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Vision of Modi


Shri Narendra Modi has outlined his Vision for the India of tomorrow which resonates with the BJP's philosophy of "Sab Ka Saath, Sab Ka Vikas".

The comprehensive vision laid out by Shri Modi builds on the heritage of India's rich social and cultural diversity, its tradition, the strength of our human resource and the aspirations of the youth and women.

The concept of Brand India encapsulates all the sectors that have the potential to make India a global power. The five-Ts of Brand India are Talent, Trade, Tradition, Tourism and Technology.

The concept of Rainbow of India envisions seven key focus areas which will be the overarching theme of all initiatives to make India a developed nation. These themes are India's Culture, Agriculture, Women, Natural Resources, Youth power, Democracy and Knowledge.

Finally, Shri Modi outlined an eight point key development model, with detailed initiatives on each, to put India back on high growth path and deliver good governance to the citizens.


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