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  1. Tweet Fixado
    17 de jul

    Findings of the Electoral Commission are shocking and Vote Leave's actions an affront to our democracy. We cannot say with confidence that their foul play did not impact on the result.

  2. retweetou
    9 horas atrás

    Whether as part of the European Roundtable of Industrialists, or by speaking out individually, all of these businesses have warned the government against a hard Brexit and for barrier-free access to Europe. We need to stay in the Customs Union and Single Market.

  3. 7 horas atrás

    I'm backing 's call for a full public inquiry into illegality in the Brexit referendum, so we can ensure that we learn the lessons and reform our electoral system to protect our democracy in the future.

  4. retweetou
    10 horas atrás

    Throw this into the mix. extraordinary numbers polling the 3 way exit deal referendum idea... Remain on 50% after first round, 55:45 after reallocations, winning in first round even with 50-64 year olds.

  5. retweetou
    9 horas atrás

    "We all know that if this was a very different demographic of young people across the UK (I.E not BAME/ working class) then the whole country and media would have this on their agenda every single day and find a way to make change"

  6. retweetou
    9 horas atrás

    "We try to do youth work on the cheap in this country.We need more professionalism.The provision is old skool/not relevant/good enough Schools have a key role to play/ need to be supported to provide this.Youth Violence isnt new-this must stay on national agenda"

  7. retweetou
    9 horas atrás
  8. retweetou
    16 de jul

    BID members and local small biz owners are invited to join us for our Social Media for Business Workshop and Summer Social drinks this Wednesday 18th July, 5.30 - 7pm 426 High Road. Come and join us!

  9. retweetou
    17 de jul

    Lovely Volunteer Job alert at Spires Centre. See below for details.

  10. retweetou
    17 de jul

    You’ve possibly seen these signs on some of the lovely trees lining our residential streets. So if you have any spare green water 💦 you can give the trees a drink!

  11. retweetou
    17 de jul

    The votes are in and our Food Fest WINNERS are ! 2nd place is and 3rd Talay Thai. 🏆🎉 Our winning Food Tourist is who has won a dinner for two at her Food Festival venue for choice. Enjoy and see you next year! Thanks all!

  12. retweetou
    12 horas atrás
  13. retweetou
    11 horas atrás

    Are you a based company that could donate a raffle prize to us? Get in touch!

  14. retweetou
    11 horas atrás

    Young parents in London are more likely to be affected by and social exclusion than other young parents in the UK. To read more on the that in London face click here: Featuring research from and

  15. retweetou
    10 horas atrás

    Our chair kicking off our report launch by thanking the many people and organisations who have contributed to our work. There are too many to thank individually and we wouldn't be launching this report today without your all your input.

    , , e 5 outros
  16. 10 horas atrás

    The Chequers deal doesn't please anyone, and now the Government is being run by a hard right minority cabal led by Jacob Rees-Mogg.

  17. 10 horas atrás

    Am in the Chamber listening to the latest update from the Rail Minister on the nightmare that is GTR (Southern/Thameslink)

  18. retweetou
    14 de jul

    We've nearly reached 70,000 signatures for our petition calling to hold a Question Time event with young people on Brexit. If you agree with us, please SIGN and RT!!

  19. retweetou
    12 horas atrás

    After two years of consultations, research, meetings and evidence sessions we are today launching our interim report. The need for long-term solutions to tackle youth violence is sadly increasingly pressing - and the campaign to enact these policies starts today.

    , , e 5 outros
  20. retweetou
    22 horas atrás

    UK, YouGov poll EU membership referendum (three-way question) First preference: Remain: 50% Leave with deal: 17% Leave without deal: 33% Second preference: Remain: 55% Leave with no deal: 45% Field work: 16/07/18 – 17/07/18 Sample size: 1657

  21. 12 horas atrás

    It is hugely concerning that EU Governments view the disaster of a No-Deal Brexit as now likely, but you can't blame them when this Government is being held hostage by the ERG. We need a to sort out this mess.


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