Authentic Impression®

The definitive measure of digital media quality.

The impression that
you expect —

fully viewed
by a real person
in a brand-safe environment

DV authenticates
the quality of

each digital media

Over 50% of digital ads
are never seen.

DV ensures you only pay for ads that are viewable.

Cross screen viewability

Real time metrics

Viewability optimization
at your fingertips

MRC-accredited data

supports make goods for video
and display

Digital ad fraud can erode
over ⅓ of your media investment.

DV patented technology eliminates ad fraud before your media bid.

Deterministic Bot Technology

pinpoints 99.7% of non-human bot traffic.

Dual verification

technology exposes sophisticated site fraud

  • stacked & hidden ads
  • URL masking
  • impression laundering

DV technology uncovers

masked URLs that disguise copyright
infringement sites with

Masked urls

More than 10% of online ads turn
up on inappropriate content.

DV provides the transparency
to safeguard brand integrity.

Over 75 site classifications deliver

maximum protection
and reach.

DV real-time blocking

prevents risky ad placements before
they appear — for display and video.

DV protects your digital
video ads

on any ad server, anywhere.

DV protects your
programmatic placements.

We authenticate the quality of each ad impression before your bid is placed.

DV is integrated with the largest programmatic platforms:

Viewable, fraud-free, brand-safe ads.

DV Pinnacle is the industry's first unified service and performance platform.

Pinnacle chart