Friends of the Earth (FoE) Melbourne  is a non-for profit organisation working for a socially equitable and environmentally sustainable future. The international Friends of the Earth network is  active in 77 countries with over 2 million members. Read more.


Victoria: A state that works for people, climate, environment, and economy

In November 2018, Victorians will head to the polls. With community concern about climate change on the rise, it's an issue that all political parties must address in detail.

Our state is undergoing profound change as the population grows, entire industries go to the wall, and climate change starts to really impact on our landscapes, economy and lifestyles. Yet Melbourne continues to sprawl, as low density development covers valuable farmland and remnant vegetation, supported by transport infrastructure that will perpetuate our current reliance on cars.

An election provides all parties with the opportunity to demonstrate leadership on the interconnected issues of climate, energy, social justice, and the economy.


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Labor coal announcement will undermine govt’s climate credentials

Yallourn.jpgMEDIA RELEASE: 1 June 2018

Today’s announcement by the Andrews government that it will extend the licenses of the Latrobe Valley’s major power plants undermines its credentials on climate change and raises the potential that Victoria’s transition to a low carbon future will stall.

“In the 21st century, with what we know about climate science and the imperative to transition as rapidly as possible to 100% renewables, any announcement to keep coal fired power stations open can only be bad news for the climate” said Friends of the Earth campaigns co-ordinator Cam Walker.

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MEDIA RELEASE: Wonwondah wind farm gets the green light - Will local Nationals MP support jobs & investment?


A new wind farm in Wonondah North in western Victoria has been given the green light by the Andrews government and will bring jobs and investment to the Wimmera region. 

Friends of the Earth say the local region can be proud of the project that will power 25,000 homes and help Victoria tackle climate change. 

"Victorian climate change solutions such as the Wonwonda wind farm bring jobs and investment to regional communities," said Leigh Ewbank, Friends of the Earth climate spokesperson. 

"The facility will contribute towards Victoria meeting its legislated target of zero net emissions by 2050--something the whole community can be proud of." 

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May 2018 Update

Friends! Tax time is upon us and now is the time to dig deep and help us as we gear up for the November State Election. We have 5 key asks this election:

  • Victoria's first climate focused budget, delivering investment in climate change solutions and protects communities from climate impacts.

  • Powering Melbourne’s train network with solar and wind power to ensure
    Victoria’s transport system is clean, modern and non-polluting while creating
    sustainable jobs in regional Victoria and metropolitan areas.
  • The creation of the Great Forest National Park (GFNP) and East Gippsland Emerald Link Reserve, delivering a transition plan for workers in the forestry industry.

  • Commitment to a community focused transport plan for the future of Melbourne and shift funding from roads to critical public transport infrastructure, such as Melbourne Metro 2.

  • The creation of a publicly-owned retailer, backed by 100% renewable energy, to ensure Victorians have access to clean, fair and affordable electricity.

Can you help us make this a reality? Please make a tax deductible donation here - together we can do this!



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Victorian opposition paper plan will destroy forests, wildlife and long term jobs

Friends of the Earth is calling on the Victorian opposition to support sustainable wood and fibre production by committing to only use recycled paper, not paper made from Victoria’s forests. 

Yesterday, leader of the Victorian opposition Matthew Guy and Nationals leader Peter Walsh announced that Coalition government offices would only use Australian-made paper sourced from logging operations in Victoria’s native forests.

Clearfell logging in Toolangi state forest - Chris Taylor 

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Good News - First 1600ha of High Conservation Value Forest Reserved in Strzelecki Ranges

Friends of the Earth received the good news that the first 1600ha of land, in the long running Strzelecki Ranges Rainforest Cores and Links saga, was Gazetted by the Victorian State Government on the 10th of May 2018. 

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Friends of the Earth’s winter speaker series

31531738_602038206823714_246279484951494656_n.jpgDuring winter we will be hosting a range of forums for our members, supporters, and allies. These will cover a range of topics, from the long campaign to protect the forests along the Murray River, to green economics, and climate change and grief.

They are free events and will be held downstairs at the Friends of the Earth café.

312 Smith street, Collingwood (#86 tram, corner of Perry Street).

All welcome.

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Federal Government Fails Murray-Darling River Communities

605_billion_Litres_small.pngHave you heard the news? Last week the Federal Government slashed the Murray Darling Basin Plan by one fifth.

The Basin Plan was an agreement to restore the health of the river after drought and decades of over extraction had decimated the ecological communities on the river. The river has been sick for a long time, the Darling has run dry, and fish, birdlife and wetlands are struggling near the mouth of the Murray. This change is one more nail in the coffin.

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Andrews govt gas drilling plan undermines climate and energy credentials

offshore_oil_drilling_100515.jpgMEDIA RELEASE 17 May 2018

The Andrews government has continued to undermine its climate credentials, and announced it will open up a large section of the Victorian coastline to gas exploration and, potentially, drilling.

“Around the world, smart economies are moving to reduce reliance on gas. This will further entrench Victoria’s reliance on fossil fuels” said Friends of the Earth campaigns co-ordinator Cam Walker. “This announcement represents old fashioned thinking that will not reduce costs to gas consumers.”

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