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Ramandeep Singh Mann
Engineer by education; Want to make a profession of hope....again ! !!
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Ramandeep Singh Mann ২ ঘন্টা
Fair prices to suicides education health economy generation All gone down the drain, everybody is happy trading barbs Now the race is to prove themselves to be bigger nationalists/patriots To hell with rhetorics,who will deliver ?
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Ramandeep Singh Mann পুনঃটুইট করেছেন
Ramandeep Singh Mann ১৫ ঘন্টা
The way out for is that, farmers consolidate their votes on core issues of fair prices, , rural , , ; formulate a representation from within their ranks & intervene in policy making.Tau Devi Lal concurred too.
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Ramandeep Singh Mann পুনঃটুইট করেছেন
Ramandeep Singh Mann ১১ ঘন্টা
's cycle has taken a toll on & . cycle. You can gauge the need for diversification, by the fact that the area, which averaged 3.2 lakh hectares between 1971 and 1980, fell to about 4,400 Ha during 2002-10.
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Ramandeep Singh Mann ৩ ঘন্টা
This called a "close call" ! जाको राखे साईंया मार सके न कोय
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Ramandeep Singh Mann পুনঃটুইট করেছেন
Ramandeep Singh Mann ১৭ এপ্রিল
residues found on 93% of farms. 👉Most fields on organic farms in the Swiss midlands are contaminated with pesticides, reports the NZZ am Sonntag, citing a study by University of Neuchâtel.
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Ramandeep Singh Mann পুনঃটুইট করেছেন
Ramandeep Singh Mann ১৮ এপ্রিল
crop insurance is available upto 14 days from harvesting , kept in cut & spread condition to dry in fields after harvesting, against cyclone/cyclonic rains, unseasonal ; but crop bundled+heaped at a place before threshing, is not covered ! This is absurd
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Ramandeep Singh Mann পুনঃটুইট করেছেন
Ramandeep Singh Mann ১৪ ঘন্টা
Did you see one Neta across the board, who talked about addressing these core issues ! High time we understand that "manufactured propaganda" will not get us 2 square meals a day & high time we force these Neta's to change their tunes too.
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Ramandeep Singh Mann পুনঃটুইট করেছেন
Ramandeep Singh Mann ১৪ ঘন্টা
Developed Countries in have 90% of global AMS (trade-distorting subsidies) of $160 billion,which is beyond their de minimis. In contrast developing members have access only to de minimis(10% of production value)& still, we r the fall guys🤔High time 🇮🇳 Govt takes em head on.
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Ramandeep Singh Mann পুনঃটুইট করেছেন
Ramandeep Singh Mann ১০ ঘন্টা
Potential investors are asking the lenders of Jet Airways to take a 80% "hair cut" on Rs 8,500 crore i.e. a Rs 6800 Crore "hair cut" 👉Well the "nationalist" Indian, will have to take another blow, I guess 👉The best part is that no one goes to jail, no one is held accountable.🤔
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Ramandeep Singh Mann পুনঃটুইট করেছেন
Ramandeep Singh Mann ৫ ঘন্টা
If prices did not collapse when production was growing at a much faster pace, why should they crash when production growth decelerated ? A sound argument, but putting the entire onus on squeezing purchasing power is a tad bit too much. Also Reqd= to infra ramp up
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Ramandeep Singh Mann পুনঃটুইট করেছেন
Ramandeep Singh Mann ৭ ঘন্টা
On the one hand, only 5% of the & season procurement target achieved & on the other hand the Govt is going ahead with 6.5 lakh tons of pulses imports. Wonder how on earth Mr can claim that "all is well"🤔
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Ramandeep Singh Mann পুনঃটুইট করেছেন
Disha Shah ১৫ ঘন্টা
Non-payment of crop insurance has emerged as a major election issue in Rajkot, Saurashtra region. Only 20% claims have been settled so far. Atleast 1.5 million farmers have not been paid crop insurance since 2016. ⁦
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Ramandeep Singh Mann পুনঃটুইট করেছেন
Ramandeep Singh Mann ১২ ঘন্টা
“Liberty is a constant battle between government; who would limit it, people; who would concede it, and patriots; who would defend it.” ― Samuel R. Young Jr.
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Ramandeep Singh Mann পুনঃটুইট করেছেন
Ramandeep Singh Mann ১১ ঘন্টা
Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel. — Samuel Johnson
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Ramandeep Singh Mann ৫ ঘন্টা
The spiralling environmental cost of our lithium battery addiction. As the world scrambles to replace fossil fuels with clean energy, the environmental impact of finding all the lithium required could become a major issue in its own right.
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Ramandeep Singh Mann পুনঃটুইট করেছেন
Ramandeep Singh Mann ১১ ঘন্টা
How do you double income, when with only 75 days to go in season, Govt's procurement of & touched only about 5% of its target under scheme up to Apr 11. Seems the purchases by state-run agencies will most likely fall short of the target.🤔
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Ramandeep Singh Mann ৫ ঘন্টা
The European Commission estimates Europe loses 9 million metric tons of soil annually— equivalent to 275 soccer pitches each day. Regaining just one cubic centimeter of topsoil can take centuries. A clear & present danger, which is being pushed under the rug by our policy makers.
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Ramandeep Singh Mann পুনঃটুইট করেছেন
Ramandeep Singh Mann ৮ ঘন্টা
Glad to see the people of taking the sitting BJP M.P head on. The villagers were angry as M.P sahab did not visit their area even once in 5 years, but wasted no time to come before Elections,to ask for Votes
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Ramandeep Singh Mann পুনঃটুইট করেছেন
Marin Bozic ১৮ এপ্রিল
How many dairy farms will U.S. have in 2030?
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Ramandeep Singh Mann ৫ ঘন্টা
If prices did not collapse when production was growing at a much faster pace, why should they crash when production growth decelerated ? A sound argument, but putting the entire onus on squeezing purchasing power is a tad bit too much. Also Reqd= to infra ramp up
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