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    Truly astonishing that the has been elected to the a body mandated to uphold the highest standards globally. It’s legitimacy is weakened by such membership. must be and will be held accountable for its crimes in

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    CCHR's October newsletter article 'Fundamental freedoms under threat amidst the RGC's renewed crackdown' discusses the recent wave of arrests of , activists and political opposition members in Read here:

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    صورةمؤلمة.واشعر بقهر لم اشعربه عن اعلان التطبيع بين الامارات و الكيان،قهر بحجم نجاح الصهاينة في تحقيق اختراق في بلدعربي نجح ذات يوم في انتزاع حقه بالقوة واعاد صياغة الوعي العربي تجاه كيان طالما اجتهد في تصويرنفسه القوة التي لاتهزم وهاهو اليوم يهدر ذلك الانجاز الذي كان مبعثا للامل

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    UPDATE: รุ้งถูกจับ!

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    “One thousand dollars for tv ads here, one thousand dollars for gotv here, one thousand dollars for web ads here...”

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    If IMA does not understand as a holistic science of medicine and declares Ayurvedic treatment as placebo, this is pathetic. As a physician not formally trained in Ayurveda, I feel that everybody with scienfic mind will feel sorry for such idiotic statements.

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    Interest payments on Canada’s national government debt paid to private financial markets has totalled $2.53 trillion since 1961.

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    My daughter married an Indian Muslim in USA, neither converted. Both mothers flew there when our first grand child arrived.Together we cooked, cleaned,entertained family/friends. At night groaning Ya Allah and He Ram, giggled and slept on hard mattresses. So there, ye bigots!

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    👍 In the high-seat from the fast chariot, The dawn shines from the sky high! Wrapped with a golden robe, She looks at this poet!

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    Join Thursday, October 22nd 10:00-11:30 AM ET for a discussion on central banks, human rights, & global governance with Stephen Park, , , & Rosa Lastra. Register here

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    Spot on thread by . is claiming that they are supporting a rule of law conditionality mechanism, when in fact they are selling out to Orban & Kaczynksi and working to gut the Commission's 2018 rule of law conditionality proposal 👇

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    Na Białorusi to ja się akurat słabo znam i dlatego mało się odzywam na ten temat. Bo nie rozumiem np., dlaczego tam przeciwko OMON-owi wysyła się najpierw kobiety, a teraz emerytów.

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    Seit zehn Jahren baut Viktor Orbán offen den ersten autoritären Staat der EU auf. Das kann er laut auch, weil ihn CDU/CSU decken. Angela Merkel würde nie mit der AfD koalieren, doch Orbáns Fidesz-Partei ist weiter Teil der EVP.

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    Quite right. Can be copy/pasted to Orbàn and Borissov.

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    « À l'époque (mars-avril dernier), c'était les régions Grand-Est et IDF qui étaient essentiellement impactées, aujourd'hui c'est tout le pays, où trouverons-nous les renforts sur un personnel soignant très fatigué après ce printemps ?» 💬 ▶️

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    Liberté. Égalité. Tragt Eure Maské

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    Apple’s new iPhone 12 line features 5G support, A14 Bionic processors, OLED screens and a US$699 mini handset

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    Juan dies of COVID19. Gabriel (his roommate) calls out the bosses. Gabriel is fired. Millionaire Biddles call Gabriel a liar. Now for the FIRST TIME, Amador, Juan's nephew is speaking out about how Juan was denied medical care. READ & SHARE WIDELY!

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ربّما يعاني تويتر من الحمل الزائد أو يواجه عطلًا مؤقّتًا. حاول مجدّدًا أو تفقّد حالة تويتر لمزيد من المعلومات.

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