ActionAgainstHunger EU Office


A global organization working to end hunger and malnutrition throughout the world. Its EU Office advocates to make lasting changes in European Union policies.

Vrijeme pridruživanja: svibanj 2018.


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    10. tra

    "La popolazione sta pagando un prezzo pesante per la crescente insicurezza. Solo da gennaio oltre 400 civili sono stati uccisi e registriamo più di 87.000 sfollati". Tidiane Fall, Direttore di in 🇲🇱

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  2. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    10. tra

    Cinq pays d'Afrique en état d'insécurité alimentaire aiguë La RDC, l'Ethiopie, le Soudan, le Soudan du Sud et le Nigeria font partie des pays africains qui ont le plus de difficultés à nourrir leur population.➡️Lire

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  3. 5. tra

    📣 : Action contre la Faim demande aux leaders du G7 de s'engager contre la dans les . 👉 A lire: notre communiqué de presse "Faim et conflicts, on en parle?":

  4. proslijedio/la je Tweet
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    NOW LIVE ⭕ is back in the closing plenary for voting on 10 key recommendations and an interactive debate with: 🔹 🔹 🔹Mihai-Cătălin Necula 🔹Barbara Duden Follow us for live coverage Watch live 📺

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    “We need to make sure that hunger is not a weapon of war & does not further destabilize communities. We need to preserve the humanitarian space while working w/ peace & security actors, to support small scale farmers. We need to focus on the most marginalized.”

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    “In Jordan, we have been working with Syrian refugees implementing waste management programmes & training them on social cohesion & conflict resolution. This enhanced trust & collaboration between Syrians & Jordans & contributed to conflict resolution.”

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    Women are at the forefront to , says ACF's . Their experiences, particularly in conflict-affected contexts, have a place in shaping their futures & those of their communities and countries. 👩👩🏼‍🦰👩🏽‍🦱👩🏾👩🏿‍🦱🕊️

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  9. proslijedio/la je Tweet
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    « Pour contribuer au processus de paix dans les pays en conflits, nous, en tant qu’agence, devons travailler avec les communautés, assurer la sécurité alimentaire et améliorer la gouvernance. » Sheila Grudem de

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    “ACF has been very involved in the adoption of UN Security Council Resolution 2417 because for the first time hunger & conflict are recognized as interlinked & fueling each other. We need to better understand how food insecurity fuels conflict.”

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    «En un contexto de conflicto los más vulnerables son siempre los desplazados internos y particularmente las mujeres» señala , nuestra representante en el evento "Alimentación y agricultura en tiempos de crisis"

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    « Dans un contexte de conflit les plus vulnérables sont toujours les déplacés internes et particulièrement les femmes. Ce sont souvent des petits producteurs qui représentent la majorité de la population active. »

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  13. 2. tra

    . (): we need to preserve the humanitarian space while working with peace and security actors.

  14. 2. tra

    . (): we need to make sure that is not a weapon of war and does not further destabilise communities.

  15. 2. tra

    . (): in Lake Chad, we conduct youth employment initiatives that address local conflict dynamics and enhance social cohesion ▶ this example shows how we can address food insecurity and enhance peace at the same time

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    .: In Jordan, we have been working with Syrian refugees, implementing waste management programmes and train them on social cohesion and conflict resolution ▶ it enhanced trust and collaboration between Syrians and Jordan and contributed to conflict resolution.

  17. 2. tra

    . () says that we need a better coordination in the field, working with peace and developments actors ( approach) but we also have to make sure that the demarcation lines are clear.

  18. 2. tra

    . (): "We need to better understand how food insecurity fuels conflict"

  19. 2. tra

    . (): "ACF has been very involved in the adoption of UN Security Council Resolution 2417 because for the first time and are recognised as interlinked and fuelling each other"

  20. 2. tra

    Olli Ruohomäki (): "The increasing instrumentalization of humanitarian aid by military actors impedes the humanitarian aid, vital for fighting food insecurity."


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