Chipmark Design

Chipmark Design

Professional & Modern Blog

The Color Theory

It is believed that the colors you use when designing a web page can have a big impact on the way people perceive your purpose. Different colors have a different feel. Warm and Cold There are colors that are considered warm colors such as red and yellow. Red is a…

Essential Design Trends

Thin typography is what a lot of web designers are going with nowadays. This is taking its place as the modern design trend. A good example of this is Apple – everything is thin. Thin lettering holds an advantage as it makes a web page look neater than a bold…

The End of Microsoft Paint

Do you remember the program Microsoft Paint? Some say the program's use is coming to an end. This is due to the advancing capabilities of new programs that allow users a more advanced control of their projects.  Microsoft will be removing the default installation of the paint program and will…

Tools To Help You Make Your First Progressive Web App

A progressive web app also known as a PWA is an app like feature that can be used on the web. Instead of viewing an ordinary web page a PWA creates the app like feel. PWA.ROCKS gives you examples of progressive web apps. By visiting these progressive web apps you…

What Are Some Essentials That Go Along With Wearable Design?

  Wearable devices are something that is becoming extremely popular. They are every inch convenient and offer a variety of different apps. There are literally millions of these wearable devices out there on the market and some of them include the following. They include watches, wristbands, rings, glasses, and earphones…

What Are Some Ways To Make Your Website Standout On Its Own?

When you build a website, you take immense pride in it, and you want it to be a website that is better than others. You also want it to stand out from others as well. Clients do make it their goal to stand out from their competition and do favor…

What Are Some Lessons That UX Designers Can Learn With Game Development?

  Game development and web development do have lots in common. Gamers can be a truly demanding audience in their own kind of way. Web development can have sort of the same audience in its own way as well. However, web designers can learn a lot from game developers, and…

Some Smart Rules for Wearable Design That Do Make Sense to Use

Back in 2007, there was lots going on in the world of design, and it just wasn't about the invention of some awesome wearable apps. It was about designers making important choices in the ways that we would interact along with our phones. How people should be able to navigate…

What Are Some Secrets For AR Design To Be Successful?

Augmented reality is something that has managed to successfully make its own name and presence in the world of entertainment. It also has managed to create its own place in education, marketing, and numerous other industries as well. By 2019, AR is expected to only get bigger, and that means…

How to Build Backlinks Using Your Competitors’ Broken Pages

Building backlinks can often be quite exhausting. There are a few things that you need to keep in mind when it comes to getting the best results for your efforts. Having a little bit of knowledge in your corner will help you to get a step ahead of the competition.…