Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Rage Against The Machine

I don't claim to know enough about this race, but people I trust were rooting for this outcome.

These Are People Of The Land. The Common Clay Of The New West. You Know, Morons.

Tomorrow is Wednesday.

Tuesday Evening


This Town Needs An Enema

Fuckity bye.

Purity Politics

For some reason the left-leaning commentariat is obsessed with people who vote for Nader or Jill Stein or whoever. I think people who are engaged in politics who vote for Nader or Jill Stein or who loudly declare their intentions not to vote are narcissistic idiots. The lesser of two evils is the only real choice. Always.

But it isn't those assholes on the internet who are concerned with the purity of their own essence who sway elections. Hate Nader the man or Jill Stein or Susan Sarandon all you want! I am not their biggest fans, either. Still it's the masses of unengaged voters who just don't bother who matter, not some 1990s Slatebro.

The Internet Of Shit

I know I come across is a bit of a technophobe sometimes, though I don't see myself that way. Being skeptical about the Segway revolutionizing transportation would have been a pretty good bet, for example. Lots of tech nerd stuff sounds cool in science fiction stories but isn't actually useful, even once we manage to invent it. Sometimes people don't think through the obvious consequences of their gadgets.

Their stories are part of a new pattern of behavior in domestic abuse cases tied to the rise of smart home technology. Internet-connected locks, speakers, thermostats, lights and cameras that have been marketed as the newest conveniences are now also being used as a means for harassment, monitoring, revenge and control.

Only in DC

We've had a years of an organized political movement dedicated to making it legal to discriminate against gay people in retail establishments, but just don't be mean to baby kidnapping supporter Sarah Sanders.

Morning Thread

I can't recommend Echidne's post Fuck Civility post enough. Really, we have to draw the line somewhere. Ripping babies from their mother's breast is a good place to start.

For some reason I've been thinking of Albert Speer. To the day he died, he claimed he had no notion of the holocaust. He was just a pencil pusher tasked with getting stuff from here to there. Why stuff needed to be moved was not in his job description so he never asked?

Monday, June 25, 2018

Monday cat blogging

Broadcast News

Is it a good movie? I liked it when I saw it. That was decades ago. Would I like it now? I am a bit scared.

Biden Baker

I honestly don't remember this. In 2012 a baker refused to serve Joe Biden and Republicans made him a hero. I don't remember this because why would I? Who cares. If a baker doesn't want serve Joe Biden I don't care. I don't remember it happening. I also don't remember several furious op-eds about it. Did they happen?

Scream At Them Always

Only the elite DC press could decide that baby kidnappers were sympathetic figures.

Yell at them whenever you see them.

Community Garden

I am generally anti-community garden for various reasons (short version: better than an empty lot, but they are private parks not public ones) but I have a plot now and here are two things the squirrels did not steal. Fuck squirrels.

Fuck You Very Much



It's a weird thing Dems say. I don't know why they have to fight? They need to win elections and then pass good laws.


When a Trumper kills a member of Congress, Trump will tweet that they deserved it.

The Civility Refs

The 2016 election taught us that appealing to the civility referees is the best way to win elections. The civility referees were so into calling fouls on Donald Trump that they refused to point the camera at his empty podiums.

Twitter Jail

I'm not mad. I was trying to see what it would take. Telling 3 people to kill themselves did it!

The Price of Fame

Once upon a time I was asked by a cable news show host (no longer one) who I didn't much like to audition to be a regular on the show. I suppose to be the liberal Erick Erickson of sorts. I decided I didn't want to bother for many reasons. Probably my bank account is mad at that decision (cable news guests are not paid until they become regulars, but are reasonably compensated then). Some of those reasons were just practical. This sucky blog, which I feel an obligation to, takes a lot of time (even if that isn't always obvious), and taking a train to NYC 3+ days per week would have made my life complicated (the internet is everywhere now, it wasn't then so much). I didn't think I'd be especially good at being a TV pundit. But also, to be honest, I just didn't want to be famous.

Once upon a time I was a bit internet famous back when that was sort of a weird thing. I am not even internet famous anymore. While I would love to be your benevolent dictator, because I would be the best benevolent dictator, I really don't want to be famous. It's still a bit entertaining when people recognize me on the streets, which happens occasionally, but I would not want it to happen all the time.

If I was on the teevee regularly, I wouldn't be surprised if my local cheesesteak vendor didn't serve me. I would find it funny, and would not be mad at all. It's also why I don't want to be on the teevee regularly, but we all make choices.

Fuck Walgreens

I get prescriptions at a well known pharmacy not named Walgreens as it is the closest to me. I don't know what their policies about this kind of thing are.

I'm not mad at the people who work in my pharmacy and do not say this in order to try get anyone trouble, but I do find it a bit disturbing that they do tend to loudly talk about the name of the drugs people are purchasing. "Are you here for the [insert drug name]?" kind of thing. Again, I'm not mad and not trying to get anyone in trouble, but generally it's a kind of a bad practice.


These conversations only come up when the left is being very uncivil. The Tea Partiers crashed every town hall for a year and this was just an expression of democracy from real Americans truly upset about the black guy being president whatever the fuck they were supposed to be upset about.

Thanks, Obama