The new action focusing on job creation, municipal services and Turkish language trainings is supported by the European Union.
Turkey’s Engineer Girls (TEG) Project has been conducted in collaboration with Ministry of Family and Social Policy, Ministry of Education, Limak Foundation and United Nations Development Program
Investment in youth pays off! After seven months of hard work and dedication, a group of 28 students, a mix of Syrians and locals graduated the Android Bootcamp, with the ability to work as developers.
Consultations with the Chambers of Industry continues within the scope of the Total Factor Productivity (TFP) Project, which is being implemented to define the obstacles in front of economic efficiency and to determine the solutions.
An International Conference was held in Istanbul within the context of the “Support to Development of a Policy Framework for Total Factor Productivity in Turkey Project”, which is financed by the EU and the Republic of Turkey, implemented by the UNDP and with the Ministry of Development as the final beneficiary. Opening remarks of the conference were made by the Ministry of Development Deputy Undersecretary Hayri Maraşlığolu, UNDP Turkey Country Director Claudio Tomasi, EU Delegation to Turkey Counsellor François Begeot and Director of Central Finance and Contracting Unit M. Selim Uslu.
The Green Paper, which was prepared within the context of “Total Factor Productivity (TFP) Project” and consists of due diligence and policy recommendations to increase the contribution of total factor productivity to growth is completed. The document, which serves as a consultative document and seeks the opinions of stakeholders regarding the final policy framework (White Paper) design, is published on the project’s website at to seek for stakeholders’ opinions.

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