mann uudelleentwiittasi
GMWatch 5 t
Mexico: Survival is at stake as Mennonite colonies’ illegal soy farms threaten the livelihood of Maya
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Ramandeep Singh Mann uudelleentwiittasi
Ramandeep Singh Mann 5 t
What do u do, when the candidate (daughter of minister) openly asks people to use fake voter slips; when the Election Commission surrenders to the Establishment ? 👉The best argument against democracy is a 5-minute conversation with the avg voter ― Churchill
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Ramandeep Singh Mann uudelleentwiittasi
Ramandeep Singh Mann 3 t
“Journalism largely consists in saying "Lord Jones is dead" to people who never knew Lord Jones was alive.” ― G.K. Chesterton 👉A new low, even for , when she claims that is an M.A. Irony just died !
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Ramandeep Singh Mann uudelleentwiittasi
Ramandeep Singh Mann 18. huhtik.
crop insurance is available upto 14 days from harvesting , kept in cut & spread condition to dry in fields after harvesting, against cyclone/cyclonic rains, unseasonal ; but crop bundled+heaped at a place before threshing, is not covered ! This is absurd
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Ramandeep Singh Mann uudelleentwiittasi
Ramandeep Singh Mann 12 t
Less than 1% of the population—including aristocrats, royals & wealthy investors —owns about half of the land in U.K i.e. half of belongs to just 25,000 , some of them corporations; & these flawed Development Models are still being aped.🙄
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Ramandeep Singh Mann uudelleentwiittasi
Ramandeep Singh Mann 19. huhtik.
This called a "close call" ! जाको राखे साईंया मार सके न कोय
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Ramandeep Singh Mann 3 t
How bridges over highways make & people safer Bridges for & tunnels for tortoises have significantly reduced the number of wildlife-car collisions worldwide; do compare with our mess of cattle !
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Ramandeep Singh Mann uudelleentwiittasi
Ramandeep Singh Mann 7 t
Collateral free loans of 50 lakhs to Traders, but have to pledge their lands+get a guarantor+give post dated cheques to avail loans, and the icing on the cake is that on defaults these PDC are used to throw d farmers in Jail. Are farmers the children of the lesser God ?
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Ramandeep Singh Mann 3 t
“Journalism largely consists in saying "Lord Jones is dead" to people who never knew Lord Jones was alive.” ― G.K. Chesterton 👉A new low, even for , when she claims that is an M.A. Irony just died !
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Ramandeep Singh Mann 3 t
Today & make up over 50% of plant-based nutrition. Out of 30,000 global edible plant species, only 30 species are used to feed people. Crop is an imp aspect of farming in order to protect against plant disease & to also provide balanced nutrition.
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