
Why Young Feminists Are Sending Wire Coat Hangers to Susan Collins

Roe v. Wade is in danger. This is not a drill.

When Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy announced his retirement last week, he put an immediate target on reproductive rights. Kennedy, the longtime swing vote on the Court, was the crucial fifth vote recognizing a (limited) constitutional right to abortion. Trump has pledged to appoint anti-abortion conservatives in his place — and if he succeeds, the Supreme Court is almost certain to overturn Roe, allowing states to outlaw abortion.

Roe v. Wade is in danger. This is not a drill.

When Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy announced his retirement last week, he put an immediate target on reproductive rights. Kennedy, the longtime ...


Harsher punishment won’t keep kids safe from sexual abuse: the death penalty in India

When rape makes the headlines in India, talk of hanging begins. Commentators blare from news screens; politicians pledge death. These stories of brutal crime and brutal punishment, all in the name of protecting women and girls, tell us something  important about contemporary Indian responses to rape. They also tell us about a fundamental flaw in our thinking about sexual violence and punishment across contexts: a mistaken idea that the primary threat to women and children is from the “outside” or the “stranger” rather than our own homes.

When rape makes the headlines in India, talk of hanging begins. Commentators blare from news screens; politicians pledge death. These stories of brutal crime and brutal punishment, all in the name of protecting women and ...

USC student health center

USC case underscores why universities so often fail at handling sexual assault

The allegations against University of Southern California gynecologist George Tyndall hit the federal level last week, with the U.S. board of education stepping in to investigate the way the university neglected to address student concerns for decades. 

The allegations against University of Southern California gynecologist George Tyndall hit the federal level last week, with the U.S. board of education stepping in to investigate the way the university ...


Five Things Every Intern Should Know About Their Rights

My first year of college, I spent a frantic month applying to internships. I desperately wanted to work in politics, but I didn’t have any campaign experience, and all I cared about was a candidate I believed in. I would have taken any job that looked promising, no questions asked.

My first year of college, I spent a frantic month applying to internships. I desperately wanted to work in politics, but I didn’t have any campaign experience, and all I cared about was a candidate I ...

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Can’t get enough of our fresh, independent feminism? Follow us on Instagram!

We know Feministing is the source you turn to whenever you need a dose of nuanced analysis, take-no-shit commentary, and socially-just sex appeal. You may have even wished you had a teeny-tiny version of our crew in your pocket, ready to opine and enlighten on the latest news all day long.

We know Feministing is the source you turn to whenever you need a dose of nuanced analysis, take-no-shit commentary, and socially-just sex appeal. You may have even wished you had a teeny-tiny version of our crew in ...


The Paradox of the Celebrity Politician

I like to think that if some Martian stumbled onto Madison Avenue and met Carrie Bradshaw for an anthropological interview, it would have just about the least accurate understanding possible of the New York City lifestyle.

I like to think that if some Martian stumbled onto Madison Avenue and met Carrie Bradshaw for an anthropological interview, it would have just about the least accurate understanding possible of the New York City lifestyle.


Quick Hit: ICE Prevents Detainees from Observing Ramadan

As though ICE could get worse, this week at The Intercept Maryam Saleh reports on one immigration detention facility’s blatantly Islamophobic campaign to prevent Muslim detainees from observing Ramadan.

As though ICE could get worse, this week at The Intercept Maryam Saleh reports on one immigration detention facility’s blatantly Islamophobic campaign to prevent Muslim detainees from observing Ramadan.

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