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Dispatch from the Second Day of Occupy ICE Philly

A report from the Radical Education Department on the ongoing occupation outside of an ICE facility in Philadelphia. by Arthur Burbridge Intro Last night—July 2nd—a coalition of...

Memorial Graffiti for Dan & Spit

The following photo and report was anonymously sent to It's Going Down. On the 4th of July 2018 some anarchists in Sydney painted a...

Thoughts on “This Land is Your Land,” Promoting Radical Politics, and...

An editorial about founding everyday opportunities to have radical discussions with people. The Fourth is here. Every year, people grill hot dogs, swill cheap beer,...

Call in to Cancel Tomi Lahren, Riverside CA

Call from Cactus Collective to put community pressure on the Mission Inn to cancel Alt-Lite media personality speaking event. Far-Right hate preacher Tomi Lahren is...

Crisis, Addiction, Survival: Interview with Queer Appalachia

In this episode of the It's Going Down podcast, we reached out to a fellow media project that has been expanding and growing in...

Hamilton Rent Strikers Rally Outside of Tenant Board

Report from the Hamilton Tenants Solidarity Network about their ongoing rent strike. Dozens of Stoney Creek Towers rent strikers and their supporters from across Hamilton...

Montreal: Antifascists Shut Down Far-Right Group

Sub.Media presents a new video documenting a confrontation with far-Right group, La Meute. On July 1st, far right group La Meute planned to hold their...

All Hands on Deck: Get Malik Washington out of Ad-Seg!

Update and call to support IWOC member and long time prison organizer, Malik Washington. Several weeks ago, friends and supporters of incarcerated freedom fighter...

Prison Strike Message Floated Over Lakefront with Helium Balloons

Report from action in Milwaukee which brought to bring attention to the upcoming national Prison Strike, set to kick off on August 21st. Today, during...

A Look Back on the First Few Weeks of #OccupyICEPDX

A critical look back on the first two weeks of the #OccupyICE occupation in Portland, Oregon. On Sunday June 17th, seven brave souls showed...

Louisville, KY: Report from Day One of Occupation of ICE

Report from Louisville ARA about the kicking off of an anti-ICE occupation. After just a few short days of local activists planning to occupy...

Against the Fascists: Report from Portland June 30th

Report and sobering analysis from someone that was on the ground in Portland on June 30th. When we got there it was almost 4 pm...

#LiberateStonybrook: Florida’s Own Water & Black Mold Crisis

Apartment residents in Florida are organizing against ongoing problems of black mold and leaking sewage. In coming together, they've faced attacks from slumlords. Now,...

This Is America #16: #OccupyICE Explodes, Bloody Portland

Welcome, to This Is America, July 2nd, 2018. Headlines and Tear Gas On Saturday, June 30th, across the US, hundreds of thousands of people took to...

Chiapas: Denunciation of Military Helicopter Flyovers in Zapatista Territory

This communique comes from the National Indigenous Congress and the Indigenous Government Council denouncing the harassment of Indigenous communities that have refused to allow...

Abolitionist Contingent Breaks Away from #FamiliesBelongTogether, Protests at Stephen Miller’s Condo

Report from DC Direct Action News about the Abolitionist Bloc that took place in DC during the mass anti-ICE demonstrations, and marched on Stephen...

Kite Line: They’re Not Detention Centers, They’re Prisons

The latest episode of Kite Line, a long running anti-prison podcast out of Bloomington, Indiana. Listen and Download HERE For this episode, we are returning to...

P’urhĂ©pecha Territory, Michoacán: “WE DECIDED THAT THERE WILL NOT BE ELECTIONS...

This communique comes from the community of Nahuatzén, Michoacán who are facing aggressions for refusing to allow the electoral process to take place in...

Support Portland Arrestees & Injured in Patriot Prayer Confrontation

Please donate to help those injured and arrested during confrontations with Patriot Prayer in Portland, Oregon. Rose City Antifa is also doing a fundraiser...

Kingston: Anti-Canada Day Banner Drop

The following anonymous report was originally posted to North-Shore.Info. This morning we dropped a banner over Highway 2 from the Royal Military College bridge reading...

P’urhépecha Territory, Michoacán: Indigenous Resist Violent State Repression and the Installation...

This communique comes from the Indigenous community of Nahuatzén, who yesterday June 30th, received violent attacks from the state for resisting the installation of...
An editorial about founding everyday opportunities to have radical discussions with people. The Fourth is here. Every year, people grill hot dogs, swill cheap beer, and blow things up in the sky in a rousing celebration of what it means to be American. The songs, like Christmas Carols, invariably repeat...
The following editorial argues that the system of cash bail is aimed at fleecing the poor of massive amounts of money in a system that rarely penalizes the wealthy. In Humboldt county, located in Northern California, people are calling for a boycott on Sizzler and Subway in Eureka because the...
Report from the Hamilton Tenants Solidarity Network about their ongoing rent strike. Dozens of Stoney Creek Towers rent strikers and their supporters from across Hamilton (as well as fellow tenants from Parkdale Organize in Toronto) rallied outside the Landlord & Tenant Board this morning. 33 tenants have a hearing scheduled this morning,...
Sub.Media presents a new video documenting a confrontation with far-Right group, La Meute. On July 1st, far right group La Meute planned to hold their “largest and best rally ever” in Montreal. Anti-fascists outnumbered them, surrounded them, and prevented them from marching by keeping them confined to a single block.
A report from the Radical Education Department on the ongoing occupation outside of an ICE facility in Philadelphia. by Arthur Burbridge Intro Last night—July 2nd—a coalition of groups in Philadelphia occupied the local ICE office.  In what follows  I offer a few quick sketches of the occupation.  I was there at the...
Report and sobering analysis from someone that was on the ground in Portland on June 30th. When we got there it was almost 4 pm with large groups on both sides. It’s very hard to estimate numbers but it seemed as if there were about 150 on the antifascist side...