Bilaketaren emaitzak
  1. Pertsonak Guztiak ikusi

  2. Duela 4 ordu
    Hauei erantzuten:

    If the accepts 's encouragement of as , then it means that no black person can ever be found guilty of against whites, as all they have to do is say they were motivated by past hurt

  3. Duela 6 ordu

    Council of Europe's Commission Against Racism and Intolerance annual report published

  4. Duela 8 ordu

    STARTING in 2 hours Looking forward to meeting the 20 national and international students participating in my workshop.

  5. Duela 9 ordu
    erabiltzaileri erantzuten erabiltzaileari eta erabiltzaileri erantzuten

    . non profits, community managers, school principals, teachers, digital marketing heads, social media influencers, journalists and policy makers

  6. Duela 9 ordu

    is only when you Tell this govt the truth they don't want to hear, has this guy not exposed himself as part of those that killed in plateau? This is the kind of people they should arrest rather innocent plateau people will be arrested in their pains.

  7. Duela 11 ordu

    Has anyone seen the trailer for , a short film by Medina Media? It looks intense! .

  8. Duela 21 ordu
    Honi erantzuten:

    The 1st assignment of any dictatorial arrangement is to create fear/panic So, too much fear has been created by Arresting & Detaining without Trials. They talked about something like . Now they are talking about All is aimed at stifling Voice.

  9. Duela 21 ordu

    In increase in "anti-" correlates with physical attacks. Physical attacks based on looks - not on asylum application status - of course. People need to stop talk about " critics". In 2018, the real issue is and otherness. .

  10. Duela 22 ordu
  11. uzt. 2

    people who use are that blame others for their own want. You know what to do with as it violates If you want to learn how to see:

  12. uzt. 2

    Great news. 's show on broadcast on U.K.'s Channel 44 found guilty of ‘based on intolerance of the Ahmadiyya community & the religious beliefs of its members.' Channel put on notice by .

  13. uzt. 2

    Thanks to and EPRIE, the Exchange Program for Regional Integration in East Asia and Europe, we had very exciting conversations about the status of and actions against in China, Japan, South Korea and Germany. Looking forward to future exchanges!

  14. uzt. 2

    For the first time: and partners have launched Mitigation Field Guide in Juba, . The Field Guide offers tools, strategies and resources to combat both online and offline.

  15. uzt. 2

    By all means dislike Buhari and Osinbajo all you want. It’s a free world. Get your PVC and vote whomever you want; no one can force you to like any candidate. BUT LET’S NOT PRETEND LIKE WE DIDN’T SEE ALL THESE AND ISLAMISATION NARRATIVES IN 2014/15.

    Erakutsi haria
  16. uzt. 1
    Hauei erantzuten:

    Come On America! Just Listen To ’s Advisor The ❞ Leader➕ President, (In Slurred ) Incite Students To: ❝Get Guns To Kill Muslims❞ ➖ 🚫

  17. uzt. 1

    , as you know, was our Northern Angel. Judge, O you gods, how we Northerners loved Daily Trust. This was the most unkindest cut of all. Ingratitude, more strong than the traitors’ arms Quite vanquish’d us, then burst our mighty hearts..’

  18. uzt. 1

    On this plz remember: Stopping hate speech could be extremely difficult, but counterbalancing it isn’t. This is what we should focus on. We must become LOUDER and reach more people. We must deprive from its power. It has to become insignificant.

  19. eka. 29

    The press are not “the enemy of the people”. And to say they are in the current climate is completely irresponsible. Bad things start with

  20. eka. 29

    Buddhist nationalists and monks launched the campaign against called "Facebook Unfair in Myanmar" in Mandalay Region this week. Nationlaists blame Fb for its actions against as they banned users like who had attacked minority on Fb.

  21. eka. 28

    Critics of & even (especially if they're from the ), are now being called : Not only is this an attack on , it is designed to silence critics of & rooted in ! Why doesn't act?!

Badirudi kargak luze hartuko duela.

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