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Sam McBride
(Belfast) News Letter Political Editor. Northern Ireland Political Editor for . My views - not necessarily those of my 280-year-old employer.
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20 640
Sam McBride a Retweeté
Nick Robinson 5 h
Calling all those complaining that their party is not on today : the DUP, Tory & Labour press offices asked their spokespeople not to appear
Sam McBride a Retweeté
The Scotsman 2 h
.: DUP had role in collapse of deal - the question is what role?
Sam McBride 14 h
Contrary to the idea that the DUP's fear of Corbyn would make them pliant partners for the Tories, the DUP flexed their muscles today. But here is something about what happened between Belfast, London, Dublin and Brussels today which doesn't yet add up.
Sam McBride 15 h
In a day of furiously-paced political developments in Brussels, London and Dublin, it was ultimately a move in Belfast which proved decisive as the DUP derailed what a senior MEP had confidently predicted would be a deal today
Sam McBride a Retweeté
Beth Rigby 20 h
They march you up to the top of the hill...Same govt source; “[DUP] were on board but the language was too strong for them”
Sam McBride 19 h
En réponse à @gary_ni @KayBurley
Ouch. Mea culpa.
Sam McBride a Retweeté
Gavan Reilly 19 h
En réponse à @gavreilly
Varadkar: The U.K. had agreed a text on the border that met our concerns ... I was then contacted by [Juncker and Tusk] and confirmed Ireland agreement to that text... I am surprised and disappointed that the U.K. Govt is not in a position to agree to what was approved today” 🔥
Sam McBride 20 h
DUP MP Sammy Wilson on PM breaking off from Juncker lunch to phone DUP leader tells : "I think it's only right that the PM, especially if she's negotiating on things which effect exclusively NI should talk to the leader of the administration in NI & she has done so".
Sam McBride 20 h
Jean-Claude Juncker: "Despite our best efforts and the significant progress...it was not possible to reach a complete agreement today". Theresa May says there are "a couple of areas" where differences remain but will reconvene before end of the week. No questions from media.
Sam McBride a Retweeté
Mark Devenport 21 h
One DUP source suggests UK will not agree either to "no regulatory divergence" across Ireland after Brexit or to "continued regulatory alignment". If this is case, places major question mark over level of progress Irish ministers believed had been achieved in Brexit talks today
Sam McBride 22 h
En réponse à @ianjamesparsley
The DUP won't. My mistake - I left out "..." between two parts of the comment.
Sam McBride 22 h
En réponse à @SJAMcBride
Significant diplomatic escalation from DUP leader Arlene Foster: In a statement read to reporters but on which questions were not taken, she says that the Irish Government "are clearly seeking to unilaterally change the Belfast Agreement without our input or consent".
Sam McBride 22 h
That's correct in terms of the UUP (which under Mike Nesbitt was pro-Remain, but split internally). But new leader Robin Swann was for Leave.
Sam McBride 22 h
En réponse à @faisalislam @BBCTalkback
The DUP is dominant within unionism in Northern Ireland (36% of the vote to about 13% for other unionists). But DUP already facing vocal pressure over leaked draft EU-UK agreement on Irish border from Ulster Unionist leader, TUV leader & Lord Trimble (all, like DUP, pro ).
Sam McBride 24 h
En réponse à @faisalislam @BBCTalkback
DUP MP Sammy Wilson tells "it is impossible for [the British Government] to agree that there would be that [NI-RoI regulatory] convergence" because many of the areas of responsibility are devolved to Stormont [still, despite Stormont not sitting for months].
Sam McBride 24 h
En réponse à @faisalislam
Philippe Lamberts MEP tells that UK commitment to "full [NI/RoI] alignment" in key regulatory areas may sound like NI staying in the customs union or single market "but then again that's the only solution if you want to keep the Good Friday Agreement. Period."
Sam McBride 24 h
Belgian Green MEP Philippe Lamberts, who has seen the draft text of a Brexit deal, tells "I would put my money on it [a deal today]". Says he thinks emerging UK-EU deal means "a special situation for Ireland & for Northern Ireland".
Sam McBride a Retweeté
Faisal Islam 4 déc.
Phillipe Lamberts MEP tells me that the draft text on Ireland agrees “full alignment” within N. Ireland on those parts of single market and customs union that might otherwise lead to hard border...
Sam McBride 4 déc.
En réponse à @JP_Biz
Never heard of a nacelle until I stumbled across this last week in the RHI inquiry evidence bundle - a DETI request to DFP ahead of the June monitoring round in 2015. Interesting in the current context of US scrutiny of government support for Bombardier.
Sam McBride 2 déc.
En réponse à @SJAMcBride
A key piece of evidence at the RHI inquiry this week raises far-reaching questions for government - and not just in Northern Ireland
Sam McBride a Retweeté
James Comey 1 déc.
“But justice roll down like waters and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream” Amos 5:24
Sam McBride 1 déc.
The consultants who advised Stormont officials on setting up the RHI scheme - and who were paid £100,000 for two reports which contained basic errors - say the Stormont officials knew more about renewable heat than they did.
Sam McBride a Retweeté
Faisal Islam 1 déc.
Flynn leading rhythmic chanting of “Lock Her Up” at the Republican Convention last year - life comes at you fast
Sam McBride 1 déc.
En réponse à @SJAMcBride
The RHI inquiry today is compelling viewing - a consultant (whose firm was paid £100k to advise on RHI design but made critical errors ) having his & his firm's work & expertise forensically examined. Live stream here:
Sam McBride 1 déc.
En réponse à @Services_News
Which unsurprisingly (given the £100k paid to CEPA) was met with a degree of incredulity by Sir Patrick Coghlin.
Sam McBride 1 déc.
En réponse à @SJAMcBride
Consultant back at RHI inquiry for a second full day of examination by barrister Donal Lunny, who - along with panel members, has been robust, even though the inquiry is non-adversarial. That may be a hint of what high profile witnesses such as Foster & Bell face when called.
Sam McBride 30 nov.
En réponse à @PaulGosling1
That is not yet clear and will be one of the key questions for the inquiry. The department's views were communicated by a civil servant - but that of course does not mean that the views originated with that official.
Sam McBride 30 nov.
En réponse à @joelebeau69
Almost word for word what Dr Keith MacLean, one of the few non-lawyers in the room, said after he picked up on the mistake!
Sam McBride 30 nov.
En réponse à @joelebeau69
Thanks Joe. Believe it or not, the barrister actually made the same mistake - and had the CEPA witness agreeing the rate was £750 an hour (something like £1.5m a year for a 40-hour week) - until much later a panel member pointed out the mistake.
Sam McBride 30 nov.
Huge questions for the entire Stormont machine from evidence at RHI inquiry today: 1) Department paid experts £100k because it lacked expertise; 2) Experts didn't propose an RHI scheme; 3) Dept didn't like that; 4) Experts agreed to change their report.